almost 4 years
ago -
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Today’s update to the beta realms introduces a new level cap and bug fixes:
- The level cap has been increased to 68 (was 64).
Art and Visuals
- Fixed a variety of issues to lighting and fog effects.
- Outlands zones are currently missing some ground foliage and detail objects.
- Fixed an issue where male Trolls had an invalid skin color option.
- Fixed an issue with Crust Burster’s spell visuals.
- Fixed an issue with FelReaver’s movement animation.
- Fixed an issue where area-of-effect damage caps were not functioning properly.
- Teleport: Moonglade is no longer missing from the level 58 Druid character templates.
- The Hunter ability The Beast Within now functions properly.
- The Paladin ability Seal of Blood now properly performs its primary damage effect.
- The Paladin ability Pure of Heart now properly increases resistance to curses and diseases.
- The Priest ability Pain Suppression now properly increases resistance to Dispel mechanics.
- Shaman totem buffs are now displayed in the buff list.
- The Warrior talent Second Wind now triggers on Immobilize effects.
- Jewelcrafting - Cut gems now list their stat bonuses.
- Tailoring - Spellcloth now correctly requires the player to be in Netherstorm to craft.
- The tooltip for Filtered Draenic Water now displays the correct level 60 requirement to consume.
- Fixed an issue where thrown weapons were not losing durability when used.
- Fixed an issue where the cost of a few items sold by Haris Pilton were incorrect.
- The Preparation buff is now removed at the start of a Warsong Gulch match.
Quests - Fixed an issue where players would be transported out immediately after accepting "Journey to Honor Hold.”
- Fixed an issue where Eye of the Citadel would spawn under the world during “Warlord of the Bleeding Hollow.”
User Interface
- Guild charter signature requests are now delivered to the targeted player.
- Fixed an issue where the Bank UI is misaligned and there is an extra, unused column of bank slots present.
- Fixed an issue where items that have a class restriction will also incorrectly show a race restriction in the tooltip.
- Fixed an issue where the point-of-interest indicator flag would not appear on the World Map after asking a city guard for directions.
- Fixed an issue where quest objective updates and exploration messages were being displayed in red text.
- Some keys are being removed from the Key Ring and placed into available bag slots upon relogging.