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1s ah Australian
3s animals now there's a topic that can get
6s people talking especially those from
9s overseas there's this amusing somewhat
13s bewildering perception among many
15s foreigners that every creature in
17s Australia is out to get
19s you you know the old everything in
23s Australia wants to kill you
25s line it's a bit of a chuckle for us
28s Aussies as we go about our daily lives
31s not exactly dodging death at every
33s turn let's Muse over this quirky
37s stereotype and the reality of our unique
40s fora first up it's true we do have some
44s of the world's most venomous snakes
46s slithering around like the Inland
50s taian then there are the spiders the
54s redback and the funnel web which sound
57s like they' walked straight out of a
58s horror
59s movie
61s and who could forget the saltwater
63s crocodile an apex predator that
66s certainly demands
68s respect but here's the thing encounters
71s with these deadly creatures are
73s relatively rare most Australians go
77s about their daily lives without so much
79s as a sighting of these Infamous
82s Critters it's like we've got this
84s reputation for living in a wildlife
86s Thriller but the reality is more like a
89s peaceful nature doct
91s documentary take kangaroos for
93s instance these iconic Aussie animals are
96s more likely to be seen grazing
98s peacefully in the bush or bounding
100s across a field than engaging in any sort
103s of deadly
104s Showdown sure they're strong and can be
107s unpredictable but they're hardly the
109s menacing beasts some might
112s imagine and what about
115s koalas these cuddly looking
118s mpal are a symbol of Australia's is
120s unique
121s Wildlife well they may look like the
124s perfect plush toy they're wild animals
127s of course but hardly
129s dangerous in fact they're more at risk
132s from us with habitat loss and disease
136s posing significant threats to their
139s populations then there's the quaca
143s famously known as the world's happiest
145s animal thanks to its seemingly constant
149s smile in native to Western Australia
152s these little creatures have become a bit
153s of a selfie
155s sensation hardly the stuff of nightmares
158s right but back to the deadly reputation
162s one reason for this perception might be
165s the sheer uniqueness of Australian
168s Wildlife our animals are unlike those
171s found anywhere else in the
172s world more than 80% of our mammals
175s reptiles and frogs are endemic to
178s Australia along with 90% of our fish and
182s insects with such distinctive lineup
184s it's no wonder our Wildlife has become
187s the stuff of
188s Legend The Fear Factor might also be
191s implified by the stories that make their
193s way around the world it's like telephone
196s Whispers a snake in a backyard becomes a
199s daily battle for survival in the telling
202s and retelling and let be honest it makes
205s for a more thrilling story to talk about
208s the dangers lurking in the Australia
210s Lush than the more commonplace reality
213s of peaceful
215s coexistence what's often overlooked in
217s these sensationalized Tales are the
220s efforts Australians make to live
222s harmoniously with our native fora we've
225s got snake catchers who safely relocate a
228s waywood serpent and Wildlife carers who
231s nurse injured animals back to health
233s it's a relationship built on respect and
236s an understanding of the delicate balance
239s between humans and nature
242s in a way this misconception about our
244s deadly animals is a bit like a metaphor
247s for Australia itself a land that seems
250s rugged and Untamed from afar but upon
253s closer look is diverse sophisticated and
256s full of Unexpected
258s Delights it's a country where you can
261s admire a kangaroo lounging in the sun
264s watch a koala dozing in a eucalyptus
267s tree or even snap a selfie with a quer
270s all without fearing for your
272s life so well it's fun to play up the
276s everything wants to kill you stereotype
278s with friends from
280s overseas the truth is living among
282s Australia's unique Wildlife is more
285s about Wonder than danger it's a daily
288s reminder of the extraordinary natural
291s beauty of our country and the privilege
294s we have in sharing our home with such
296s remarkable creatures except for drop
299s bears