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Today’s hotfix update:
JUNE 8, 2022
Dungeons and Raids
Sanguine Depths
Executor Tarvold
- Castigate damage reduced by 20%.
Grand Proctor Beryllia
- Agonize damage reduced by 20%.
- Fixed an issue causing some abilities to scale with the Fortified affix instead of the Tyrannical affix.
Executor Tarvold
Spires of Ascension
Astronos, Lakesis, and Klotos
- Health reduced by 20%.
- Aura of Intimidation damage reduced by 20%.
Astronos, Lakesis, and Klotos
The Necrotic Wake
Nalthor the Rimebinder
- Icebound Aegis absorb reduced by 20% on Mythic difficulty.
Nalthor the Rimebinder
Theater of Pain
Xav the Unfallen
- Seismic Leap damage reduced by 10%.
Xav the Unfallen
Items and Rewards
- Fixed a tooltip issue where Cosmic Gladiator’s Echoing Resolve’s tooltip indicated it provided immunity to interrupt effects.
Burning Crusade Classic
- Fixed an issue with Shifting Naaru Sliver where players standing close together could affect the duration of the effect from each other’s trinkets.