9 months ago - Hist - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s g'day
4s yes I'm still alive uh it's been a hot
8s minute since I've done a YouTube video
10s hasn't it holy YouTube sent me a video
13s uh send me a video sent me an email
15s saying you haven't posted in a while in
19s more than six months apparently and
21s their policy is if you don't post within
24s six months a six month period they will
26s remove you from the partner program so I
30s don't make I make like three dollars
32s every three months from my channel so
34s that's not it's not so much the the
36s revenue that I'm concerned about it's
37s more so
39s just the the fact that I've had this
41s channel for nearly 10 years and it would
43s be such a shame to to lose the the
46s little tick of the little two
49s so I guess at this point there's a
51s there's a question of what do I do with
53s this channel because obviously I'm not
55s playing wow anymore I occasionally get
58s people asking me are you still playing
59s well and I have not for a long time I at
62s this point I don't have an intention to
63s go back but that's not to say that I
65s never will it could change in the future
67s I don't know but just at this point I'm
69s I'm fine with not playing well I have
71s been playing D4
72s been enjoying us it's also been really
75s frustrating so it's a bit of a
78s contentious uh experience I will say
81s it's like I love it and I hate it at the
83s same time but I don't hate it for the
85s right reasons and that's um that's a
88s little bit of a difficult situation to
91s be in because then it's you almost sort
93s of think is this a game that I can play
94s long term because I'm just frustrated
96s with the little things but at the same
98s time when it's when it's fun it's fun so
101s yeah I don't know uh the question at
103s this point if you're still listening is
106s what do I do
108s from here onwards because I do want to
110s obviously post videos like this one
113s um I've dabbled in things that are not
115s related to wow but this channel was
117s obviously built on World of Warcraft so
120s for me to not be playing the game
123s anymore and then to try and venture out
125s into something new
126s basically the world's my oyster and I'd
130s be really interested to know if you've
132s got any ideas something that
135s you would be curious to see a video on I
138s mean it could be literally any topic it
141s doesn't even have to be gaming related
142s the only topic it can't be as well
144s because I just don't play well so
146s and I don't really have the the uh the
149s memory that I used to to be able to go
151s back through my wow history and go oh I
154s remember that time that I killed that
155s boss with the tentacle so half the time
158s I wouldn't even remember what happened
159s so so don't get old kids seriously and
163s obviously I'm still gaming but uh the
166s moment I'm not playing a wide variety of
168s games because I don't really have the
170s the inclination to do so so it's really
172s just D4
173s but then there are other things like at
174s the moment I'm I'm studying well I'm
178s technically I've qualified with a web
180s development qualification but I'm you
183s know learning a lot of web development
184s technology
185s uh still a whole library of public
189s domain books that I could read but I'm
193s not entirely sure that I sort of enjoy
195s doing that kind of stuff there's
196s podcasts that YouTubers come out with
198s but then I guess it's the same problem
200s the topics is really the sticking point
202s for me and that's why I don't do you
206s know a lot of regular uploads because I
207s just don't know what to do a video on
209s it's different when you're in the thick
211s of a game and you're in the thick of a
213s community and you you know you're
215s consuming all of this information but
217s I'm at a point now where I'm I'm sort of
219s distancing myself a bit from social
220s media because
222s I mean there's so much rubbish going on
224s out there that I kind of kind of
226s appreciate things like goodable if
229s you've ever ever heard of it it's one of
231s those uh positive news
233s sort of apps which is kind of nice
235s because it's all doom and gloom and all
237s the Doom scrolling and obviously that's
239s something you can never fully get away
241s from but it's nice to limit it I think a
243s bit
244s so I've really been enjoying getting off
245s social media and that kind of stuff but
248s at this point I'm rambling so taking it
249s back to the topic if you're still
251s listening you are the person that I want
253s to hear from if you would be so inclined
255s is to leave a comment below if you have
258s any ideas of something that you would
260s like to see in the channel or inversely
263s something that I've done in the channel
264s before that you've enjoyed
267s that is not wow related so something
269s else you know that kind of thing ah
273s I guess
275s yeah I guess we'll sort of say and
277s hopefully this video will appease the
280s YouTube gods and I won't lose my partner
281s status and then we'll get to the the
284s 10-year Mark and from there who knows
286s might be a brand new Channel with a
287s completely different topic with a a
290s distant forgotten history of World of
293s Warcraft
294s but anyway thanks for listening and as I
297s said if you are at this point please
299s drop anything in the comments below it's
301s not an algorithm thing it's it's
302s literally I I want to connect with you
305s as somebody who is still listening so
308s um thank you very much for your time I
310s appreciate your comments and take care
313s of yourselves I'll talk to you soon

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