almost 2 years ago - Warframe - Direct link
almost 2 years ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s [Music]
16s [Music]
75s [Music]
79s so
85s [Music]
111s test one two can you hear me
116s this is a patch note stream
118s and more i just want to make sure my
119s levels are good if you can hear me
121s yay okay
124s bad mic
126s bad
127s mic bad mic oh i see yes okay this is my
130s bad mic hold on
133s yep i got it i got it
135s bad mic bad mic
138s why not just troubleshoot live this
139s might indeed fix it but let me see yep
142s okay this should be my good mic now
144s confirmed good good mic
148s good mic great all right
151s oh thanks guys yeah so it is update day
153s this is gonna be a really casual patch
156s note stream going live stream we are
158s launching the update today it is
160s imminent and i just want to prepare
162s everyone for
163s [Music]
164s 60 pages of patch notes so we'll go
166s through them together
168s not all of them we're not doing all 60
170s pages
170s but this is more or less just a stream
173s mic is a little loud oh boy
176s oh music is a little loud
180s um
181s yeah i'm going to be kind of
183s multitasking a bit so
186s bear with me
187s but you know
189s we do what we can
191s and yeah
193s patch notes
196s let's do it actually let me just make
197s sure i can see twitch chat first
199s hello chat
202s twitch twitch chat
205s power level oh desktop audio is way too
207s low now
210s i give a steve i'm sorry i cannot be
212s steve for you today um he's busy but i'm
215s i'm trying i'm trying my best to be
217s steve i could do a live head shave
219s that's popular sometimes on twitch
222s maybe
224s maybe not
225s buzz the old bleached hair give it the
227s old razzle dazzle
229s play the guitar wow okay
232s all right
233s first what do i need to do to prove that
236s i can do this it doesn't have to be
237s steve okay
238s give patch mike has issues
243s okay well
245s maybe steve should do it
247s uh let's see when is oh arg questions
252s do whatever you want you're right i
253s won't um by the way if you see any
255s familiar faces in chat when i'm done
257s streaming go check them out you know
260s there's i'm just here to read patch
261s notes
262s uh play as a tune i don't even have an
264s instrument so that's a problem
268s uh
269s all right patch notes
271s what i cannot give you in music and
273s steve i can give you in slightly more
276s accessible patch notes so yeah let's get
279s started uh we are going to just do a uh
283s you know keep chat going if there's
284s anything you want me to change i put
285s some background actually you know what i
286s put ambient music on so i i would like
289s to think that
290s my ambient music is a uh
293s the patch notes will go live when the
294s update drops which is pretty soon
297s uh
298s give crossplay we're working on it
301s where's stug prime great question
304s weird audio coming in between me and
306s talking we are doing a live patch note
308s reading
310s the most this is pc patch notes
312s specifically all other platforms are
314s basically the same the reason this is a
316s pc specific one is because it calls out
318s the uh download size which is this is
320s accurate for pc
322s mike is doing a feedback loop thing
324s really
328s now i'm worried
331s i see no reason for this to be true
334s at all
336s mike is fine they're trolling thanks
338s leam
339s patch notes
342s it's fine for me oh i don't even know
343s who to believe
348s oh it's white noise from my mic mic is
350s crackling
351s that might just be cable
354s cable jank
356s that's a if you're if you're keeping a
357s counter for jank for this stream
360s this one
361s one on the j counter
363s mic is fine oh my god people okay patch
365s notes you're here for patch notes uh we
367s are launching today it's imminent this
368s is angel of airmen
370s it's a huge update uh how to how to say
374s it's a huge update well there's 60 pages
376s of patch notes and i think you know if
378s you're here
380s you're kind of vibing out before we drop
382s this update i think an important
384s thing to keep in mind is that
387s um
389s the the way this content is handled it's
391s all mostly post new war i think the only
393s exception is you could buy gyre from the
396s market and some other cosmetics but all
399s of the
400s all of the
401s focus rework and eczema's rework are
403s game wide changes which we'll talk about
