over 7 years ago - Hist - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s run out of the giant black and purple
3s swelly get out of the green lanes kill
7s and interrupt all ads if you're tasked
11s with going into the portals run into
13s them when they're activated by the boss
15s and kill the mini boss within the fire
18s portal is first don't stand in fire and
21s interrupt his unstable portal cast the
25s green portal a second attack any player
27s who's wept and interrupts unstable
30s portal the purple portal is last stack
34s under the mini boss at all times and
36s interrupts unstable portal and that's it
40s I wish you all the loot luck you deserve
42s and hope you enjoyed this encounter
44s don't forget to share this guide with
46s anyone who may be struggling with these
47s boss mechanics