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Transcript (by Youtube)

0s this video was written by artificial
3s intelligence based on the following
5s prompt
7s Welcome to our video on the current
9s state of toxicity and group content in
12s World of Warcraft we'll be discussing
14s how often players encounter toxicity in
17s the game the challenges players face
19s when trying to do great content pros and
21s cons of limiting yourself to solo play
24s and the possible solutions to these
26s issues
31s it's no secret that toxicity can be a
34s major issue in online games and World of
36s Warcraft is no exception while the
39s frequency of toxicity can vary depending
41s on the server and player base it's not
43s uncommon for players to encounter toxic
45s behavior in the game this can range from
48s verbal abuse to harassment to cheating
51s and exploiting
53s while some players May brush off
55s toxicity as just part of the game it can
59s have a serious impact on players
60s enjoyment and even mental health but
63s it's important to note that toxicity is
66s not unique to wow but is an issue in
69s many online games and indeed in life
77s group content in World of Warcraft can
79s be a lot of fun but it can also present
82s a number of challenges for players one
85s of the biggest challenges is finding a
87s group of players who are skilled
89s reliable and easy to work with this can
92s be especially difficult for players who
94s are new to the game or who are not part
96s of a large Guild
98s another challenge is dealing with
100s players who are not willing to listen to
103s feedback or who refuse to play their
105s role properly this can lead to wipes
108s delays and frustration for the entire
111s group
115s [Music]
117s while grip content can be a lot of fun
119s there are also benefits to playing World
122s of Warcraft solo one of the biggest Pros
124s is that you can have complete control
126s over your own pace and play style you
130s don't have to worry about coordinating
131s with other players or dealing with toxic
134s Behavior
135s another Pro is that you can play at your
138s own schedule you don't have to rely on
140s other players availability
143s on the other hand the cons of solo play
145s include the fact that you miss out on
148s the social aspect of the game and the
150s sense of accomplishment that comes from
152s working with a group to complete
154s difficult content additionally some
157s content can be harder or impossible to
160s complete solo
162s foreign
165s toxicity in World of Warcraft players
168s can report toxic Behavior to Blizzard
170s the game's developer they also have a
173s strict policy against toxicity and will
175s take action against players who violate
177s the terms of service
179s players can also form groups with
182s like-minded individuals either through
184s the game's built-in group finder or
187s through Community groups such as Discord
189s servers
190s additionally players can also limit
193s their exposure to toxicity by staying
196s away from certain areas of the game or
198s avoiding certain types of content
203s in terms of group content players can
205s take the time to learn their class and
207s role properly and communicate
210s effectively with their group members
211s they can also seek out groups that have
214s a positive and friendly attitude and
216s avoid groups that are prone to toxicity
219s or drama
222s toxicity and group content can be major
226s issues in World of Warcraft but there
228s are ways to mitigate these problems and
230s still enjoy the game by reporting toxic
233s Behavior forming groups with like-minded
235s players and limiting your exposure to
238s toxicity you can have a more positive
241s and enjoyable experience in World of
243s Warcraft thanks for watching
247s so that is chat GPT which is open ai's
252s publicly accessible artificial
255s intelligence where you write a question
257s sort text base write a question and it
260s will generate a unique
263s hopefully relevant response what
266s surprised me about this actually was
268s that it's picked up a lot of terminology
272s that's not just from what you would
274s expect like technical documentation for
276s World of Warcraft it's also picking up
278s sort of you know slang terms you know
281s like talking about spec and wipes
286s um so stuff that you know is from
289s General communication by the users of
293s the the game and not just the you know
296s official documentation like I said so I
298s found that really interesting it kind of
300s makes you wonder where it's getting this
302s information from like is it getting from
304s in-game chat or is it getting from
306s YouTube videos you know where people are
308s talking about all of these frustrations
310s I've also asked at some other specific
312s questions I asked it about
315s um what a common complaints people have
317s about pugging in World of Warcraft and I
319s was expecting it initially to say I
322s don't understand what pugging means but
324s it immediately went into defining
327s plugging as pickup group where players
330s group with random individuals in you
334s know for Dungeons and Reigns and it was
336s like what it's just it it knew exactly
340s what to say the only limitation of of
344s the topic is that it uh the knowledge
347s base finishes in 2021 so you can't ask
350s it any questions about dragonfly
352s um but it you know it understands the
354s idea of of expansions and it talked
358s about uh announcements for upcoming
361s expansions and it said there hasn't been
363s an announcement for an upcoming
366s dragonflight expansion this was in like
368s I said in September 2021
370s um so technically it didn't know
372s anything about it but the fact that it
374s even just immediately recognized from
375s the question the general topic that I
378s was talking about was able to say I
379s don't have that information
380s and where it would go to to find that
383s information you know official
385s announcements and stuff it's just it's
387s it's Skynet it really is Skynet
391s I am so ready for Skynet after
394s interacting with this this uh chat GPT
397s but yeah I just thought it was a little
398s bit of fun
399s um my initial
402s um motivation shall we say for creating
404s this video was I was actually going to