406s but the quest and the hub and you know
408s all of these things actually let's see
411s all of these
413s things
414s are
417s you know you need to finish the new war
418s to get them
420s so
420s you know
421s finish it if you haven't
423s you're missing nine pages of patch notes
425s yeah yeah yeah yeah okay
428s all right first things first when you
430s actually get the patch notes in your
431s hands you will be able to you know just
433s use ctrl f if you're really interested
435s in a specific section of the patch notes
439s uh for instance if you want to read more
441s about
442s documents skin most likely eczema and
445s focus school reworks which are you know
447s you can just jump around but as with all
450s updates that have a little bit of lore
451s content in them we do have a quest so
454s let's talk about the quest angel the
455s zeraman quest
457s it's typical to like an open world style
460s quest where you are introduced
462s to characters and sort of the state of
464s the
465s world you're about to engage with so
467s while the new war was a four-hour
469s cinematic
471s you know two years in the making quest
473s angels of the ceremony is something
474s that's presented more in the context of
477s how you would be introduced to new
478s characters to set up the gameplay that
480s you're about to have so we're thinking
482s you know my fastest run was 30 minutes
485s so think more like a good tv show
487s episode rather than another new war
490s i don't think people expected a quest
493s the new war size uh however in case you
496s were this is me resetting your
498s expectations
500s uh what frame do i need to use in the
502s angels of the ceremony you can use
504s whatever you want i played it with
507s nidus gauss
510s mirage who else did i play it with i
512s played it with a few
514s ah
515s so
517s duvery no no no you'll see you'll see so
519s just 30 minute intro quest to the
522s equival because you know what really is
524s interesting about
526s the hub to procedural levels is it's
528s basically
529s the same steps as doing an open world
532s but there is no open world it's
533s procedural zero in levels which feels
535s really cool the seamlessness and you
537s know the characters and everything uh
539s the patch notes will be posted when the
540s update is live
543s let's see since gyre is the 49th frame
545s will there be a special event for the
547s 50th frame great question that i will
548s not answer
550s what would be the ideal play style for
551s the armageddon
554s game mode
555s okay we'll talk about that when i get to
557s in the patch notes if i do but if the
558s update drops i'm probably going to stop
559s streaming so i need to
560s kick it into gear uh
564s log into dorm zone not at launch uh but
567s there's a few things there that you'll
568s see so
570s uh any info on void shell accessibility
572s yeah you'll be getting
574s void shell stuff as a crest quest reward
576s which is sort of a surprise you'll get
578s something you'll see what it is when you
579s finish the quest and then there's skins
581s for warframes which like our
582s free-to-play model goes cosmetics stuff
585s costs platinum
586s uh
587s let's see what else i'm taking just chat
589s questions now you guys want patch notes
590s i i'm sorry chad let's go together
593s spoiler courtesy obviously there's going
596s to be information in this update do your
598s best to not spoil it for other tenno so
600s that means if you're done the quest if
602s you have a take or you have something
604s that you want to talk about
607s depending on where you're posting about
608s it try and use spoiler tags
610s you know
611s spoil the warnings
613s block out your text whatever you may be
615s that's courtesy
616s as with every major update we do love
618s our known bugs lists uh we tried to get
620s this update as great as it could be but
622s there are gonna be one or two or more
624s things that will be hotfix material so
626s stay tuned for those
627s uh we pre-made a thread to populate it
630s with stuff that we find so that'll be
633s that'll be one thing i think i know
634s there's one oh actually there's one bug
635s that i do know that we just saw so but
637s we're gonna ship with it just one
640s uh red red text no did red text start
643s will there be mining no there's no
645s mining as this is not an open world
648s uh
650s any info on crosstalk not here
652s one bug is a treat
654s a treat
