7 months ago - Linxy - Direct link

September 11, 2024


  • Mage
    • Frost
      • The Death’s Chill aura will now be removed alongside Ice Form.
      • Frost Splinterstorm will now correctly apply Winter’s Chill to shielded targets.


  • Fixed an issue causing some trinkets to drop for the wrong specialization in Delves.
  • Fixed an issue where killing a group buffed by Zekvir’s Influence could fail to count for extra rewards.
  • Fixed an issue where Web Spreaders can target stealthed and invisible players.
  • Weekly Quest delve icons have been moved slightly to make it easier to see if a delve is bountiful or not.
  • Tak-Rethan Abyss
    • Added an exit button to the Kobyss Killer vehicle.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Nerub-ar Palace
    • Fixed an issue where the Caustic Skyrazor in the Ascending Reach could sometimes fail to Wicked Dive the platform.
    • Resolved an issue where some abilities could unintentionally pull creatures in the pulsing pit.
    • Rasha’nan
      • Resolved an issue which could cause Rasha’nan to become unkillable upon death.
      • Resolved an issue where Infested Spawn could spawn after Rasha’nan’s death.
    • The Silken Court
      • The fight will now correctly go to the next phase if boss health is lowered very quickly.


  • Players in a raid group should now get World Quest credit when killing the World Bosses in each zone.
  • The Aggregation of Horrors world boss in the Ringing Deeps should no longer react to players while its shield is up.
  • Fixed an issue where Memory of Clodgran holograms were not respawning during the Theater Troupe play “Forget Me Not.”
  • Fixed an issue where too many enemies could spawn during the Theater Troupe play “Cruelty of Dornic.”

Items and Rewards

  • Fixed an issue where class set tokens were Bind-on-Pickup, rather than Warbound-until-Equipped as intended.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Warbound-until-Equipped gear from seasonal legacy dungeons to generate at lower item levels than intended.
    • Developers’ notes: This fix is not retroactive. We hope to be able to address the low ilvl items in an upcoming hotfix.

Player versus Player

  • Resolved an issue where “Preserving in Arenas” was not correctly incrementing quest credit.


  • Alchemy
    • Meticulous Experimentation will no longer allow you to experiment with herbs that have no possible discoveries until all discoveries are found. Wild Experimentation remains unchanged due to specialization benefits.
    • [With realm restarts] The achievement Overflowing Algari Flasks should no longer require a criteria that does not exist.
    • Potions - Bulk Production (20) now grants Fleeting Healing Potions to classes (not specializations) that can never use mana when crafting Algari Mana Potion, Slumbering Soul Serum, or Cavedweller’s Delight.
  • Engineering
    • Crowd Pummeler 2-30 now requires a confirmation prompt to learn. The cooldown of Invent is now 20 hours (was 24 hours).
    • Inventor’s Guile now persists through death and cannot be right-clicked off.
  • Herbalism
    • Fixed an issue where the Artisan Gardening Hat was preventing equipping Alchemy Profession Hats and vice versa.


  • Fixed an issue where enemies were not respawning quickly enough for the quest “No More Bread”.
  • Arathi Supplies now last for twice as long once spawned for “Recovery Job” and are placed in more centralized locations.