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Here are today’s hotfixes in Wrath Classic:
OCTOBER 3, 2022
Wrath of the Lich King Classic
- Fixed multiple issues preventing the Battle for Undercity from proceeded as expected when multiple layers are present.
- The Portal to Undercity in Stormwind should now appear as expected when you are on the quest “The Killing Time” and have completed “A Royal Coup”.
- Living Bomb no longer puts the Mage back into combat upon expiration or removal.
- Fixed an issue preventing Mr. Floppy from reviving, blocking the quest “Mr. Floppy’s Perilous Adventure” from completing.
- “A Righteous Sermon” quest has been updated to now allow for more than a single player to receive credit for listening to Inquisitor Hallard’s Righteous Sermon.
- Stranglethorn Fishing Tournament NPCs now spawn more reliably.