655s what about focus shop okay i have done a
657s horrible job of reading you patch notes
659s and you're gonna be able to read them
660s anyway but i'll just keep going for a
661s little bit
662s uh okay so angels of the german quest
664s comes out uh you do need to have the new
666s war complete so it's very very important
668s that you do the new war because then you
670s can play the quest that comes after
671s which is angels of this
674s uh similar to psy's vigil vox hilarious
676s and heart of deimos this is a solo
677s gameplay quest that will introduce you
679s to key characters in xamarin related
681s content so like i said
682s actually i already basically covered
684s this part of the patch notes moving on a
686s new tile set uh well there is a new
690s procedural tile set so if you've been
691s with warframe for a long time you'll
693s know that i think the last
696s unique tile set we released was the
697s sentient one in the veil proxima
701s and this is
702s uh i might be wrong but
705s my brain can only do so much at once
707s however what this means is there is a
709s new series of uh procedural levels for
712s you to enjoy so you're going to go in
713s you're going to see this whole new area
715s of the xeromen and you're going to do it
716s in new missions and you're going to do
718s it
719s through an elevator which is always fun
720s new jupiter is newer true that's a
722s remaster
723s there is a remaster
725s or that was the remaster
728s uh
729s can i get some plants yes you can
733s when will new store bundle go up soon
738s four minutes till the update wow thanks
740s red text
741s all right
743s optimization tip for pc players like i
745s mentioned these are the pc patch notes
746s so oh actually we can play a really fun
749s game of how many words did we make up in
751s this update that google just says nope
753s not a word
754s it's a very fun game to play when you're
756s writing anything about warframe is how
758s mad will auto
760s or spell check be at what you're writing
763s uh 59 pages in four minutes we can do it
766s all right
767s so
768s the uh zeraman tileset has resources we
771s have some new resources for you so
772s you're going to want to look for void
773s gel orb and trotty lantorns and faxplasm
776s all of these will be
778s yours to discover uh void plume is the
780s first uh fake word is it the first fake
782s word
784s yes okay so void flume is our first word
787s new word of the day
788s so what are void plumes
790s if you are
792s you can add those made up words to the
793s dictionary google yeah this is a yes ion
795s style this is true um this is just an
797s aggregate doc that i that was safe for
798s stream so like no comments or anything
800s on it so it's
801s patched speedrun not gonna happen
804s uh
805s void plumes are tokens shed from void
807s manifestations which can be used for
808s many things so if you've played
810s syndicate missions um one of the key
812s things we wanted for this airmen was as
814s you're exploring this place we wanted
816s you to explore we wanted you to look to
818s see what could have happened here
820s where might you know good loot be hidden
822s and void plumes are essentially a
824s version of that so every mission that
826s you play will have
828s void plumes hidden around the levels
829s they'll show up on loot radar golden
831s instinct will work um
833s you know and those types of things mean
834s that you'll be able to gain your
836s standing and your you know whatever else
839s void blooms are used for by exploring
840s they will also be in various
843s bounty esque tables but void plumes are
845s very important so keep those in mind for
847s this update uh they are somewhat the
849s basis for a lot of the syndicate uh
851s among other things
854s no update uh-oh
855s who gave heartless zad's the inside info
860s i'm gonna keep scrolling oh melika
862s cashes and zerem accolades so if you've
864s played the new war uh there is a
866s character that you might remember
868s uh your homeroom teacher and she has a
871s role to play um
872s how well she's doing after all this time
874s has passed it remains to be seen but you
876s could make her day a little brighter in
878s every mission if you wanted to i think
880s you might already know this if you watch
881s devstreams so
883s we lagging
886s oh
888s i'm trying to see if there's any more
889s visuals i can give you oh new summer
891s chord fragments so there's three new
