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Transcript (by Youtube)

1s g'day if you're anything like me you
4s might be returning back to wow after an
6s extended absence and you might be
8s surprised when you first log in no
12s add-ons installed and realize that
14s they've made a lot of changes to the
15s default UI we're going to have a look at
17s some Nifty layouts that you can do
20s without any add-ons
22s so the first thing we should probably
24s have a look at is what you can actually
25s do with the UI so all of these elements
28s when you go into edit mode you can move
32s you can reshape you can reconfigure
35s nearly all of the elements that you can
37s see on the screen so for example the
39s talking head if I click the element I
42s can actually drag it around on my screen
44s in terms of action bar features I can
47s change the orientation of the action bar
50s to Vertical then I can place that
52s wherever I want in the screen I can also
55s have a look at some other features like
57s rows the size of the icons the icon
61s padding
63s how many icons you want to be able to
65s see
66s and also the general visibility of these
70s things as well so if you want an action
72s bar to only appear when you're in combat
75s you can have that option too
85s so this first layout I've got the
89s buttons the action bars configured in a
92s way that matches an MMO gaming mouse so
95s the 3x4 configuration if you have for
97s example a 15 is it 12 no 12 12 buttons
101s on the side of your mouse you can
104s arrange your action bar icons to look
107s the same way
109s foreign
111s [Music]
113s that I probably prefer I might move all
116s of these elements further down if I do
118s find myself having to use the default UI
120s I'm probably still going to be using
122s add-ons but certainly in terms of one
125s that I would consider using myself I
127s quite like this one it's got just the
129s six main abilities that I would want on
131s my character and then some extra
134s cooldown abilities underneath so this
136s kind of reflects what you might see in
138s some of the weak Aura layouts that I see
141s a lot of Mythic plus people using and
144s I've tried to replicate as much as I can
146s of that using the default UI
151s the third layout here is quite a strange
153s way this is where I started
154s experimenting with what I could
156s potentially do that as I said there are
158s limitations with the default UI so you
160s can only resize things to certain
162s dimensions and I thought well maybe it's
165s something unusual that we could try and
167s see maybe it Sparks an imagination
170s within you
171s [Music]
174s the fourth layout here it looks terrible
177s when it's outside of a raid it doesn't
179s look that much better in a raid either
180s but but this is definitely a layout that
183s I you would perhaps use only when you're
186s in the raid so of the five characters
189s specific layouts this is one maybe I
191s would use for just raids and I'd have
193s another layout that was just for party
195s [Music]
198s this fifth layout a little bit more like
201s the classic I suppose a combination of
203s classic and modern I've moved the stance
206s bar a little bit trying to experiment
207s with how it lines up with the chat on
210s the left hand side
211s [Music]
215s the sixth layout that we have here looks
217s terrible when you're outside a group
219s once again it's something that's
221s designed in a particular way uh it's
223s experimenting a little bit with perhaps
225s changing the configuration to be a
227s little bit more vertical instead of
228s horizontal so this is for a 10-man raid
231s situation and then you have your
233s whatever important cooldowns to the left
234s and right of it everything is in the
236s middle of the screen
237s [Music]
240s the seventh layout is one that's
243s anchored toward the bottom of the screen
245s so I tried to think well maybe I could
247s space out the icons so I added a little
250s bit of padding to the icons and you can
252s see we've only got this the 12 icons
254s there all other action bars are hidden
257s but you would then have your key
258s bindings normally on those and you don't
260s need to look at those things
265s the eighth note this is where I've kind
269s of been inspired by just how many
271s buttons some Talent builds have been
275s experimenting with my tanks at the
278s moment and some of them oh my goodness
280s there's so many cooldowns and so many
283s extra abilities that I can actually add
286s to my bar that I got to a point where I
287s ran out of buttons so I thought maybe I
290s should just need a one massive string of
293s five action bars and just have them at
295s the bottom of the screen and then I can
297s add another row on top
300s and for the last and final UI this is
304s where I was experimenting a bit with the
307s sizing of buttons so you can't have
309s fewer than six buttons from an action
312s bar hidden but what you can do is only
316s put abilities onto a certain number of
319s buttons and then turn it set it so that
323s it doesn't always show your action
326s buttons so then it looks like there's
328s only three but there's pseudo3 empty
330s buttons above those three large ones
332s anyway thanks very much for watching
335s whatever it is you're doing I hope it
337s goes well and you are taking care of
339s yourself and those around you
341s I will see you when I see you
344s and not a second before