almost 7 years
ago -
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | g'day how's it going I wanted to talk to |
4s | you about the recently added as a right |
6s | armor on BFA Alfa is actually the first |
9s | day it's been made available so I |
11s | thought you might like to see how it's |
12s | working in this really very very early |
14s | version obviously things are going to |
16s | change later on but yeah there's a bit |
17s | of fun to see it at this early stage |
21s | [Music] |
27s | okay so to begin with there's a lot of |
29s | shared traits between the classes so I'm |
31s | gonna show you those first and then |
34s | we'll have a look at the spec specific |
36s | ones in terms of going you know skipping |
39s | through to your particular spec I |
41s | probably wouldn't do that until I've |
43s | talked about all of the shared trades |
44s | because I'm not going to be referring to |
45s | them again when I talk about the spec |
47s | specific ones so how does this work if |
50s | you have a tanking class you have access |
53s | to a particular trait if you have a |
55s | healing class you have access to a |
57s | particular trade if you have a DPS class |
59s | you have access to a particular trait if |
60s | you have two DPS specs you get to DPS |
63s | traits if you have three DPS specs you |
66s | get three DPS traits so we're gonna have |
68s | a quick look at all of these shared |
72s | traits first there are four traits that |
76s | are shared among all twelve characters |
78s | so it doesn't matter what your class is |
80s | doesn't matter what your spec is it's |
82s | shared amongst all of them to access at |
85s | the moment we only have access to the |
86s | the chest but to get into your heart of |
89s | Azeroth you just have to shift right |
90s | click on the item now for those who |
93s | haven't seen the heart of Azeroth it is |
95s | a neck piece and there is a level |
97s | associated with it which goes increases |
100s | as you collect as a right and then this |
103s | then allows you to access these traits |
106s | so the tiers that we see here this is |
108s | also temporary user interface by the way |
110s | in case people are like oh that's ugly |
112s | so we have four tiers for our traits at |
116s | tier one which is when your heart of |
119s | Azeroth is level one we have access to |
123s | one shared trait which is champion of |
125s | Azeroth all classes have champion of |
128s | Azeroth all of these traits are also |
129s | passive by the way so contributing to |
132s | the death of an enemy of Azeroth heals |
134s | you and grants you versatility for one |
137s | minute and this stacks up to two times |
139s | interesting question here is one what is |
143s | an enemy of Azeroth does that mean it |
145s | doesn't work in PvP and two when you |
148s | contribute to the death it doesn't say |
150s | when you kill an enemy it says when you |
151s | contribute to it so if I tag something |
154s | and then run away and let people kill it |
156s | do I still get that versatility that's |
159s | my |
159s | question now the other three traits that |
162s | are shared are on tier 3 so level 7 |
165s | heart of Azeroth both of these traits |
167s | are shared with vampiric speed when an |
170s | enemy you damaged dies you heal and gain |
173s | speed for 6 seconds again it doesn't say |
176s | when you kill the enemy it says when you |
177s | damage the enemy so if I went around for |
179s | example on my priests shed a word |
181s | painting everything would that count in |
183s | what I be getting this constant healing |
185s | because every time something dies you |
187s | get healed by both of these trades |
189s | interesting idea the second trade on |
192s | tier 3 is also resounding protection |
195s | every 30 seconds you gain a small absorb |
197s | shields for 30 seconds and then finally |
200s | the other trait that's shared across all |
202s | 12 characters is as a right empowered |
204s | and this increases the item level of |
207s | this item by 5 so those full traits at |
210s | the moment in this initial version are |
211s | on every single character in the game |
214s | when you change specs nothing changes |
216s | this tree remains the same so with the |
219s | role specific traits these are on the |
222s | second tier when hard of Asura offers |
224s | level 4 whatever my mean by |
227s | role-specific if you have a class that |
230s | has a tanking spec it doesn't matter if |
232s | you're a demon hunter a druid a warrior |
234s | paladin if you ever take inspect you |
236s | have access to winds of war taking |
239s | damage grants you dodged for 3 seconds |
242s | and this stacks up to 10 times if you |
244s | have a healing spec you have access to |
247s | wound binder your healing effects have a |
250s | chance to increase your haste for 6 |
252s | seconds and healing lower health targets |
254s | or granting more haste and if you have a |
257s | DPS spec you have access to elemental |