892s songs that you'll be able to scan if
894s you're interested in some new tunes on
897s corroded wings the offering and canticle
900s these three new songs will be available
901s in the xeron tileset we also have a lot
905s of new enemies uh there's a new kuva
908s unit there's a new crewman units thrax
909s units which you'll learn more about code
911s name void manifestations which you might
913s have an idea of what those are
915s and then there's the new hub the
917s chrysalis you've seen this on devstreams
919s perhaps but if not let's take a closer
921s look with this asset
923s and
924s have i
925s have i made a an error
928s luckily everything is cropped so you
930s guys can't tell if i screwed up or not
934s i didn't
935s maybe i brought the site down
938s did i bring the site down it's possible
941s there is a new syndicates there's
942s zeremen bounties which will only be of
944s course all zeromen contents is only
946s available after the quest is done so
949s you'll have to finish angels of the
950s ceremony and then you'll be unlocking
952s a syndicate missions among other things
955s so take your time with it
956s i think my best advice would be to just
958s you know read explore pay attention to
961s what's going on and you'll really find
963s yourself in the fold of
965s being able to understand everything this
966s update is going to throw at you because
968s there's a lot
970s there's a lot there's bounties that have
971s rewards in them such as gyre pieces new
974s weapons so you know we have a two-handed
976s heavy scythe
978s why were they over an hour late we
980s weren't the trailer just went up with a
982s with an available now to
984s test you it was a test you passed
987s i've been gone three years so much to
989s catch up on
990s quest is 10 minutes no it's about 30
992s minutes if you really know what you're
994s doing
1003s can i speak spanish no i read your
1006s spanish question in english though so
1008s that's
1009s disrespectful of me and i'm sorry for
1010s that
1013s let's see
1015s water glass rib music
1017s oh lordy
1019s i'm being trolled by my teammates
1028s all right let's see what else
1030s oh here we go
1032s i can better orient my
1035s a new journey who waits one minute hurry
1036s up holy crap okay we're only on page six
1039s this is not okay new rewards new mission
1041s types let's talk about the new mission
1043s types if you're here in chat i can't
1045s assume your experience with warframe i
1047s don't know if you're new i don't know
1048s this is your first time checking by but
1050s i do want to just give you a broad
1052s intention talk when it comes to the new
1054s mission types specifically armageddon
1057s but mostly all of them
1059s they're kind of the hardest missions
1061s we've released and you know what if
1062s you're really experienced you're going
1063s to go in there and you'll be like this
1064s is hard but
1068s they are um i i think they're
1070s you know we're not trying to make like a
1072s crazy
1074s i don't really know how to phrase this
1075s but they're
1076s no one knows how to play them you're
1078s gonna need to learn how to play them and
1079s then you're going to be able to optimize
1081s so
1081s study the missions bring your best you
1083s might need to change your loadout from
1085s time to time to best optimize certain
1087s things there is an intentional
1090s challenge level beyond what you're used
1093s to
1093s this is reflected in the peaks and
1095s valleys that you'll have with the eximus
1097s rework changes so really expect things
1099s just to feel a little more peak and
1101s valley while you're playing uh we're
1103s gonna see how this goes we've had a lot
1105s of fun playing it internally and we hope
1107s the same for you of course but kind of
1110s go in knowing that you're going to have
1111s new stuff to learn you're going to
1113s realize that you do have the tools for
1115s the job and have fun with that
1117s my laptop might not be able to handle it
1118s i i cannot comment on your laptop
1120s praise the fog cephalon fog will live on
1123s forever
1124s i was waiting for a steve streamer and
1126s i'm sad oh okay i need to up my
1128s stevensons what can we do
1133s i have to think on my toes here
1140s uh
1141s i don't know
1142s i'm sad too f steve stream damn it you
1144s guys are harsh alright pink shorts play
1147s guitar shave head grow beard none of
1149s these things are within reach in the
