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Visions of N’Zoth introduced a variety of new pets, mounts, and items for collectors to hunt down while facing the old god’s twisted visions. We’ve highlighted some of them to point you in the right direction.

A Multitude of Mounts

There are many mounts waiting to be hunted down and added to your stable of available transportation options. Some you’ll come upon with a little luck, while others take time and effort to make your own.

Zone: Uldum

Raise Your Own Mount: Shadowbarb Drone (Quest)
Shadowbarb Drone Mount
Shadowbarb Drone: “Void, jelly, and a very full belly are all this drone needs.

If you’re looking for an opportunity to raise your own mount from hatchling to fully grown beast of burden, then look no further than the Shadowbarb Drone. This flying beastie’s quest begins in Uldum and can only be started while the Aqir Invasion is occurring in the zone. You’ll need to seek out a Voidtouched Egg to begin, then complete a 30-day quest series (one per day) before you can claim it for your own. For a step-by-step walkthrough, check out Wowhead’s guide.

The Friendliest of Alpacas: The Springfur Alpaca (Quest)
“The kind nature of alpacas make them perfect as companions for intrepid adventurers.”

Some hungry, friendly alpacas in Uldum need to be fed some Gersahl Greens over a period of 7 days to complete the quest “Alpaca It In”.

Uldum Assaults

Malevolent Drone

“The Aqir drones feast on heroes and cowards alike to grow their ranks.”

Drop: Corpse Eater

Reins of the Drake of the Four Winds

“Rocks erode, fires sputter, but wind remains powerful regardless of the passage of time.Phaoris”

Drop: Ishak of the Four Winds

Waste Marauder

“Larger than most of its kin, this vulture has shown strong and sick beasts alike why they need to fear the skies.”

Drop: Rotfeaster

Vale of Eternal Blossoms Assaults

Clutch of Ha-Li

“The brood of Ha-Li are comfortable in the blue skies of Pandaria hunting unsuspecting prey.”

Drop: Ha Li

Ivory Cloud Serpent

“Ivory Cloud Serpents are often mistaken for roaring thunder as they tear through the skies with blistering speed.”

Drop: Ivory Cloud Serpent
Invasion Type: Mogu

To obtain this rare mount, you’ll first need to obtain the Zan-Tien Lasso, which drops from enemies during Mogu invasions. You’ll then need to lasso the fast flying Ivory Cloud Serpent in the skies above the Eternal Vale.

Ren’s Stalwart Hound

“Houndlord Ren used his strongest quilen to carry him across Pandaria to subjugate the Vale for the Mogu empire.”

Drop: Houndlord Ren


“The only thing stronger than a Quilen’s loyalty is its fierce devotion to making sure it covers its owner in kisses.”

Drop: Anh-De the Loyal

Rajani Warserpent

“Fierce companions of the followers of Ra-den, the Rajani Warserpents are a force to be reckoned with.”

Vendor: Zhang Ku (Cost 1 Pristine Cloud Serpent Scale)

Horrific Visions

Black Serpent of N’Zoth

“The black serpents of N’Zoth are the harbingers of his ultimate vision becoming reality. Only those servants or enemies that can treat this space have any chance of wrangling them.”

Achievement: Through the Depths of Visions
Complete the following Horrific Visions achievements: The Most Horrific Vision of Stormwind, The Most Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar, Unwavering Resolve, and We Have the Technology.

Mail Muncher

“Worming its way through the Postmaster’s network, this serpent of N’Zoth deprived Azeroth of its primary magical correspondence.”

Drop: Mail Muncher
Zone: Vision of Orgrimmar and Vision of Stormwind

Wicked Swarmer

“When the Void reached out, the Aqir were formed in its terrible image.”

Vendor: Wrathion in the Chamber of Heart (100,000 Corrupted Mementos)


Wastewander Skyterror
“Doubting a Wastewander Skyterror’s capabilities is a quick way to find yourself missing a limb.”

Vendor: Provisioner Qorra (Requires Exalted with Uldum Accord)

Raid: Ny’alotha, the Waking City

Ny’alotha Allseer

“To find him, drown yourself in the Circle of Stars.”

Drop: N’Zoth the Corruptor

Wriggling Parasite

“It’s so wiggly! Just looking at it move is chaotic and unnerving.”

Achievement: Glory of the Ny’alotha Raider: Complete the Ny’alotha, the Waking City raid achievements: Smoke Test, Phase 3 Prophet, Realizing Your Potential, Temper Tantrum, How? Isn’t it Obelisk?, Cleansing Treatment, Mana Sponge, Buzzer Beater, You Can Pet the Dog, But…, Total Annihilation, Bloody Mess, and It’s Not A Cult.

