Original Post — Direct link

Greetings Heroes of Azeroth!,

We'd like to thank u/ILuffHomer for her tremendous assistance before, during and after BFA launch. Her help made a big difference to us and the subreddit, thank you. u/klngarthur, u/Roboticide and u/Dr4ven were long time members of our mod team going back before Mists of Pandaria. We appreciate you all and the work you've done for this community!

Mythic Dungeon International is back starting this Saturday! We'll be stickying threads from our pal u/Dmachine_Blizzard so be on the lookout for those and cheer on your favorite teams!

  • Western Cup #1 Sat, Mar 30, 2019 11:00 AM EDT

  • Eastern Cup #1 Fri, Apr 5, 2019 8:00 PM EDT

  • Western Cup #2 Sat, Apr 13, 2019 11:00 AM EDT

  • Eastern Cup #2 Fri, Apr 19, 2019 8:00 PM EDT

Also stay tuned for a special announcement for something big we're doing. It'll get posted tomorrow and we hope you guys will be as excited about it as we are.

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almost 6 years ago - /u/CM_Ythisens - Direct link

Thank you guys for all your hard work moderating the subreddit <3. Some days you guys had the impossible task of managing this subreddit but r/WoW has always managed to navigate itself with a lot of poise when it comes to moderation. You folks should be proud that you were a piece of that.