1150s next and i still have patch notes to get
1152s through but anyway
1153s do we all
1155s feel
1156s pick up what i'm putting down about the
1158s missions a little harder you can you can
1160s do it give yourself time to learn how
1162s they work
1163s and so on and so forth you got three new
1165s missions to learn i'm not gonna
1168s read you the tutorialization of them but
1170s the information is there for you if
1171s you're struggling so keep that in mind
1173s if you need a reference the game should
1175s teach you everything a really important
1176s part of this quest specifically is it
1179s well i don't want to spoil it but you
1181s will not leave the quest not knowing how
1182s any of the missions work let's just say
1184s that
1186s let's say it stay with me
1188s you won't leave the quest not knowing
1190s how many missions
1191s work all right
1193s boyd armageddon oh
1196s yes yes yes we got our classic
1198s exterminating mobile defenses as well
1200s these are part of the update and the way
1203s i've kind of paced myself through the
1204s update is when i'm going for you know an
1206s endless mission i jump into these
1208s maximize my game play and then when i
1211s want something a little more slower
1212s paced i hop into an exterminate i
1214s explore i look for those eight void
1216s plumes i look for cephalon malika i look
1219s for a hidden boss
1222s hidden boss fight
1224s you know these types of things
1226s take your time with it you will need
1228s time to see how everything works
1230s together patch notes are here to help
1232s the game is there to guide you through
1233s it
1240s my warframe is updating i'm excited
1243s excellent
1246s all right
1248s oh and carnan weapons oh we even give
1249s you a 101. these are the uh incarnate
1252s weapons is the form that weapons take
1253s after being void touched you'll learn
1255s all about them uh in the update you saw
1257s three that we're shipping with uh again
1259s i'm assuming you've seen a devstream if
1260s you haven't i'm kind of glossing over
1262s these but i think i can give you a
1263s visual if this one works
1265s does that mean this image will work
1267s oh
1269s okay actually this is a good good guide
1271s for an image
1272s there's going to be rotating forces on
1274s the ceremony so every you know two and a
1277s half hours either corpus or the grineer
1280s will be there so stay tuned for which
1281s factions will be there you can access
1284s that on your mini map in the hub
1286s uh yes evolving weapons let's take a
1289s look oh prados
1292s there we go these are the tonfa
1295s they will be providing you with their
1297s this is the uh in carnan form so you can
1299s evolve your
1301s kratos into this form the fenmore is
1304s beautiful it turns into a heavy weapon
1306s and it's just absolutely bonkers so all
1308s of these weapons transform mid uh
1310s mission
1311s uh as you use them
1315s uh
1316s let's see chad is going red text psn
1319s awesome
1320s all right i'ma head out bye orange rave
1322s take it easy
1324s please tell me the quest is long it's
1326s about 30 minutes if you know exactly
1327s what you're doing uh like i said this is
1330s very akin to an open world intro quest
1332s so if you think of something like psy as
1334s vigil where you have characters to meet
1337s and this quest will set you up to do so
1339s that's that's the aim
1341s no drop
1343s the drop is knowledge
1345s it
1347s how do you trigger a reference weapon
1348s transformation it's your alt-fire once
1350s you've unlocked the ability to do so so
1352s for instance it would be middle mouse
1353s button on pc by default
1355s uh
1356s other consoles will vary
1359s what else let's keep going evolutions
1362s build around your evolutions oh here we
1364s go let's get to new arcanes let's just
1366s let's just go right into it but i really
1367s want to talk about exodus in focus too
1370s um
1372s the new arcanes actually other streamers
1375s are probably reading the patch notes now
1377s hmm i don't wanna
1380s all right let's talk about new arcanes
1383s for warframe when shields are active
1384s gain six percent ability duration per
1386s second up to a maximum of 36
1389s mult vigor
1390s on operator ability 45 ability strength
1393s on next uh warfarin mobility cast so if
1395s you don't remember part of the focus
1396s rework is you're in your operator mode
1398s you you need to respect all your focus
