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Today’s hotfixes are:
MARCH 22, 2022
- Demon Hunter
- Vengeance
- (4) Set Bonus: Fixed an issue with the set bonus not always reducing the cooldown of Fel Devastation or Immolation Aura while Unity (Kyrian Blind Faith) was equipped.
- Hunter
- Fixed an issue with Marksman’s Advantage (Conduit) that could cause it to apply to targets without your Hunter’s Mark active.
Dungeons and Raids
- Sepulcher of the First Ones
- Artificer Xy’mox
- Players affected by Spirit of Redemption will no longer trigger Interdimensional Wormholes during the encounter.
- Lords of Dread
- Fearful Trepidation’s visual should more closely match its effect radius.
- Rygelon
- Fixed an issue where Unstable Quasar could strike players outside of the Singularity.
- The Jailer
- Fixed an issue where Tainted Azerite could critically hit.
- Tazavesh, Streets of Wonder
- Mailroom Mayhem
- Fixed an issue where Invulnerable players could fail to pick up Unstable Goods.
- Scholomance
- Instructor Chillheart
- Fixed an issue where Ice Walls were not visible during the encounter.
Items and Rewards
- Fixed an issue which prevented Unity (Runecarving Power) from being applied to Grim-Veiled Robe for Mages, Warlocks, and Priests.