over 5 years ago - Ythisens - Direct link

The weekly reduction makes a huge difference on alts. I was able to get my DK to 120 and HoA lvl 17 over the Christmas break with no actual grinding. The account wide Champions of Azeroth credit is great but the weekly reduction is more than enough for alts.

over 5 years ago - Ythisens - Direct link

Ion already spoke at length about this in the last Q&A but we admit it doesn’t feel good. The lack of reduction really only negatively affects very high end players pushing for absurdly high Azerite levels, we’re talking 40-44 (looking at you Myppoo you insane person you). For anything under that the levels are still within reasonable amounts to gain another level, plus 37-38 is all that you need to get ring 3 on even Mythic Dazar’alor gear.

We know it doesn’t feel good to put in more work to unlock the exact same traits you just had, and we said in the last Q&A that we’re working on that.

over 5 years ago - Ythisens - Direct link

Got to HoA 38 on the main, established my role as a flex healer in my new guild, worked on M Ghuun (we’re almost entering phase 3), did almost the entire +10 FoS(just need Motherlode), Finished up some reps so I’m now 3 away from 100 Exalted reps, made like 300k gold…

I could keep going… but I was only talking about an alt I didn’t put any effort into originally.