1400s so the first thing you're probably going
1401s to want to do when you log into the
1403s update is go to your operator and respec
1406s definitely do that
1409s uh we have tons of new arcanes in this
1410s update all of these are available from
1413s one of the new npcs in the hub
1417s uh anything special about the hespar
1419s scythe well it's the first of its class
1421s it's a two-handed scythe weapon
1423s joke's on you i haven't used focus
1426s that's the joke lancer boy
1428s what's the joke
1431s i've never used my operator in the four
1433s years i've played warframe
1435s well you won't be able to beat the quest
1436s without it so
1438s good luck
1440s cascadia overcharged on protea let's
1442s take a look at what that would look like
1444s when overshields are act oh yeah i know
1446s right like drooling drooling so
1449s overshield's now a really interesting
1451s role to play uh you know you can get
1453s them a lot of warframe abilities that
1454s let you to have allow you to have
1455s overshields some items do as well so
1459s certainly changes up some arcane
1461s priorities for instance a warframe you
1463s know you're working has two arcane slots
1465s maybe one of them might use this
1467s depending if you're using an overshield
1469s based frame
1471s rack rat could dark dagger meta i
1473s unironically use that all the time so
1475s believe me
1478s believe me
1480s uh ps4 is in two minutes
1483s will the war within be affected by the
1484s operator changes yes but not in a
1487s significant way it's just void dash is
1489s now void sling and there have been means
1490s to
1492s to do that
1493s jokes on you i kept my mo actually
1496s because this quest the angels of the
1497s airmen quest is behind the new war every
1500s player has a new
1502s amp that can definitely get you through
1504s this quest so if you're stuck on your
1506s moat in this quest you have a free
1508s second choice
1510s sirocco
1512s use it
1515s uh no drops the drop is knowledge what
1517s about void blast that's used more than
1519s as i recall it's now void sling serves
1521s that function or the amp itself so it's
1523s the same damage type it's just a
1524s different
1525s instigator
1526s can i beat it with a flame thrower
1529s what can't you beat with a flamethrower
1532s sirocco is the best changed my mind i do
1534s love the soraco
1538s uh when will the update come pretty soon
1539s if not already
1541s i never did level the amp from the new
1542s war
1543s no better time than now
1546s cascadia overcharged is a god arcane
1548s hard to disagree uh lots of uh new
1551s arcanes like i said dormazone
1553s uh they have new stuff in there place
1555s for you to just chill and unwind
1558s and maybe more than meets the eye
1560s time will tell
1563s void shell skins these are our first
1565s stab at the material customization we'll
1567s be debuting it with three warframe skins
1570s and two other skins that are kind of
1573s secret but you'll get them after the
1574s quest is done there's a new warframe
1576s let's take a look at gyre
1579s jagger dryer
1582s beautiful
1584s oh her head's getting cut off sorry
1586s dryer
1587s blame my cropping
1589s uh gyre does have a signature signature
1591s weapon
1592s oh that's our old helmet oh there we go
1594s but it's still getting cut off ignore me
1595s uh that's the automaton helmets we have
1597s cyandana gyre collection we have two
1600s more so how many weapons total do we
1602s have in this update three incarnant ones
1604s gyre signature
1606s two more yeah there's a there's a lot
1610s uh
1611s so what's the time for the update to
1613s drop it should be soon imminent
1616s update live ps4 awesome there are
1618s supporter packs available so if you want
1620s to grab some stuff with a supporter pack
1622s they are available with this update
1624s uh valkyrie carnivex is available
1626s oh oh my god spoiler
1629s oh google doc doesn't oh i'm just gonna
1630s scroll real fast past it but okay if you
1632s haven't finished the new war close your
1634s eyes if you have finished the new war
1637s i hope that this brings you joy the team
1639s worked really hard to get this in the
1640s updates you'll only be able to see it in
1643s the market
1644s if you
1645s uh have finished the new war
1647s but
1648s um
1650s very cute very exciting
1653s i think
1654s okay focus rework
1656s how how many pages is this alone we're
1658s on page 23
