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Hello everyone. Here are today’s hotfixes to WoW:
OCTOBER 27, 2022
- The achievements for the Season 4 Fated Raids were prematurely moved out of the Dungeon & Raid category, as they are still earnable. They are once again visible.
- Fixed an issue where some unintended spells could grant a stack of Maelstrom Weapon.
Path of Ascension
- Fixed an issue where Splinterbark Nightmare’s melee was consuming charges of Drustbloom Embrace.
Path of Ascension
Creatures and NPCs
- Fixed an issue where the gold dragon frame was missing on Elite enemy and World Boss nameplates.
- Fixed an issue where “The Sunken Vault" could not be completed.
- You can once again communicate with the following NPCs:
- Arluin during the quests “Or Against Us” and “If Words Don’t Work…”
- Runecarver during the quest “The Weak Link.”
- Lord Herne during the quest “Meet the Queen.”
- Falstad Wildhammer should now correctly offer and accept quests during the “Blood in the Water” quest line.
User Interface and Accessibility
- Fixed an issue where melee attacks could not be canceled by pressing the Esc key when Action Targeting is enabled.
- The stance bar is no longer centered when closing Edit Mode after moving the bar.
- Spells are once again visible on the action bar when moved around while the Always Show action bar setting is disabled.
- The Group Finder eye icon will once again stay searching and visible after a loading screen occurs.
- Fixed an issue where party frames were missing in Arena when Raid Style Party Frames is enabled.
- The Reagent Bag slot has been removed and will return when Dragonflight launches.