7 months
ago -
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Greetings, Alchemists!
We have been closely monitoring feedback and the experience with Alchemy in The War Within and are working on a series of adjustments to improve the overall experience that we intend to push live within the next day or so. The below list includes most of our planned adjustments, but any additional bug fixes or improvements will be noted in the hotfix logs once the changes have been finalized and pushed to live. Since some of these changes may impact immediate decision making, we wanted to inform the community as soon as possible.
- Algari Potion Cauldrons and Algari Flask Cauldrons will no longer cost Artisan’s Acuity as part of their recipe.
- Algari Potion Cauldron charges will be increased to 80 (up from 40) and the cost increased to compensate.
- Meticulous Experimentation will have its cost and cooldown increased, however it will guarantee a new recipe when crafted.
- Wild Experimentation’s success and failure chances will be slightly adjusted.
- The lockout on failed Wild Experimentations will be reduced to 10 minutes (down from 15).
- While under the effects of Formulated Courage, Wild Experimentation will no longer cause explosions that interrupt your focus.
We hope you have been enjoying The War Within along with us. Thank you for your continued feedback!