1662s and i think the focus rework is about
1663s seven pages
1666s i'm not gonna read them all
1667s but i'm gonna do an overview
1672s yeah so there's there's a lot with
1674s operator changes focus changes
1676s uh yeah there's a lot
1679s i haven't played like two years these
1680s are just words to me okay
1684s essential skins bring you joy excellent
1686s so focus rework is fresh you will need
1689s to relearn it i don't want there to be
1691s any ambiguity
1692s on what the intent is behind it all we
1695s really wanted to redo it
1696s we went very far with the swing on how
1698s deep we're redoing everything
1700s uh we do think it feels better we are
1703s going to be playing it more and more to
1704s improve it and i think that's the best
1705s takeaway you can have with your hands on
1707s experience in a week a lot of you will
1710s have mastered it in a day even uh but
1712s overall that basically covers the the
1715s full intent behind the rework
1719s uh can you gift the sentinel skin to
1720s someone who hasn't finished the newer
1722s potentially
1723s i don't know that's a good question
1728s that is a good question
1731s um
1732s could we get an appearance of loadout
1734s slots uh
1736s no
1738s you can't i'm sorry
1744s expect does the avoid shell excalibur
1746s skin i'm sorry there's not one in this
1747s update eczema have also been redone and
1749s again this is another
1751s pretty radical change to freshen up just
1754s your day-to-day warframe gameplay all
1757s missions will just now have more peaks
1759s and valleys to make the gameplay
1760s experience just feel a little fresher
1764s for the hours and hours and hours and
1766s hours i've played with it on tests and
1768s dev um
1769s it's it's just it feels better there
1772s will be feedback coming in no doubt but
1773s we really want to make sure that
1774s everyone gets a chance to see our
1775s intention behind it what we were aiming
1777s to do and the real takeaway of having
1780s target prioritization in your warframe
1782s gameplay uh so see how it feels give it
1785s a go
1789s uh which warframe amazon
1792s whoa i can't answer questions about the
1794s air g i'm sorry
1795s uh
1796s pizza prime i would love that
1800s so we have our over guard mechanic
1801s actually i wonder if i could be oh no
1802s because if i boot it up i'll spoil
1803s everything i could just open the test
1804s build although i could open the live
1806s build now
1809s [Music]
1813s anyway so here you can see that the
1815s eczema section is very very thorough
1817s please give it a read um especially once
1819s you've tried it out you can see our
1820s intention you can see why we've changed
1821s things please do read it we're at page
1823s 40 of 60 i think
1825s um
1827s we have some new player experience
1828s quality of life's changes as well so if
1830s you want to get to the new war a little
1831s faster we have a way for you to do so
1834s we've reduced some junction tasks to be
1836s less repetitive
1837s straight up removed some clan
1839s recruitment is here so clans can now
1842s recruit based on a new system
1845s the maggot decoration has arrived audio
1847s reverb got a big big change which is
1849s incredible i'm just gonna
1852s it isn't homework i'm just saying that
1854s the material provided for you can answer
1856s a lot of questions you might have this
1858s is being resourceful here z is back this
1861s is possibly the most important
1863s update note of all
1866s i can't imagine
1868s anyone wanting things more than the hair
1870s z crowd
1878s let's take a look i'm just doing
1880s space mom's homeschooling us
1882s [Music]
1888s all right
1890s i'm i'm catching up on some things
1894s sorry but you can read about hair z ui
1897s changes
1899s i'll leave you on a patch notes section
1900s that makes sense we got some directx and
1902s optimizations if you're a directx 12
1905s enjoyer
1907s oh the zoom oh man that was fun on the
1910s dev stream
1913s uh let's see
1916s we are certainly in oh now we're in fix
1918s mode so all of these fixes have made it
1920s to the update as well
1922s all right
1924s a lot of fixes
1927s so that's 60 pages of patch notes the
1929s update is live let's see everything's
1931s going
1932s any more drifter outfits why don't you
1935s play the quest and find out
1937s there's a spoiler for you
1939s uh i had to delete oh i see someone's
1942s troubleshooting
1944s uh that's mucho fixes yes it is
