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NOVEMBER 17, 2022
- Temporal Anomaly will no longer occasionally fail to apply its absorb to full health targets.
- Using Temporal Anomaly with Resonating Sphere will no longer replace a full strength Echo.
- Fixed an issue causing Rhapsody to be removed at the start of dungeon encounters.
Items and Rewards
- Fixed an issue where Evokers were unable to roll Need on certain off-hand weapons and trinkets.
- Fixed an issue where Bone Fishing Pole and Seth’s Graphite Fishing Pole incorrectly had combat stats on them.
Fixed an issue where legacy quests were not correctly identifying Dracthyr.
Fixed an issue where Evokers were not eligible to complete the Tarecgosa’s Rest questline.
Fixed an issue where Storm Huntress Suhrakka would not appear while progressing through the Vashj’ir introduction if players had accepted the quest “Call of Duty.”
Wrath of the Lich King Classic
Player versus Player
- Updated the Arena Points cap from 5,000 to 10,000 to be consistent with original Wrath of the Lich King’s season 5 cap.
NOVEMBER 16, 2022
- New Dracthyr should no longer cause multiple chat messages about achievements.
- Fixed an issue causing newly created Evokers to be unable to enter Iron Docks and Grimrail Depot dungeons.
- Fixed an issue where spells could be cast while in Soulshape.
- Resolved an issue where Evokers were unable to purchase Eternal Aspirant or Eternal Gladiator Armor pieces.
Dungeons and Raids
Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
- The dungeon should now show up in the Dungeon Finder under World Events during the pre-expansion Tempest Unleashed event even if the player is low item level.
Items and Rewards
- The drop chances for Son of Galleon’s Saddle, Reins of the Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent, Reins of the Cobalt Primordial Direhorn, Reins of the Thundering Cobalt Cloud Serpent, and Solar Spirehawk have been greatly increased.
- Fixed an issue that caused the creation of some bind-on-equip items to be the incorrect item level.
- Fixed an issue where Return to Karazhan Mythic+ end-of-run chests contained incorrect item level loot.
- Fixed an issue where some enemies and game objects appeared at max level for characters below level 60 in Shadowlands max level dungeons.
- Fixed an issue that prevented opposite faction players from being able to earn a chance at loot for defeating Fire Revenant, Lava Elemental, Earth Revenant, Air Revenant, and Water Elemental.
- Quaking Spikes during Earth Storms will no longer hit flying players.
- Fixed an issue where the level requirements for heritage questlines were incorrectly scaled.
- Fixed an issue where users on lower graphics settings were having difficulty locating Talon Kethahn during the “Awaken, Dracthyr” quest.
- Fixed an issue where players could get stuck in the Forbidden Reach.
- Fixed an issue where the objectives of the quest “To Be Prepared” were phased out once the pre-expansion quests were completed.
- Dracthyr can now accept and complete the quest, “The Archon’s Answer.”
Wrath of the Lich King Classic
- Fixed an issue where pets were not properly benefiting from resilience.
Player versus Player
- The PvP rating calculation has been adjusted to provide a continuous, modest increase of MMR for the rest of the season.
- Developers’ note: We’ve been monitoring players’ rating distribution, and the percentage of players who have reached the rating requirements is much lower than we want it to be.
- The PvP rating calculation has been adjusted to provide a continuous, modest increase of MMR for the rest of the season.
NOVEMBER 15, 2022
Items and Rewards
- Fixed an issue where optional Dragonflight reagents could drop during the Uldaman Prologue.
- Fixed an issue where Aquabombs in Ice/Water Storms could instantly kill players
- Players who have reached level 60 and have completed the Shadowlands level up campaign on a different character will be able to choose the “Threads of Fate” option, allowing them to skip the level up campaign to begin the endgame of Shadowlands.
- Developers’ note: The Threads of Fate system is still no longer available for any characters who haven’t already entered it prior to the recent update.