259s | world you're damaging abilities have a |
261s | chance to increase your crit haste |
263s | mastery or verse for 10 seconds it |
266s | doesn't specify whether it's the highest |
268s | trait or if it's more I roll the bones |
271s | style where it's just whatever one of |
274s | these 4 is going to be increased so |
276s | that's an interesting question okay for |
279s | the healers because priests have to |
283s | healing specs they have holy and |
285s | discipline they actually have access to |
287s | a second healing only trait on the |
291s | second tier which |
293s | have a quick look at and then we'll have |
295s | a look at the DPS the extra DPS trades |
298s | so for priests again on tier two you get |
301s | access to a wound binder which increases |
303s | your haste but you also have access to |
305s | savior your heals on targets below 35% |
309s | health have a chance to heal for an |
311s | additional amount so that's an |
314s | interesting one it's a chance to heal |
317s | it's not guaranteed but potentially I |
320s | guess if you maybe haste is not |
322s | important for you for some strange |
324s | reason then maybe the additional healing |
327s | would be interesting I'm not entirely |
328s | sure okay the third one that I want to |
330s | have a quick look at before we go into |
332s | this they're cast specific ones hunters |
334s | so hunters warlocks roads mages classes |
338s | that have three DPS specs have access to |
342s | three DPS traits on the second tier for |
347s | the first one |
348s | elemental well as I said all DPS specs |
352s | get access to that the second one so for |
355s | classes that have two DPS specs like |
358s | warrior your second one is gut Ripper |
360s | you're damaging abilities have a chance |
362s | to deal physical damage to the target |
364s | and got that Ripper occurs much more |
367s | often during execute phases and for the |
370s | classes that have three DPS specs the |
372s | third one is blood siphon and this |
374s | increases your mastery and your leech |
376s | that those stats don't change at the |
379s | moment between the classes that have |
382s | three specs okay so those are all the |
384s | shared abilities no one have a quick |
386s | look at all of the first tier abilities |
389s | that are for each of the specs so at |
391s | this point I saw each of the classes at |
394s | this point if you want to skip through |
396s | the video feel free I will hopefully |
397s | remember at this point to put in the |
399s | timestamps for the particular classes |
402s | that you might be interested in alright |
404s | so looking at paladin first we have |
407s | martyrs breath and light of the murder |
409s | has a chance to cause your blessing and |
410s | sacrifice to additionally heal the |
412s | target and as effect can stack up to ten |
415s | times so my first question here is how |
420s | much is the chance is that a big chance |
422s | is a small chance we also have a bulwark |
425s | of light |
426s | Avengers shield grants you a shield |
428s | absorbing damage for eight seconds and |
431s | we also have Avengers might while |
434s | avenging wrath is active you gain |
436s | mastery turning to priests now we have |
441s | moment of repose Pain Suppression |
443s | applies atonement to the target and |
445s | instantly heals them permeating glow |
449s | flash heal increases the healing of your |
451s | flash heals on that target for six |
453s | seconds and searing dialogue mind sear |
458s | deals an additional amount of damage to |
461s | enemies suffering from your shadow word |
463s | pain looking at hunters now we have |
467s | serrated jaws kill command has a 40% |
470s | chance to deal additional damage and |
472s | grant your pet 15 focus in the rhythm |
475s | when rapid fire finishes fully |
478s | channeling your haste is increased for |
480s | eight seconds and wildfire cluster |
483s | wildfire bomb drops a small cluster of |
485s | bombs around the target and each of them |
486s | explode looking now at drones so because |
491s | we have four specs we do have an |
492s | additional trait on the first tier first |
495s | one is streaking starts while celestial |
497s | alignment is active your spell's call a |
500s | streaking star dealing additional damage |
502s | when they are not a repeat of the |
504s | previous ability we have primordial rage |
508s | when berserk is active your rip deals |
511s | additional damage each time it deals |
514s | damage we have hot blood Mengel |
518s | increases the healing of your next |
520s | ability to heal you for additional |
522s | amount and finally fungal essence swift |
526s | swift mend causes your efflorescence |
528s | mushroom to burst healing nearby healing |
532s | a nearby injured Ally only one of them |
536s | so that must be a little bit of a smart |
538s | heal or maybe |
540s | alright so demon hunters because they |
543s | only have two traits their two talents |
