Learn more about Zul’Drak and Sholazar Basin— two challenging Northrend zones beckoning Azeroth’s bravest heroes.
Venture into Zul’Drak, a Scourge-infested wasteland inhabited by Drakkari ice trolls but beware of Scourge trying to infiltrate this zone to support the Lich King’s evil efforts. Unlike any other Northrend zone, Sholazar Basin is a tropical anomaly overflowing with vicious wildlife, where champions will find themselves in the middle of a local faction war.
Zul’Drak (74–77)

The amphitheater of Zu’Drak is a formidable temple area in east Northrend, between Grizzly Hills and Storm Peaks. This contested zone boasts one of the most inhospitable climates. While the southern part of this zone is a harsh land plagued by death, the northern part is blanketed in freezing ice and snow. This area is home to the Drakkari, a vicious tribe of ice trolls rumored to practice ritual sacrifice of their ancient loa gods to counter the threat from the Scourge.

Getting There
There are five entrances to Zul’Drak. One in Grizzly Hills to the south, another on the western border of Crystalsong Forest, in the southwest, there’s an entrance through Jintha’kalar Passage in Dragonblight, and another through Drak’atal Passage located in Drak’Tharon Keep.
Points of Interest

- Gundrak (Dungeon): Desperate to save their kingdom from collapse, the trolls of Zul’Drak have turned on their ancient gods, who are thought to be a source of untapped power. The wild deities’ potent blood is believed to be the key to how the Drakkari will repel the Lich King’s minions that have overtaken parts of the troll nation.
- Drak’Tharon Keep (Dungeon): Drak’Tharon Keep was once a formidable outpost at the edge of the Drakkari kingdom of Zul’Drak. A recent Scourge invasion has delivered the fortress into the Lich King’s hands. The keep’s fallen defenders now serve as the Lich King’s undead minions, advancing into the heart of Drakkari territory.
Along with this region’s primary inhabitants of crazed Drakkari ice trolls, Scourge, Nerubians, and elementals, you’ll encounter other denizens while you adventure.

Sholazar Basin (75–78)

In the middle of Northrend, between Borean Tundra and Icecrown Glacier, lies a tropical anomaly. A jungle thrives amid the ice and snow of Northrend, beckoning adventurous champions. Pylons erected by the titans have kept this region’s climate temperate and mostly safe from the Scourge, but one of the pylons has fallen, and the protection barrier has broken.

The basin is filled with wildlife, thick vegetation, and hot springs. Scalding water jets out of geysers and steam vents that dot the region.
Upon entering Sholazar Basin, heroes will find themselves in the middle of a war between the Frenzyheart Tribe of wolvar and the gorlocs of the Oracles. Reputation can be gained from either faction. However, killing members of one faction will align you with the other. If you change your mind and wish to align with the opposing faction, there is a way to change factions.

During Children’s Week in Dalaran, if you have aligned yourself with the Oracles, you’ll be able to escort Little Orphan Roo of the Oracles. Likewise, if you’ve aligned yourself with the Frenzyheart Tribe, you’ll be able to escort Little Orphan Kekek of the Wolvar.
Getting There
If you don’t have Cold Weather Flying yet and you’re traveling on foot from Borean Tundra, you’ll follow the road north. Alternatively, if you can get to Krasus’ Landing in Dalaran, you can pick up the Where in the World is Hemet Nesingwary? quest from Archmage Pentarus. Take the offered ride to Sholazar and talk with Monte Muzzleshot for the turn-in. You’ll then get the follow-up quest, Welcome to Sholazar Basin
Supplies and More!
Keeping yourself supplied isn’t too tricky, but available services are limited within Zul’Drak and Sholazar Basin. Smaller, neutral hubs are available to Alliance and Horde heroes, with flight paths readily available to other parts of Northrend.
Argent Stand: A large, troll-inspired structure that serves as the main quest hub in Zul’Drak. Players will have access to the following services:
- Flight Master
- General and Trade Goods
- Innkeeper
- Stable Master
- Supplies
- Ammunition
- Blacksmithing
- Engineering
- Jewelcrafting
- Leatherworking and Skinning
Ebon Watch: The Knights of Ebon Hold are active in this zone and are available to players of both factions to earn reputation. They are in a small encampment in the western part of Zul’Drak. The following services are available:
- Blades
- Flight Master
- General Goods
- Supplies:
- Alchemy
- Herbalism
- Poison
- Reagents
- Trade Goods
Light’s Breach: A small quest and supply hub located north of Drak’Tharon Keep, where the Argent Crusade makes its stand. Available services:
- Fishing Equipment
- Flight Master
- Food
- General and Trade Goods
- Reagents
- Tailoring Vendor
Zim’Torga: A neutral troll encampment controlled by the Zandalari and named for the goddess Zim’Torga whose statue stands in the center of town. This camp is located between the Argent Stand and Gundrak and offers the following services:
- Flight Master
- General and Trade Goods
- Innkeeper
- Maces & Staves
- Reagents
- Stable Master
- Supplies
- Alchemy
- Herbalism
- Poison
Sholazar Basin
Nesingwary Base Camp
- This is the new home of Hemet Nesingwary’s camp in Northrend. It’s a robust camp with everything an adventurer needs to survive the wilds of Sholazar Basin… within reason.
- Flight Path
- Food
- Gunsmith
- Innkeeper
- Stable Master
- This is the new home of Hemet Nesingwary’s camp in Northrend. It’s a robust camp with everything an adventurer needs to survive the wilds of Sholazar Basin… within reason.
River’s Heart
- Located near the center of the Sholazar Basin, where all rivers in the basin lead. Swim at your own risk—the lake is infested with hungry threshadons looking for a quick meal.
- Cold Weather Flying Trainer
- Flight Master
- Located near the center of the Sholazar Basin, where all rivers in the basin lead. Swim at your own risk—the lake is infested with hungry threshadons looking for a quick meal.
Most of what you’ll need to survive can be procured without traveling to the capital cities unless you need the Bank or Auction House. Don’t forget to set your Hearthstone before you go.
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See you in Northrend!