Uncorrupted Voidwing

“This spawn of Vexiona, cleansed by Wrathion, comes from a flight with a fractured past and an uncertain future.”

Quest: Lost Flight (This is part of the Ahead of the Curve: N’Zoth the Corruptor achievement.)

Battle for Azeroth: Season 4

Rated Arena and Battleground Season Awards
Vicious White Bonestead (Horde)

“There are few other ways to ride into battle that feature as many spikes and bones.”

Rated Arena and Battleground season reward

Vicious White Warsaber (Alliance)

“If you try to give it a belly scratch, you’re asking for trouble.”

Rated Arena and Battleground season reward

Corrupted Gladiator’s Proto-Drake

“They say that proto-drakes can smell fear. This iron-bound monster FEEDS off of it.”

Achievement: Gladiator: Battle for Azeroth Season 4

Mythic Keystones

Awakening Mindborer
“It may look menacing right now, but it’s actually kind of cute when it’s asleep.”

To earn this mount you’ll need to complete the meta-achievement Battle for Azeroth Keystone Master: Season 4 by completing the following Battle for Azeroth dungeons using a Mythic Keystone: Atal’Dazar, Freehold, Kings’ Rest, The MOTHERLODE!!, Shrine of the Storm, Siege of Boralus, Temple of Sethraliss, The Underrot, Tol Dagor, Waycrest Manor, Mechagon Junkyard, and Mechagon Workshop.

A Leash on Pets

If you don’t mind a little Void in your battle pets or an extra eye (or limb), there are plenty of options to choose from in Visions of N’Zoth.

K'uddly- Battle Pet
K’uddly:His tentacles give you the best hug your brain has ever felt.”
Gloop  (Magic)
It is very unclear whether this slime started with all of those eyes inside of it, or if those are 'leftovers.'”
Profession: Fishing – Corrupted Uldum or Corrupted Vale of Eternal Blossoms

In Uldum

Aqir Tunneler (Critter)

These Aqir Scarabs are masters at tunneling through any terrain.”

Drop: Skikx’traz – Aqir Invasions

Rotbreath (Beast)

“Dragonbreath Chili is nothing compared to the stench coming from the mouth of this thing.”

Drop: Lord Aj’qirai

Shadowbarb Hatchling (Flying)

“Void magic and giant flying insects, a combination nobody ever asked for. Surprisingly effective!”

Quest: “They Grow So Fast”- This quest is a part of the larger Shadowbarb Drone quest line and is a reward during the larva stage.

Wicked Lurker (Beast)

“Three legs, two arms, three eyeballs, the extras are for emergency situations only.”

Drop: Amalgamation of Flesh – Black Empire Invasions

Oasis Void-Duster (Flying)

“Nobody is sure what sort of powder is coming off of these moths, and everyone is too terrified to find out what it actually is.”

Pet Battle- Wild Pet

Void-Scarred Locust (Critter)

“Even some of the insects have succumbed to the void. They really do adapt and survive through everything.”

Pet Battle – Wild Pet

In Vale of Eternal Blossoms

Corrupted Tentacle (Magic)

“Where did it come from, where does it go? Where did you come from, creepy tentacle?”

Drop: Will of N’Zoth

Golden Chirper (Critter)

“The golden chirper has managed to stay its pristine self, despite corruption attempts from both the Sha and from the forces of N’Zoth.”

Pet Battle – Wild Pet

K’uddly (Humanoid)

“His tentacles give you the best hug your brain has ever felt.”

Drop: The Forgotten

Voidglower (Flying)

“Is the void glow in addition to their natural glow, or does it replace it? The world may never know.”

Pet Battle – Wild Pet

Voidskimmer (Aquatic)

“These look especially magnificent when gliding over the water under a full moon.”

Pet Battle- Wild Pet

Void-Scarred Beetle (Critter)

“The shell on these beetles is quite brittle from the void interference, but it also has a strangely fast regeneration rate.”

Drop: Visions of the Twisting Sands Creatures

Horrific Visions

Anomalus  (Magic)

This ooze leaves behind a slimy trail as it moves that has a stench that would rival a beast rotting in the dunes of Uldum for a thousand years.”

Treasure: Alleria or Thrall’s Corrupted Chest
Zone: Visions of Stormwind or Orgrimmar

C’thuffer (Beast)

“It is always C’thuffer. Always.”

Treasure: Rexxar’s Corrupted Chest”
Zone: Vision of Orgrimmar

Void-Scarred Cat  (Beast)

“This cat eats anything from random scraps of food to strange glowing cubes of immense power. Be careful in front of its mouth.”

