Original Post — Direct link

Hi everyone!

Today, starting at 1:00 p.m. Pacific, about 2 hours from this post, we’ll be here answering your questions with several members of the World of Warcraft development team who have a particular focus on class design, item design, Artifacts, and PvP balance.

The developers are:

Additionly, /u/Kaivax and I (/u/devolore) will be here, helping out as much as we can.

Of course, a special shoutout to the /r/wow mods is in order as well! Thank you for helping us organize this and get it running.

Again, we’ll begin answering questions starting at about 1:00 p.m. Pacific, but please feel free to start submitting questions now.

We’re really looking forward to chatting with everyone today!

EDIT: Our time is officially over now, but some of the devs are going to hang around a little longer to answer a few more questions. Thanks for joining us, everyone!

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almost 8 years ago - /u/Kaivax - Direct link

Originally posted by Rixkst3r

Not hating on you guys for answering mostly pve questions but could you please answer more than one pvp question(not this one though I don't wanna waste our few answers)


Thanks for stopping by. We're answering as many different questions as we can.

almost 8 years ago - /u/Kaivax - Direct link

Originally posted by CrystallynRose

Hi there!

Thanks for the AMA! I was just wondering if in the future there'd be class based AMA's with the devs in the future? Just seems, by looking through all the questions, that all the classes are competing with each other for attention and I'm worried that some classes just won't get many of their questions answered.


It's certainly possible that we'll do this again. Class-based feels like a lot to chew and swallow. Would we open up 12 different threads? 36?

That seems very unlikely to me, but anything is possible.