almost 4 years
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Check out today’s hotfixes, including the removal of the Soul Ash cap.
MARCH 26, 2021
- Improved the auto-targeting of player spells that are intended to avoid out-of-combat enemies. This hotfix includes further enhancements to the 9.0.5. changes that reduced spells pulling extra enemies.
- Death Knight
- Blood
- [With regional restarts] Veteran of the Third War (Rank 2) now also reduces all damage taken by 10% in non-PvP situations.
- Demon Hunter
- Vengeance
- [With regional restarts] Fixed an issue where both the Havoc and Vengeance versions of Demonic Wards were being applied to Vengeance Demon Hunters.
- [With regional restarts] Fixed an issue where the Havoc version of Shattered Souls was being applied to Vengeance Demon Hunters.
- [With regional restarts] Demonic Wards (Rank 1) damage reduction increased to 10% (was 5%) in non-PvP situations.
- Druid
- Guardian
- [With regional restarts] Ursine Adept now also reduces all damage taken by 10% in non-PvP situations.
- Monk
- Brewmaster
- [With regional restarts] Brewmaster’s Balance now also reduces all damage taken by 10% in non-PvP situations.
- Paladin
- Protection
- [With regional restarts] New Passive: Aegis of Light – All damage taken reduced by 10% in non-PvP situations.
- Warlock
- Demonic Circle, Grimoire: Felguard (Talent), Mortal Coil (Talent), and Summon Infernal will no longer be placed on a very long cooldown when interrupted and affected by a Death Knight’s Heartstop Aura or Delirium.
- Warrior
- Protection
- [With regional restarts] Vanguard now also reduces all damage taken by 10% in non-PvP situations.
Items and Rewards
- Soul Ash no longer has a cap on the amount that can be held at one time.
- Fixed an issue where players who died on the final stage of the Tyrande’s Ascension scenario during the quest “In Darkest Night” would release to the incorrect location.