about 7 years
ago -
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | today today I want to talk about my very |
3s | early impressions of the tanks in battle |
6s | for Azeroth alpha so to begin demon |
16s | hunters are definitely the outlier class |
19s | at the moment they feel really really |
21s | really solid probably to the point of |
24s | being worthy solid so either they're |
27s | going to get nerfed drastically or every |
29s | other tank is going to get brought up to |
31s | where they are but at the moment the |
32s | self-healing is crazy good the only |
35s | weird thing about them is that we don't |
37s | have shear anymore so the rotation feels |
39s | a little kind of odd and I wind up |
42s | sometimes just using glaive toss to push |
44s | a button you know almost as a filler |
46s | just because it really made a huge |
49s | difference not having a shear when it |
53s | comes to death Knights they're basically |
55s | how they are on live at the moment the |
57s | self-healing is great at the moment |
59s | second best only for demon hunters |
61s | mobility is still an issue of course |
63s | because I mean deep death Knights are |
65s | dead so it makes sense I guess the main |
67s | thing that I've noticed is resource |
69s | generation is a bit of a problem of |
70s | being our piece staffed quite often but |
73s | that could just be because decays are |
75s | more gear and step dependence perhaps |
77s | than the other tanks and the gear that |
78s | we're given with a fresh 110 it's green |
81s | gear my haste is like 25% it could very |
85s | well be that's the problem |
87s | as for paladin's they are really solid |
91s | they're great they have a button for |
93s | pretty much everything and then some |
95s | buttons to spare lighter the protector |
97s | is especially useful at the lower gear |
99s | levels we've been rocking in alpha and |
101s | basically I can anything that I can't |
104s | get hit in the face by I can kite with |
107s | my double pony it's it's fantastic |
109s | paladin's great |
113s | now druids druids are still kind of the |
117s | same they're not as solid as paladin but |
121s | they're still reliable they do a nice |
124s | amount of DPS self-healing is average |
127s | but it is slightly better than life I |
130s | feel like there's been some tweaks with |
131s | a frenzied regeneration and is a little |
133s | bit more effective I guess the main |
135s | problem that I have is that you have to |
137s | run the pulverized talent at the moment |
139s | if you don't run it you basically get |
141s | rekt in the content so it's almost |
145s | mandatory and that for me I never liked |
148s | the pulverized talent so that's probably |
149s | not sitting with me as well now when it |
153s | comes to warriors the lack of |
155s | self-healing it doesn't seem to be |
158s | balanced by increased DPS output so it's |
162s | making questing and soloing content far |
165s | more challenging than the other tanks |
167s | there's a spot that I've been using to |
169s | test the tanks outside of dungeons |
171s | because dungeon cues are a bit |
173s | impossible at the moment so I've got a |
175s | place it has some casters and really |
177s | heavy hitting casters like stupidly |
179s | hard-hitting and some elites and it's a |
182s | vast difference between my warrior not |
186s | being able to take on one of the elites |
188s | and one of the casters without |
190s | eventually dying this is my demon hunter |
193s | that can take on probably five or six |
195s | casters and the elite definitely the |
198s | same like four or five casters the |
200s | Paladin maybe four or five casters the |
203s | druid maybe three or four but why are |
205s | you in monk if it goes anything above |
207s | maybe two casters and in the elite I |
210s | just get absolutely wrecked and I cannot |
212s | self-sustained I cannot kill them first |
214s | enough and I can't recover the health |
216s | that I'm losing because of the |
217s | self-healing so there's my main I guess |
220s | my main concern I have done dungeons on |
222s | warrior and the dungeons were fine there |
225s | were a couple of times where it was kind |
227s | of like everything's going really |
228s | smoothly we'd pull an extra pack and |
230s | then it would just be oh my god we're |
231s | all dead but that to be fair is on some |
234s | of the other tanks as well except for |
236s | demon hunter who can pull like four |
238s | and still be alive at the end as I said |
241s | they're outliers but yeah so I I don't |
243s | know with warrior whether they need |
245s | maybe a little bit more love in terms of |
249s | being able to do more dps perhaps or |
252s | this something there's a bit of an |
254s | imbalance and I'm struggling more and |
256s | worried at the moment and finally we |
261s | have monk so as with warrior healing is |
264s | an issue with monks Healing spheres are |
266s | an absolute joke the frequency at which |
269s | they pop even with the seventy five |
271s | percent increase it's maybe one one a |
274s | facial some might get to a fight and |
276s | then even if I do they they basically do |
279s | next to no healing a fuse struggles to |
283s | recover a quarter of my health before I |
286s | run out of energy to keep spamming it as |
288s | with decays I've been finding monk a |
290s | struggle for generating a resource and |
293s | I've had actually had to opt out of |
295s | using blackout combo simply because |
298s | maintaining the rotation completely |
300s | starved me of energy and yeah that's an |
303s | interesting situation I should also note |
305s | here that I haven't been up to run a |
306s | dungeon on my monk because as I |
308s | mentioned before the lfg system isn't |
311s | well it isn't sort of want to say it's |
314s | broken but it obviously with how many |
316s | people are in it now it's really |
317s | difficult to get a group so it's not for |
320s | lack of trying because I spent like |
322s | eight hours queueing over the course of |
324s | three days and I could not get a dungeon |
326s | I tried and I try but I just it's it's |
329s | early alpha and that kind of thing so |
330s | it's to be expected so I guess with that |
333s | in mind my monk opinions could very well |
337s | be changed if I had been able to get |
339s | into a group they might be better for |
341s | you know team playing group play as |
344s | opposed to solo play so overall I |
347s | haven't noticed a lot of significant |
349s | changes between live and alpha aside |
352s | from the shift towards fewer tricks for |
354s | mitigating magic damage the only real |
357s | thing I've noticed is damage output and |
359s | self-healing there's obviously a lot of |
361s | tweaking yet to come |
362s | and it seems to me like Blizzard might |
364s | be moving in the direction of making |
366s | tanks more dependent on their healers |
369s | with the exception of demon hunters |
371s | which |
372s | again sigh they're going to be nerfed or |
374s | are they could potentially wind up being |
376s | the go-to class for people like me who |
379s | really love to the challenge of soloing |
382s | content and being more self-sufficient |
383s | as a tank that could be an interesting |
386s | situation um anyway my voice is |
390s | definitely about to fail on me so I'm |
392s | gonna bid you farewell |
393s | that's my very very early take on the |
396s | state of tanks at the very beginning of |
399s | the Alpha that is Battle of Asura |
402s | I just want to emphasize that everything |
403s | that I've said here could definitely |
404s | change it's more so I I like seeing |
408s | behind the curtain as it were so it's |
411s | not my critique of battle for Azeroth |
415s | it's more like this is how the tanks are |
417s | at the moment and we now get to see what |
420s | it looks like as they get developed from |
422s | alpha bill to alpha building then |
424s | eventually into beta and then the |
425s | various beta builds and then on to live |
427s | so it's kind of I like to see how these |
430s | concepts have come from very very early |
434s | notions to a more polished product at |
437s | the end of beta so that's it let me know |
441s | what direction you think tanks will be |
443s | going in for BFA do you think there'll |
446s | be more dependency on our healers and |
447s | fewer tanks all those previous tier II |
450s | boss kind of videos going around thanks |
455s | very much for the company enjoy the rest |
458s | of your morning day afternoon evening |
460s | whatever the case might be and I'll |
462s | hopefully see you next time |