over 2 years
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Wrath of the Lich King Classic
- Weapon trail visual effects have been restored to abilities that have them.
Dungeons and Raids
- Blackrock Spire can again be entered by 10-player raids.
- Resolved an issue where selecting certain roles for your class in the Group Finder would not actually display them in your listing.
- Fixed an issue where Group Finder listings would be removed for certain players when moving between zones.
- Fixed an issue where the Talent Specialization’s role could be set to tank after changing zones.
- Developers’ note: The intention here is that this role selection should always default to DPS, and can be set by players based on how they want to describe their talent builds.
Items and Rewards
- Fixed an issue that didn’t allow the auction of certain items carried over from Burning Crusade Classic.
Player versus Player
- Updated the current Battleground Bonus Weekend to Warsong Gulch (was Strand of the Ancients).
- Random Battleground Queue no longer shows up for players below level 80.
- Fixed a crash when inspecting another player and opening the PvP tab.
- For the quest “Runeforging: Preparation for Battle,” Instructor Razuvious will now (begrudgingly) provide a spare Runed Soulblade for Death Knights who have managed to misplace theirs.
Wrath of the Lich King Classic
Items and Rewards
- Resolved an issue preventing Smelt Titansteel from triggering a cooldown as intended.
- Resolved an issue preventing Create Mooncloth, Create Ebonweave, and Create Spellweave from requiring the proper location and from triggering a cooldown, as intended.
- Resolved an issue where Ethereal Essence Sphere, Paper Flying Machine, and the Paper Zeppelin would fail to show up in a player’s bags after being thrown to them.
- Resolved an issue that sometimes caused the player to not mount the carpet during the “Magic Carpet Ride” quest.