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Breakout Community,

I am by no means the best player in Breakout, however I have maintained a positive K/D (3.0 as it stands currently) and thought I would go over some basic tips to improve your gameplay. I hope to makes this a series which will eventually cover lines of sights, pre nades and smokes. Let’s begin.

  • You can hear enemy’s reload their gun if close by.

Take advantage of it. Just recently in archway on the map ‘Oasis’ (from B site leading into mid map) I had an enemy camping the stairs below in the corner. He reloaded, I heard it and didn’t sleep on it. Jumped around the corner, boom headshot goodnight. Minute or so later received a message saying ‘this isn’t halo kid’. Typical clan members right?

  • Run with your knife out coming out from spawn.

You run faster. At times I feel like it’s a ‘limited boost’ rather than a constant effect (maybe this is due to the character running animations) so I have yet to figure this out. But yeah, you run faster with your knife out. Do it, especially if you’re on the rotate.

  • Do not be afraid to call it quits and save your gun if the odds are stacked against you.

Yes, people may think ‘what the hell are you doing’ and that’s fine. Don’t let them discourage you from playing tactically. There is absolutely nothing wrong with retreating in order to save your current loadout and any throwables you may have. It could potentially win you the match overall.

  • Look at your minimap when team mates die and plan your next attack accordingly.

You’ll be surprised how many people you can catch off guard by utilising the minimap. Be mindful of your spawn and what’s happening behind you. More often than not, the enemy team who’re on the other bomb site will flank you from your spawn. Getting into a good position to catch them unaware is key.

  • If you’re an attacker on the map ‘Facility’ you can plant the bomb on top of A.

I don’t know how many people are aware of this one, again a very general tip for those who were unaware. In order to do this, simply go along the catwalk (or from the enemy’s spawn building) and hop onto the bomb. Easy peasy.

  • Don’t run, jump and reload every chance you get. It will be the death of you.

You’ll be surprised how many people I catch off guard because their sprinting, jumping or reloading. Yes I jump and it does work well but there’s downside’s to doing so (Desync). There’s a video on my profile showing this perfectly so if you don’t know what I mean then please watch. Currently there’s a weird delay with ADS’ing after sprinting, jumping or reloading. It may only be for a millisecond but it’s a delay nonetheless and it happens (from my perspective anyway) after doing these 3 actions.

  • ADS walk and ADS the most obvious spots, corners and lines of sight.

Don’t always try to be the first to get into an advantageous position. Chances are the enemy team will get there before you (especially if you aren’t running with your knife out). To combat this, be ready and ADS. Get into the habit of doing so at each corner, line of sight or cut off point. You give yourself a higher chance of winning a gunfight if you catch your enemy in mid sprint or because they think an area is clear or due to them not ADS’ing while walking.

  • The bomb timer.

Listen to the music in the background. If it gets more ‘intense’ and you go to defuse the bomb then you’re already too late. Don’t give yourself a needless death.

  • Defusing the bomb issue.

Are you having trouble defusing the bomb because of weapons on the ground? There’s a workaround. Pick up the weapons and while doing so, move your character backwards or sideways so your gun doesn’t drop directly on the bomb then defuse it.

  • Help I’m blind! Oh wait, it was my team mate that flashed me.

Look at your minimap so you can gauge where your team mates are going. Flashing down an alleyway or a certain area that your team mate is covering is a sure way to get them killed and you’ve wasted a vital piece of utility in the process.

  • Grenade radius.

Don’t go into obvious spots at the start of a round (I.e upper room near catwalk on Facility if you’re on the attacking side). Hang back and wait for the grenades then advance. The grenade radius is busted atm and all you’ll be doing is taken pointless damage which helps nobody.

  • What settings should I use?

For me everything is set to default apart from general sensitivity (which is 10) and ADS is 6. I’m still tinkering with the settings myself but overall, this has worked wonders for me.

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almost 4 years ago - /u/Pask_MYGAMES - Direct link

Pinned that one, a very nice list.