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Winners are Selected. PMs are out to the winners!

If someone doesn't claim their prize within 7 days, we'll draw those prizes again. As soon as someone accepts a prize, I'll put their name up here. I really hope that the grand prize winner gets back to me soon, so I can reveal who won A full year of WoW, courtesy of /u/Zarhym.

I want to send a huge thank you to all the people who donated things to give away in this pre-christmas

The Winners

/u/9tailsmeh won the grand prize - a copy of MoP from /u/JHendrix559 and a free year of WoW from /u/Zarhym

/u/newcreationsurf got the copy of MoP from /u/MadWorldz!

/u/ImBear got the copy of MoP from /u/ShinsoEU!

/u/ShaCreama91 got the copy of MoP from /u/fluxflashor!

/u/TwelveTinyToolsheds got a copy of MoP from /u/waahht

/u/TheOriginalVaj got a Cinder Kitty courtesy of /u/phedre

Hey there everyone! We're going to be giving away a copy of Mists of Pandaria as a way to say "Happy Winterveil!" The code comes courtesy of /u/JHendrix559 (and thanks to them for donating the code, it is much appreciated!).

Just leave a comment guessing a number between one and one thousand. Closest to what I've got wins!

I'll do the giveaway on Tuesday at 5pm EST.

If more than one person have the right number, it'll go to the first person who picked that number. Edit: to make it so that you don't have to look through several hundred comments, we're amending this slightly - if you comment with a number, you'll get a chance to win, and I'm figuring out the details of that.


Thanks to /u/Madworldz aka Greatfather Winter, we have another key to give away. Merry Christmas all!

Thanks to /u/ShinsoEU we now have a third key to giveaway. Thanks to both of these great people for contributing. Merry Christmas to all!

Thanks to /u/StrangerThanFiction9 for the fourth key!

/u/fluxflashor and /u/waahht and /u/phedre are in the Christmas spirit as well, and are donating prizes as well! Merry Christmas from the mod team too!

Blizzard has a lovely gift to give away as well, courtesy of /u/Zarhym. I would be remiss if I didn't also shout out to /u/Araxom. Happy Winterveil from Blizzard!

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over 11 years ago - /u/Kaivax - Direct link

Originally posted by Zarhym

I'm all out of jackal codes. Instead I went with, as Edward would indeed say, "the gift that keeps on givin' the whole year!"

A subscription to the Jackal of the Month Club?