545s | sorry they have one fewer traits we have |
549s | devour using demons bite three times in |
552s | a row grants you mastery for four |
554s | seconds and reveal in revel in pain when |
559s | fiery Brannick spawn |
560s | on your targets your primary target you |
562s | gained a shield that absorbs up to 6000 |
566s | damage for 15 seconds based on your |
567s | damage dealt to them while fiery brand |
570s | was active okay so for warrior we have |
575s | access to executioner's precision |
578s | execute increases the damage of your |
580s | next mortal strike against the target |
582s | and this stacks up to two times we have |
586s | trample the weak rampaging an enemy |
588s | whose health percentages lower than |
590s | yours increases your versatility for six |
593s | seconds and we have deafening crash when |
597s | thunderclap damages only one enemy it |
599s | deals additional damage and grants you |
601s | an absorption shield looking at Rogue |
606s | now we have double dose when mutual aid |
609s | applies lethal poison with both daggers |
611s | it poisons them for an additional amount |
614s | Deadshot between the eyes increases the |
617s | damage of an expresstoll shot and |
620s | sharpened blades your auto attacks |
622s | increase the damage of an extra gun toss |
625s | you know stacking up to 20 times all |
630s | right on to shaman now volcanic |
633s | lightning lava bursts on a target that |
635s | has been struck by your lightning in the |
638s | last four seconds deal additional damage |
642s | primal primer melee attacks with flame |
645s | tongue active increased the damage the |
648s | target takes from your next lava lash |
650s | this stacks up to ten times and finally |
654s | soothing waters your chain heal heals up |
657s | its primary target for an additional |
660s | amount that's that's a lot of heals in |
664s | one word in one sentence your chain heal |
666s | heals your primary target for an |
668s | additional 21 healing turning to mage |
672s | now we have arcane annihilation arcane |
675s | blast deals additional damage while you |
678s | have four arcane charges flames of |
682s | alacrity enhanced pyrotechnics grants |
686s | additional haste and packed ice I |
690s | Lance deals additional damage to enemies |
692s | recently damaged by your frozen orb and |
697s | looking at warlock we have racking |
699s | brilliance every other soul shard your |
702s | agony generates also increases your |
704s | intellect for six seconds we have |
707s | shadows bite when you're summoned dread |
710s | stalkers fade away they increase the |
713s | damage of your shadow bolt for eight |
714s | seconds |
715s | and finally heavy rain when your rain of |
718s | fire damages three or more targets you |
720s | gain haste for eight seconds okay |
725s | looking at monk now we have boiling brew |
728s | kick smash deals additional damage |
731s | against targets burning from your Breath |
732s | of Fire and heals you for 5% of the |
736s | damage dealt to those targets that's |
738s | interesting because monk healing is not |
741s | fantastic for brew master at the moment |
743s | so that could be an interesting track to |
744s | take invigorating brew vivified those |
748s | additional healing when empowered by |
751s | thunder focused T and finally iron fists |
754s | fists of fury grants critical strike for |
757s | six seconds when it hits at least four |
759s | enemies and lucky last we have a death |
765s | knight we have deep cuts hard strike |
768s | deals additional damage when hitting |
769s | three or more targets and heals you for |
772s | a percentage of the damage done because |
774s | decays need more healing we have icy |
778s | Citadel pillar of frost grants |
780s | additional strength while they are above |
782s | 75% health and last of all festering |
786s | doom death coil causes your next |
789s | festering strike to deal additional |
791s | damage and that's it for the heart of |
797s | Azeroth and the as ride armor details is |
800s | very early stage of PFA alpha hopefully |
802s | you found something interesting let me |
804s | know what you think of the traits in the |
806s | comments below what do you think of the |
808s | layout how do you think the passives the |
811s | idea of everything being passive is |
813s | interesting that there are no active |
814s | traits but do let me know your thoughts |
816s | in the comments below I read all of them |
818s | and I'm very interested to see also if |
821s | there's anything else that you'd like to |
822s | see |
823s | tested in alpha if you don't have alpha |
825s | access yourself and there's something |
827s | particular that you'd like to see do let |
830s | me know and I might be able to do a |
831s | video for you if I can |
833s | but until then thanks very much for the |
836s | company enjoy the rest of your morning |
839s | day afternoon evening whatever the case |
842s | may be and I'll hopefully see you |
844s | sometime soon |