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It's almost weird to me that there isn't more than just Azureus posting and responding on reddit when I'm pretty sure the devs could probably help talk about the technicalities of the game and what's to come in greater detail. Would they probably get treated badly by some people? Yeah I guess the internet just makes people very aggressive so that sh*t tends to happen. However, prior to season 2, I would say the community was getting pretty active and we all just kinda vibed since the game played pretty decent before Underground dropped. Ik the game development is probably troublesome too due to Rona but I would like to see more than just Azureus talk here because it's always better when game Dev's and communities talk and give feedback in my opinion. Just look at Warframe, they're f*cking FTP but they have their own event and even do streams. I feel like if anything the devs should apologize to us for the rocky start so we can all start fresh and hopefully move on from this to just laugh about it in the future. Besides the main social media I used, I'm taking a break from gaming in general too. I still come back here everyday HOPING something good will be posted but it's just memes and the occasional "update post" which kinda makes me feel bad. I really really like this game. I don't want it to die out, but to do that the devs seriously need to get their act together. Idk about Twitter (I have it deleted) but this and discord are practically dry besides for like the same couple of people talking everyday. Maybe it'll be tomorrow where all of this does happen and there's finally a slow increase of players, maybe it won't ever happen, who knows. Seriously the game isn't dead if there's dedicated players. For f*cks sake a game I play on my free time called Day of Defeat: Source still has some active servers everyday and it's over 10 years old. I know ESPECIALLY in the Corona Virus games haven't sold for sh*t due to everyone kinda having to spend their cash on more important things, that's understandable. I just want to see this game thrive, but that's gonna have to take some serious change on the Devs side of things. I won't drag this any longer. Everyone take care, have fun and have a goodnight.

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over 3 years ago - /u/My_Azureus - Direct link

Hello, I understand that the proximity with the devs is something people may crave but we aren't going to force our devs to get into the crowd as it's not their job. If they want to, they totally can, but it can be difficult to face the negativity you may encounter around the game when you work hard on it since months so I don't blame them for not coming around.
That said, our Q&A and dev updates are pieces of content written directly by our dev team in collaboration with the community team. We tried to increase the number of articles of this type to offer you more transparency and create a closer relationship between you and the production team (even if the community team is in between).