over 2 years ago - Hist - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s g'day here's a quick rundown of
5s algerthara Academy on heroic difficulty
8s at the start of the dungeon be sure to
10s grab a buff from one of the dragonflight
12s recruiters just by talking to them
14s the black dragon flight provides a
16s buff blue gives you Mastery bronze for
20s haste red for versatility
22s green gives you a healing taken buff
26s veximus has four main things to watch
29s out for
30s Dodge the frontal
32s drop the blue circle somewhere out of
35s the way
37s don't let the balls touch the boss
41s and don't stand in bed
46s overgrown ancient has two main things to
49s watch out for
51s when ads are spawned kill them before
53s they're awakened
55s when the big ad spawns interrupt its
58s Healing Touch
63s kroth has three main things to watch out
65s for
66s Dodge the frontal
68s [Music]
72s stop casting when you have a circle on
74s you
74s [Music]
76s pick up Golden orbs and run them into
79s the big yellow circle
81s use your extra action button to toss it
83s into the goal and no aiming is required
87s scoring three goals in the fire goal
90s will stun the boss and make her take 75
93s more damage
95s scoring via the wind goal will summon
98s tornadoes and push everyone around grab
101s orbs to become immune to the pushback
105s the final boss echo of doragosa has
108s three main things to watch out for when
110s the boss sucks everyone in GTFO right
114s after
117s the boss will turn to face you for two
119s reasons
121s either to drop a bomb on you which you
124s need to drop somewhere safe
126s or for a frontal attack
128s if she follows you when you move it's
131s the bomb
132s the bomb leaves an Arcane circle on the
135s ground that eventually explodes into
137s smaller orbs make sure to dodge these
142s hopefully you find this useful May their
144s loot Lords be with you