7 months ago - Linxy - Direct link

September 6, 2024


  • Fixed an issue preventing the completion of Deephaul Ravine Shutout.
  • Fixed an issue where looting Mislaid Curiosities did not grant credit for the achievement, I’m not a Thief, I’m a Treasure Hunter.


  • Archmage Khadgar should appear in the Violet Citadel for players progressing through Legion content.


  • Druid
    • Adjusted Druids’ steady flight so that their speed better matches that of mounts.
  • Evoker
    • Scalecommander
      • Fixed an issue where Deep Breath with Maneuverability would apply Terror of the Skies twice to enemy targets.
  • Monk
    • Fixed an issue causing Aspect of Harmony to deal unexpectedly high damage.
  • Paladin
    • Fixed an issue that caused modifiers such as Avenging Wrath and Mastery: Highlord’s Judgment to not affect Touch of Light’s damage effect.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Incandescence’s damage to not be increased by modifiers such as Avenging Wrath and Mastery: Highlord’s Judgment.
    • Fixed an issue causing Consecration’s friendly effects to only apply to a single paladin when multiple were grouped together.
    • Fixed an issue causing Righteous Judgment to cause Consecration to sometimes not grant its friendly effects.
    • Retribution
      • Fixed an issue allowing targets to use Grounding Totem or Blink out of Hammer of Light.
  • Priest
    • Discipline
      • Voidweaver
        • Void Blast will no longer be incorrectly increased by the Holy version of Twilight Equilibrium.
  • Shaman
    • Elemental
      • Corrected an issue where damage dealt by Tempest or Tempest Overload was not properly contributing to Lightning Rod damage when talented into Conductive Energy Hero Talent.
  • Warlock
    • Affliction
      • Fixed an issue where Wither did not benefit from Death’s Embrace.
    • Diabolist
      • Fixed an issue where you could not queue Hand of Gul’dan while casting Ruination.


  • Fixed an issue where specific items weren’t dropping from Nerubian delves.
  • Fixed an issue where sporbits could fail to die upon exploding.
  • Earthcrawl Mines
    • Earthen can now ingest nearby minerals when clicking on Brann’s campfire for health and mana regen.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the quest to not complete when finishing the delve.
    • Fixed an issue where using the flamethrower torch did not grant credit for destroying webs.
  • Kriegval’s Rest
    • Added a button in the scenario tracker to allow players to drop the Enchanted Candle if they’re holding one.
  • The Waterworks
    • Added a button in the scenario tracker to allow players to drop an Air Totem if they’re holding one.


  • Priory of the Sacred Flame
    • Arathi Footman
      • Mortal Strike maximum stacks reduced to 10 on Normal difficulty.
      • Defend cooldown increased on Normal difficulty.
    • Arathi Knight
      • Disrupting Shout cast time increased to 3 seconds on all difficulties (was 2 seconds).
    • Ardent Paladin
      • Sacred Toll damage reduced by 20% on Normal difficulty.


  • Changed the unlock rank for the Nerubian Pheromone Secreter at Adventurer 1 to be renown 7 (was renown 6).

Pet Battles

  • Players may now search for PvP pet battles on the Isle of Dorn.

Player versus Player

  • Rated Battleground Blitz now contributes to Legion Artifact appearance progress.
  • Death Knight
    • Blood
      • Heart Strike no longer deals increased damage in PvP (was +20%).
    • Frost
      • Enduring Strength no longer has reduced effectiveness in PvP (was -20%).
      • Obliterate no longer deals increased damage in PvP (was +20%).
    • Unholy
      • Bursting Sores no longer deals reduced damage in PvP (was -11%).
      • Virulent Plague no longer deals reduced damage in PvP (was -5%).
      • Epidemic no longer deals reduced damage in PvP (was -8%).


  • Fixed an issue where the Hideseeker’s Tote recipe was not available for Crafting Orders.


  • The Quest “Defender of the Flame” should now reward a Lamplighter Supply Satchel.
  • Resolved an issue where multiple beetles would be spawned for “Scarab Scouting” and “Truffle Shuffle”.