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You can change your server to whichever is closer, when you start the game. Also, I believe if you go to settings and look in the top right, you can see “press y” for servers or whatever and can change it.

On the first round choose the machine pistol and don’t worry about getting any armor, save your CR for the next round.

Aiming for the head is worth it! I believe 1 or 2 shots to the dome is an insta-kill, so it’s worth purposefully aiming chest and up and tanking a hit or two.

Go to customize and change a lot of the ARs to have red dots or holographic sights (the holographics won’t be called holo’s tho, but if you’ve played enough shooters you’ll recognize it regardless).

SMGs are REALLY good and are also very cheap.

ADS corners and don’t ADS in open areas so that you can snap to enemies.

Change your outside deadzone to a bit higher than usual, it allows you to basically 180 and defend yourself from the back without sacrificing accuracy.

And lastly, (not really a tip) if you have casual highlighted then you can hit B to change to hardcore, which is probably good to practice on before rank drops.

Hope these few tips help!

EDIT: commented below by u/djfresh1 -

I also forgot, once the bomb is planted if it can’t be diffused and you’re in the area the blast will kill you and you lose all your equipment so once the beeping gets constantly fast get out of there..

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almost 4 years ago - /u/Pask_MYGAMES - Direct link

These are great tips, well done!