over 7 years ago - Hist - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s avoid mines on the ground kill fanatical
5s pyromancers and interrupt their
6s pyroblast stand under the green shields
9s when the sky goes dark if you're tasked
13s with handling the pods use the first
15s ability on the boss and use the second
17s ability as follows on the first pod use
20s it on pyromancers on the second pot use
23s it to drop three shields in front of the
25s second pod and in three more shields in
28s front of the third pod and at the third
30s pod use it to clear mines get out of the
33s pot after about 40 seconds before you
34s die and that's it I wish you all the
38s loot lucky you deserve and hope you
39s enjoy the encounter don't forget to
41s share this guide with anyone who's
42s struggling with these boss mechanics