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Hope everyone had a lovely weekend!
Here are the class changes coming with this week’s restart.
November 9, 2020
- General
- [ With regional restarts ] All tank specializations passive threat generation has increased.
- Druid
- Feral
- [ With regional restarts ] Damage of all abilities increased by 8%.
- Restoration
- [ With regional restarts ] Damage of all abilities reduced by 5%.
- Hunter
- Beast Mastery
- [ With regional restarts ] The damage of all abilities except Cobra Shot and Barbed Shot have been reduced by 5%.
- Marksmanship
- [ With regional restarts ] Volley (Talent) damage reduced by 30%.
- Mage
- General
- [ With regional restarts ] Arcane Explosion damage reduced by 8%.
- Frost
- [ With regional restarts ] Splitting Ice’s Ice Lance damage to secondary targets reduced to 65% (was 80%).
- [ With regional restarts ] Ice Lance damage reduced by 10%.
- [ With regional restarts ] Freezing Rain’s Blizzard damage increased to 60% (was 50%).
- [ With regional restarts ] Comet Storm damage increased by 5%.
- Monk
- Windwalker
- [ With regional restarts ] Damage of all abilities increased by 5%.
- Paladin
- General
- [ With regional restarts ] Crusader Strike mana cost reduced to 9% base mana (was 14%).
- [ With regional restarts ] Shield of the Righteous damage reduced by 15%.
- Holy
- [ With regional restarts ] Holy Shock healing increased by 10%.
- [ With regional restarts ] Word of Glory healing increased by 9%.
- [ With regional restarts ] Glimmer of Light (Talent) healing reduced by 10%.
- Protection
- [ With regional restarts ] Protection Paladin passive Armor bonus reduced to 10% (was 20%).
- [ With regional restarts ] Word of Glory healing increased by 9% and healing when casting Word of Glory (Rank 2) on yourself reduced to 250% based on your missing health (was 300%).
- Retribution
- [ With regional restarts ] Damage of all abilities increased by 4%.
- [ With regional restarts ] Execution Sentence (Talent) no longer has a chance to critically strike and initial damage reduced by 25%.
- [ With regional restarts ] Final Reckoning (Talent) increased damage taken reduced to 35% (was 50%).
- [ With regional restarts ] Sanctified Wrath (Talent) damage increased by 50%.
- Priest
- Discipline
- [ With regional restarts ] Power Word: Shield absorb reduced by 8%.
- [ With regional restarts ] Shadow Word: Pain damage reduced by 10%.
- [ With regional restarts ] Purge the Wicked (Talent) damage reduced by 10%.
- Rogue
- Subtlety
- Resolved an issue that allowed Subtlety Rogue’s Eviscerate to deal additional damage to targets that have another Rogue’s Find Weakness active.
- Shaman
- General
- [ With regional restarts ] Chain Heal healing reduced by 7%.
- Restoration
- [ With regional restarts ] The bonus damage for choosing the Restoration Shaman specialization has been lowered to 15% (was 40%). At level 37, this value increases back to 40%.
- Warrior
- Arms
- [ With regional restarts ] Damage of all abilities increased by 6%.
- [ With regional restarts ] Cleave (Talent) no longer replaces Sweeping Strikes.
- Fury
- [ With regional restarts ] Damage of all abilities increased by 10%.
- [ With regional restarts ] Whirlwind additional target damage reduced to 45% (was 50%).
- [ With regional restarts ] Bladestorm (Talent) damage increased by 8%.
- [ With regional restarts ] Frenzy (Talent) Haste reduced to 2% (was 3%) and max stacks increased to 4 (was 3).