over 2 years ago - Sanq - Direct link

This Friday, November 11, come join members of the World of Warcraft development team on Valdrakken realm on Beta as we playtest Dragonflight’s new talent trees in a PvP environment. We will be observing and looking for areas of feedback on general PvP, focused on talent builds and the recent adjustments made to player health and dampening.

We’ll get underway at 3:00 p.m. PST (5:00 p.m. CST, 6:00 p.m. EST) with an hour of random Battlegrounds. To playtest this with us, log into the Beta and open Group Finder (default hotkey: i), then select Random Battlegrounds and click Join Battle.

Then starting at 4:00 p.m. PST (6:00 p.m. CST, 7:00 p.m. EST) we’re going to switch over to Rated Solo Shuffle for two hours. To playtest this with us, log into the Beta and open Group Finder (default hotkey: i), then select Rated Solo Shuffle and click Join Battle.

Before then, get your PvP character ready on Valdrakken, by simply creating a character on the realm that will be set at level 70 and you’ll be near the various gear and professions vendors in Orgrimmar and Stormwind, depending on your faction.

We look forward to playtesting with you and reading your feedback afterward, see you there!

Update 11/10:
Some recent changes were made to Solo Shuffle. As these are active in the beta, we want to make sure everybody who wants to take part in this test on Friday are aware of them:

Changes to Tanks in Solo Shuffle: Changes to Tanks in Solo Shuffle

Healing/Dampening Changes in Arenas and Solo Shuffle: Dampening / Healing Changes in Arenas Coming in Dragonflight Pre-Expansion Phase 2