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Transcript (by Youtube)

2s [Music]
6s [Applause]
8s today how's it goin I wanted to have a
12s chat about my very unusual keybindings
16s that I use for to play World of Warcraft
17s over the years I get messages people
20s asking me how is it that you play and I
22s try to explain it in text format and I
24s thought you know what I'm s we'll do a
25s video and then if anybody asks they can
27s actually see how it is that I play so
30s you might notice that my primary action
31s buttons start from 7 and they finish on
34s equal so on the right hand side of the
37s number row on a standard American
40s keyboard that's where most of my
42s abilities are predominantly all of them
44s and on the right hand side I have a few
47s extra abilities and these ones are bound
49s to my Razer Naga and on the left hand
52s side I have some mixer abilities that
54s are bound to shift modifiers and control
57s modifiers and things like that so how is
60s it that I play like this I do not play
62s with my mouse in my left hand my mouse
64s is in my right hand my hand my left hand
67s is on the keyboard and I can demonstrate
69s it for you with this very nifty overlay
71s so I've set on my keyboard I don't
73s normally have them my mouse and keyboard
75s this close but for the purpose of this
76s video we're gonna do it like this so I'm
79s gonna give you a quick rundown it
80s demonstrate how it is that I actually
82s where I position my hand on the keyboard
84s and also then I'm going to do a little
86s bit of game play so you can see exactly
88s how it is in action so I do as I
91s mentioned have a Razer Naga and I use
94s the the buttons on the side not all of
95s them but basically the middle middle
98s rows are the ones that I can comfortably
100s reach and then I use control modifiers
102s to give me basically an extra set of
105s three I also use the top row not as
108s often though it's usually for things
109s like traps and other things that I don't
112s use as often the keyboard you'll notice
116s is actually a compact keyboard so the
120s arrow buttons down here are actually
123s positioned underneath the Enter key as
125s opposed to being over here where they
126s would normally be on a standard gaming
129s keyboard and the reason for that is
131s because of where I put my hello
133s left hand I don't actually put my hand
135s on the WASD where most people do and
138s where I'm have to when I play any other
140s game about from where I actually put my
142s hand over here and my thumb can reach
145s the arrow keys my pinkie sits on seven
148s and my index finger on zero and then I
151s can reach
152s - and equals and I can also reach the
155s next - sort of comfortably I use six for
158s a lot of charge mechanics and I use the
164s what is it - and equals more for AoE
167s sometimes abilities or abilities like
170s big healing cooldowns and stuff like
173s that the base of my pinkie I can
176s actually reach the the spacebar to jump
181s and in terms of actually how I control
184s my character I can right-click my mouse
188s to lock my camera and then I use my
191s arrow keys to move my character around
194s if I want to move forward I can move
196s forward that whatever I want to or I
198s just left-click as well as right-click
200s hold you know hold down both men mouse
202s buttons and that allows you to move so I
205s can strafe and I can move backwards and
207s I just kind of slide predominantly I
208s slide my thumb across the left down and
212s right arrows and then I can also jump
214s simultaneously and I can also use
215s abilities at the same time so it's a
218s it's a convenient way that I found works
220s really well for me it's obviously not
222s something that you can just pick up and
223s do comfortably it's the same way that if
226s you ask me to play with WASD that is
228s really awkward because I've just been
231s doing this for 14 years and and this
234s works for me
235s so we're going to do I'm going to just
237s do a little bit of questing on my avoid
239s elf here because I'm leveling him for
241s the legacy armor and I thought we might
243s show in action how it is that I actually
248s play so I can basically just start
252s attacking something I can't remember my
254s how do I play good olds survival hunter
260s I forgotten that's right
263s and we need to find some more moles here
267s the month over here think I saw
269s something through yeah hello friend and
272s I can do a trap if I want to and I can
276s move and have a look at where I want to
278s go to next his harpoon happiness up ye
282s I'm really enjoying survival actually
284s it's a lot of fun I didn't think I would
286s enjoy it that much because the idea of a
289s hunter not being ranged I mean it was
293s bad enough when we lost our our dead
295s zone and then all of a sudden
298s oops it's the wrong button all of a
299s sudden it's some now where we're
301s actually living in melee it's really fun
304s though actually I didn't think I would
305s enjoy it as much as I do but um yeah
308s it's good fun and I got my little my
311s little pit cat hello cat I was trying to
315s think of a name cuz I always give people
317s a hard time when they're there hunter
320s patch doesn't have a name you know it's
322s just cat or dog and then I couldn't
324s think of a name for my dog so I called
326s it cat it's a mature human that I have
330s cultured well honed over many years so
336s this is basically it this is all I do
338s with you know I can also silence I can
342s mount I can move around if I need to
345s solids again it's just a it's a key
347s binding and I can reach up to this
350s button up here and that does silences
352s and I can also use some of my like
355s disengage I can use on the left hand
358s side I just basically hold down the
359s shift button and then I can use the left
363s hand side I can also funny to that's
366s normally my taunt show it's this is the
369s void over a show show II think and
375s that's um this is essentially it so in
379s the in the heat of crazy-crazy dungeon
382s runs probably a little bit more frantic
384s when it comes to which one's my healing
387s I think that's my Helen
389s be more frantic when it comes to moving
390s my hand around on the keyboard but that
393s is essentially it so hopefully this
398s showed you exactly how it is i play the
402s way that i play it's weird it works I'm
405s not saying that this way is better than
407s any other way the normal way but you
410s know if you're looking for maybe
411s something a little bit different and you
414s want a challenge maybe maybe I give this
417s a go and see if you can do it no I don't
422s do it I want to be unique I want to be
424s the only one but thanks very much to the
427s company enjoy the rest of your morning
430s day afternoon evening whatever the case
432s might be and I hopefully see you in the
435s next video where is my camera it's over
437s here
438s there is
449s you