over 1 year ago - Hist - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s g'day
5s we're going for a drive today
7s out of the urban areas and into the more
10s Bushland type areas away from the urban
14s hustle and bustle
16s even as a puzzle
19s beautiful day
21s aren't they not the smoothest Road in
23s the world it's a little bit like ah
29s it's kind of nice like a little massage
32s to your butt cheeks
34s of these roads are quite interesting
37s the temptation to ride down it like a
40s roller coaster is very strong
43s but
45s it wasn't relaxed
48s Meandering through
50s some street art charcoal markings
55s in non-australians watching
57s it's not 60 miles an hour
61s the nice little Red Shed with a white
64s tree out front very artistic
68s should be that color
71s it just feels right
77s whichever drop is
79s [Music]
84s one of many trucks that we're going to
86s encounter today
88s particular road is a bit of a thorough
90s fear for drugs unfortunately since I'm
92s in a smaller car
93s can make visibility a little bit more
95s difficult
97s but that's okay
99s all we have to do is drop back a little
100s bit
101s and then we can see all the way down the
104s road
105s ahead of the truck and his big booty
108s sadly no anacondas here
115s watch out for kangaroos
118s I think we need to be a little bit more
120s rural to really have to worry about the
122s ruse
122s [Music]
124s I remember when I used to be a teacher
126s in a very small rural town where you'd
129s have to drive four hours to the next
132s town just to be able to go to see a
134s movie in a cinema
136s one night on the way back from said
138s movie after we'd made a weekend of it
140s staying in a motel on the way back we
143s counted 150 kangaroos
145s all lined up on the sides of the road
148s their eyes reflecting in our headlights
151s can't say it's a good idea to drive at
153s night in those areas unless you like to
156s canoodle with your insurance company
157s that's the case how about it
160s who might a judge
164s Street out
167s snake
168s [Music]
172s ah
174s yet another wide booty
178s oh this one's a double booty
182s [Music]
184s foreign
186s distance
191s to pick a shadow
193s a thousand one a thousand two a thousand
196s three a thousand four beautiful
201s definitely not tailgating here
206s ee palm trees
210s it's like this is a tropical area
217s the truck is waiting for me
220s [Music]
221s thank you white booty
231s oh what's this
234s I'm doing the speed limit is this coming
236s up to Good Noodle with me
241s hello xkn that's a difficult one to make
245s a word for x-rays known
251s thank you for getting so close I can see
253s my reflection in your beautiful
255s paintwork
257s that's a good wax job on that one she
260s obviously takes very good care of her
261s car
264s good for her
267s so it looks like she has a hot date to
269s get to
270s and she's worried about the two hours
272s it's going to take her to do her hair
275s it's okay sweetie if they're worth it
277s they'll wait
280s oh is she gonna make her move
282s there's a car on the right be careful
285s she's doing it she's going for it
288s and she's gone
293s [Music]
300s thank you
302s I will Mr Isuzu
305s I will