405s do like a proper uh uniquely handcrafted
409s video about my experiences with Wow but
412s it really it boils down to this question
414s that I've asked which is I'm having a
417s great time playing dragonflight solo
420s um as soon as I have to group with other
422s people I'm finding it really unpleasant
424s I'm just not having a lot of positive
426s interactions I do have some absolutely
429s across leveling content as well as like
431s Mythic plus and raid type stuff but
434s I yeah I'm encountering a lot of
437s unfortunate uh people and just a general
442s shift in the attitude that players have
445s about it being its group content but
449s it's more about the individual than it
451s is about helping other people
453s um you know if I'm leveling
455s I noticed that uh you get the level 10
459s scaling if you've done any leveling in
461s dragonflight there's an issue with level
463s 10 scaling basically the mob Health
466s doesn't reflect what it is for the
468s higher level players so when you've got
470s this mixture of say level 50s and a
472s level 10 the level 10 is going to be
474s doing you know like a million times the
477s DPS of everybody else no matter what
479s their spec is so you're finding that
481s level 10 so you have a like a mistweaver
483s monk level 10 just runs the entire
486s dungeon uh spinning crane kick and just
490s spamming spinning crane kick killing all
492s the bosses and everybody else is just
494s sort of running behind them slowly
496s picking up loot not even hitting
497s anything literally that person can solo
500s so you know people who are trying to
502s learn how to tank
503s they're finding it really difficult to
505s actually tank in the content because all
508s it takes is is one level 10 and that
510s person will just solo everything because
513s they literally cannot die and they will
516s do way more way more DPS I had it's a
521s bit weird you can't really tell exactly
523s the numbers but when I was at one point
526s I had there was an Arcane mage
528s they were doing all my details damage
531s meter it came up as them doing 45k DPS
535s on a single Target and everybody else in
538s the group who are around the same level
540s were doing 200 DPS so it's that kind of
544s um difference obviously there's numbers
545s aren't specific but it kind of at least
547s tells you what the gaping Chasm is it's
550s it's not a it's not a small difference
553s in DPS so you really I'm really noticing
556s that a lot of people are just you know
559s blast through the content forget the
562s fact that I'm grouped with other people
563s it's not about letting new tanks learn
566s how to tank it's not about letting new
568s healers learn how to heal if they can't
571s they can't keep up they actually get
573s kicked and I'm just you know that
576s coupled within if you're doing Mythic
579s plus content there's
582s basically whenever an item drops the
584s first question is do you need instead of
586s giving the person an opportunity to
588s offer an item up it's just immediately
591s do you need do you need and you get
592s multiple Whispers from stuff which can
595s be a little bit uh confronting I guess
598s if you're of a certain
601s wanting to give things to other people
603s kind of personality you probably aren't
606s going to have a good time well at the
609s moment because it's yeah it's very much
612s this sort of the individual Uber Alice
615s you know
616s um
617s individual above everybody else kind of
619s attitudes so yeah I don't know it's
622s maybe I'm getting older and less
624s tolerant of that kind of behavior maybe
626s that behavior has always been in the
627s game and I just haven't experienced it
629s to this extent but ah yeah love
633s dragonflight as an expansion not
635s enjoying the player base at the moment
637s so I'm kind of a bit torn because the
639s content that I want to do is actually
642s ah in-game content but yeah so
646s on that note we've had half an AI
650s written by AI video and Harvard this
653s just randomly rambling about stuff uh
656s apologies if there were any noises to
658s the microphone I've got like
660s construction happening outside my window
662s right now so I've got trucks and
665s tractors and cranes and forklifts and
669s all manner of noises going on so
671s hopefully my good old Nvidia noise
674s suppression software kicked in a few
676s times and got rid of most of that
678s um I'll put some video some music in as
680s well kind of hide as much as I can but I
682s did feel inclined to put a video out
684s because I felt motivated to do so but
687s most importantly welcome to the end of
689s the video you've lasted 12 minutes
690s before it was initially meant to be a
692s five minute video
694s but I'm I'm Keen to hear what your
697s thoughts are whether you've been playing
699s the expansion or not
701s um have you sort of experienced
705s positive
707s majority
709s majority majorly positive mostly
712s positive I should say probably is a
713s better word mostly positive experience
716s and experiences in my art or have they
718s been mostly negative
721s um is it a some sort of other split
723s between the two what's your experience
725s if you are playing dragonflight now
728s how's that going
729s are you doing sort of pug content or are
732s you doing you know stuff with guilds
734s like what's the context of your
735s experiences basically what I'm asking
738s um mainly just so I can have reasons to
740s check the YouTube comments and reply to
742s people and say hello
743s because I enjoy doing that it's one
745s thing doing a video but I don't feel
747s comfortable sitting here in just
749s dispensing my opinion onto the internet
751s I I do a video like this in hopes that
753s people are then going to share their
754s opinions with me and I can actually have
756s a bit of a to and fro as as much of a
759s tour and fro you can have on YouTube
761s comments because they're not great at
763s notifying when people have replied to a
765s comment that I've written
768s um but yeah anyway so let me know if you
771s feel so inclined otherwise whatever it
773s is that you're doing I hope it goes well
775s and that you are taking care of yourself
777s and those around you
780s I will see you when I see you goodbye