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I see a lot of questions in threads in regards to servers - a lot of which are directed at u/Pask_MYGAMES who from my understanding is part of the breakout team. It's really sh*tty to see these questions blatantly overlooked and disregarded.

My question is - where would I be able to find this information or who could I direct my questions to, as it feels like u/Pask_MYGAMES has no interest in providing any clarity to this at all and would rather avoid the question entirely - though from what I've seen this is where questions get directed to.

Pls halp.

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over 4 years ago - /u/Pask_MYGAMES - Direct link

They are not ignored. It's just that we don't have really much to say about it right now other than the fact that we are working on it (which really happens).

Thanks for letting me know that it looks that we ignore them though, really not intended to be like that.