over 2 years ago - Linxy-11302 - Direct link


Wrath of the Lich King Classic

  • Classes
    • Weapon trail visual effects have been restored to abilities that have them.
  • Dungeons and Raids
    • Blackrock Spire can again be entered by 10-player raids.
    • Resolved an issue where selecting certain roles for your class in the Group Finder would not actually display them in your listing.
    • Fixed an issue where Group Finder listings would be removed for certain players when moving between zones.
    • Fixed an issue where the Talent Specialization’s role could be set to tank after changing zones.
      • Developers’ note: The intention here is that this role selection should always default to DPS, and can be set by players based on how they want to describe their talent builds.
  • Items and Rewards
    • Fixed an issue that didn’t allow the auction of certain items carried over from Burning Crusade Classic.
  • Player versus Player
    • Updated the current Battleground Bonus Weekend to Warsong Gulch (was Strand of the Ancients).
    • Random Battleground Queue no longer shows up for players below level 80.
    • Fixed a crash when inspecting another player and opening the PvP tab.
  • Quests
    • For the quest “Runeforging: Preparation for Battle,” Instructor Razuvious will now (begrudgingly) provide a spare Runed Soulblade for Death Knights who have managed to misplace theirs.


Wrath of the Lich King Classic

  • Items and Rewards
    • Resolved an issue preventing Smelt Titansteel from triggering a cooldown as intended.
    • Resolved an issue preventing Create Mooncloth, Create Ebonweave, and Create Spellweave from requiring the proper location and from triggering a cooldown, as intended.
    • Resolved an issue where Ethereal Essence Sphere, Paper Flying Machine, and the Paper Zeppelin would fail to show up in a player’s bags after being thrown to them.
  • Quests
    • Resolved an issue that sometimes caused the player to not mount the carpet during the “Magic Carpet Ride” quest.