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Besides the obvious feedback of hit registration, lag, and clunky movement here are some other things that hopefully they can fix when they have time. Feel free to comment and make a list of any that I didn't add. Could be nice to have a compiled list though I'm sure the Devs are tracking most if not all of these.

  • Dead bodies either standing up, floating, or any unnatural position after dying. As funny as this can be it is really distracting.
  • When you reach max level you have a progress bar. Every time I fill it out, at the end of the game it says I recieve a loot crate. Majority of the time it doesn't give me a loot crate though.
  • Darkness of characters and certain areas, and the contrast between them. Can be very hard to spot people in certain areas of the game.
  • Damage report not giving proper stats. Definitely unreliable
  • Dying and/or getting shot when you run behind cover etc. I understand this is lag and the other person sees something different, however while I do experience this to some extent in other games, I have never experienced it this badly before. For example in Modern Warfare Warzone I may die less than a second after turning the corner. This game I can be around the corner for a lot longer and then die or get shot.
  • Main menu glitch. Sometimes you get stuck searching for a match and/or cannot invite friends. You have to reset your app or reset the main menu to fix this.
  • Randomly at times when you crouch the game will force you to stand back up.
  • Teleporting. Sometimes when you turn a corner, go through a door, down stairs, or vault over a ledge the game will teleport you back to where you were several seconds before.
  • Not throwing grenades even though your character does the action
  • The point where you are throwing your grenade. It goes slightly to the right of where you're aiming.
  • Grenade physics. I have seen some really weird bounces.
  • Grenades teleporting out of your hand when you throw it. Not game breaking just looks weird.

And just some suggestions. May add more later.

  • Able to invite people to the party you're in even if you're not host
  • Turn off team killing in hardcore after the round is over. Lots of players don't realize that even if the round is over you lose your stuff.
  • Should be able to shoot through certain objects, and if shooting through windows the windows should reflect that. If you shoot through a window, the bullet goes through but nothing happens to the window.
  • The option to remap your buttons or switch between different controller layouts.
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over 4 years ago - /u/Pask_MYGAMES - Direct link

Very good list of issues and suggestions, noted it, thank you.