Treasure: Alleria’s Corrupted Chest
Zone: Vision of Stormwind

Void-Scarred Hare  (Critter)

“Only a being of immense power could scar such an adorable creature, unless this hare was already approaching the darkness…”

Treasure: Umbric’s Corrupted Chest
Zone: Stormwind

Void-Scarred Pup (Beast)

This pup is now more than just a bundle of fur and teeth; it is fur, teeth, and void."

Treasure: Thrall’s Corrupted Chest
Zone: Vision of Orgrimmar

Void-Scarred Rat (Critter)

“A recent debate has risen up about whether Void-Scarred rats are better or worse than plagued rats.”

Treasure: Kelsey’s Corrupted Chest
Zone: Vision of Stormwind

Void-Scarred Toad (Aquatic)

“Pulled from a horrific vision of Orgrimmar, these toads are soaked in void energy.”

Treasure: Zekhan’s Corrupted Chest
Zone: Vision of Orgrimmar

Raid: Ny’alotha, the Waking City

Aqir Hivespawn (Critter)

The aqir hive has countless numbers of beings in it, all of which are supportive of the ever-present Hivemind.”

Drop: Tek’ris (The Hivemind)

Eye of Corruption (Magic)

“This creepy eye is looking at everyone, always, and only has to blink once every 10,000 years.”

Treasure: Vault of the Black Empire (N’Zoth the Corruptor)

Muar (Magic)

“The thirst for mana is insatiable. Luckily this little one doesn’t consume a whole lot.”

Drop: Muat

Ra’kim (Flying)

“The winged aqir are very fast and agile, and their wings provide a nice breeze on a warm afternoon.”

Drop: Tek’ris (The Hivemind)

Void-Scarred Anubisath (Humanoid)

N’Zoth’s corruption spread across many beings, including this little Anubisath.”

Drop: Ra’den the Despoiled

Reach Into the Toy Box

Not everything has to be about fighting N’Zoth’s corruption. Sometimes you have to relax and let loose—maybe embrace the Void. That’s as good of a time as any to dip into the toy box to see what you can find.

All Seeing Eyes Toy
“All Seeing Eyes: Use: N’Zoth gifts you with All-Seeing Eyes."
Aqir Egg Cluster

Use: Throws an Aqir Egg Cluster at the target, swarming them with aqir.

Quest: Coming Out of His Shell
Zone: Uldum

All-Seeing Eyes

Use: N’Zoth gifts you with All-Seeing Eyes.

Drop: Will of N’Zoth
Zone: Vale of Eternal Blossoms

Drop: Gaze of N’Zoth
Zone: Uldum

To create this toy, you’ll need to combine the All-Seeing Left Eye with the All-Seeing Right Eye.

Budget K’thir Disguise

“An effective disguise only against the most unobservant K’thir.”

Drop: Yiphrim the Will Ravager
Zone: Uldum

Coifcurl’s Close Shave Kit

Use: Place Coifcurl’s Close Shave Kit on the ground at your feet for you and others to peruse. WARNING: Shave kit may be under dark influence. Satisfaction is not guaranteed!

Treasure: Coifcurl’s Close Shave Kit
Zone: Vision of Orgrimmar

Hell-Bent Bracers

Use: Flex, increasing arm power for 30 minutes.

Drop: The Grand Executor
Zone: Uldum

N’lyeth Sliver of N’Zoth

Use: Sacrifice part of your mortal essence, dealing 60% of your maximum health in Shadow damage to yourself.

In exchange you become Shath’Yar breaking your normal faction allegiance, serving only N’Zoth.

N’lyeth can only be used outdoors in Kul Tiras, Zandalar, and during Visions of N’Zoth while in War Mode.

Quest: Servant of N’Zoth

Overly Sensitive Void Spectacles

Use: Allows you to see void threats, wherever they might be crawling.

Drop: Craggle Wobbletop
Zone: Vision of Stormwind

Rotten Apple

Use: Place the rotten apple on the ground and of course leave it alone…

Treasure: Alleria’s Corrupted Chest
Zone: Vision of Stormwind


Use: Turn yourself into a member of one of the four warring Mogu clans.

Drop: Tashara
Zone: Vale of Eternal Blossoms

Void Tendril Pet Leash

Use: A more fitting leash for your void-touched pets or… to keep your other small creatures in line.

Vendor: Provisioner Qorra
Zone: Uldum
Faction: Uldum Accord – Honored

Void-Touched Skull

Use: Throw the skull to a friendly target to begin the game. Don’t get caught with it when it releases its void energy or you lose!

Treasure: Void-Touched Skull
Zone: Vision of Stormwind

Void-Touched Souvenir Totem

Use: Place the totem at your feet. WARNING! Keep away from small critters, unless you want them big and angry.

Treasure: Zekhan’s Corrupted Chest
Zone: Vision of Orgrimmar

Which mount, pet, or toy is on your list of items to add to your collection? Join the discussion on the forums.