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Heya Here are today’s hotfixes.
MARCH 17, 2021
- Priest
- Fixed an issue where Measured Contemplation (Runecarving Power) would break invisibility potion effects.
- Shadow
- Fixed an issue where Insanity would break invisibility potion effects.
- Warlock
- Fixed an issue where Inevitable Demise (Talent), Soul Leech (Talent), and Demon Skin (Talent) would break invisibility potion effects.
- Venthyr
- Fixed several issues that were preventing the quest “Common Ground” from being acquired or turned in.
Dungeons and Raids
- Theater of Pain
- Gorechop
- Fixed an issue that caused players at range to not always be pulled in before Tenderizing Smash is cast.
Items and Rewards
- Mawsworn Crossbow will no longer be available outside of the Maw.
- Fixed an issue where Shadowlands bonus event quests would not launch properly in some cases.
- The Mole Machine for the Warlords of Draenor Alliance quest "Mole Machine, Go Home” will now allow smaller races to interact with it.