1948s big update i don't disagree
1952s it is big we're back at the top of the
1953s notes now to take a closer look at these
1955s sections and maybe talk about them more
1957s broadly for folks that might want them
1962s can you please allow me to play on ps4
1964s probably soon ps4
1967s optimizations
1969s fixes coming
1972s 15 gigs on ps4 is true there was a
1974s remaster
1979s are the plumes like syndicate medallions
1981s they are exactly like them system you
1983s know
1984s encourage exploration of the zerum and
1986s find all your gear
1989s uh can you tell me my account password i
1992s forgot it no
1995s rest in peace void dash spam
1998s as you know it yes can you still avoid
2000s sling your face off absolutely it's a
2003s lateral move consider it
2006s not quite zorn copter to bullet jumping
2008s but the same mindset
2010s generally which is more controlled
2012s movement that's still you can go very
2014s far
2020s new voidsling is pain and torture
2022s i will not accept that in the minutes
2024s the updates launch but we will be
2025s reading feedback
2030s [Music]
2033s i miss zoran copter
2035s all things have a history in the past
2038s i'm not surprised to see that from you
2039s flare eyes though
2041s azor and
2045s enjoyer let's see
2048s what else is there
2049s it's almost my 300 today congrats
2052s this is cop during memories i would be
2055s i would wonder was that a 2015 change
2057s was it secret 2015 when we did bullet
2059s jump does that sound about right or 2014
2063s time to me eternalism
2067s none of it
2068s lines up mid-2015 i think
2072s i think it was 2015.
2080s yes that sounds about right
2085s i bought vicero and i saw it but i don't
2087s know where to equip it it is an emblem
2089s so you have to go to your arsenal go to
2091s attachments and it should be under
2093s emblem or it should be under this i
2095s forget which one it is but it's an
2096s emblem so if you've ever put something
2098s on your shoulder that isn't armor it's
2099s an emblem slot so make sure you look
2101s there actually i can literally just
2102s install the update what am i doing
2111s maggot all caps you know what in
2113s warframe context i'm gonna take it as a
2115s compliment in any other context i would
2117s be offended and
2119s cry into a corner
2124s you're probably hearing my game update
2125s right now by the way
2128s bullet jump was added with equinox and
2130s the tubeman
2132s really
2133s sounds a bit right
2136s uh what else can we do here
2139s do you play warframe for fun or just
2140s your job i play for fun
2143s i feel kind of sad because i have so
2145s much night wave progress on my test
2147s account from this update so my public
2148s one i'm like i don't know i got gotta
2150s redo it all
2151s but that's this is not wine this is
2153s coffee
2156s mom that crawling thing is scary
2161s babies
2167s there's so much stuff i know
2170s i know
2175s oh there we go i'm gonna oh i optimized
2178s my download cache there we go
2181s hey chad is our job for the stream just
2183s knowledge
2184s uh would anyone like me to cover
2185s anything specifically in the patch notes
2187s here that you have not been able to read
2189s yourself i think that's kind of it for
2190s patch note preview
2194s if there are issues with certain builds
2196s restart maybe i can't give you real
2199s advice because i've been well i've been
2200s kind of looking but let's see
2206s sit tight
2218s all right there are some login things
2220s we're working on
2222s more details on the bounties and rewards
2224s sure
2225s the bounties oh actually that's a great
2227s question i feel like i could have typed
2229s that to answer no
2231s questions
2232s how do bounties work there's going to be
2235s a like i said there's so much new in
2236s this update you're going to need to take
2238s your time with learning how it all works
2239s but basically when you want to play
2241s missions on this airmen there are two
2243s ways to do it the first is to go play
2245s the mission as designed go into the
2247s elevator choose exterminate mobile
2249s defense void flood void cascade or
2251s blurry armageddon off you go your drop
2253s tables or your aabc rotations do the
2256s missions
2258s learn them master them do what you want
2260s to do go if you're looking for an added
2263s challenge and a new series of reward
2265s tables these bounties are essentially
2268s basically exactly that an added
2270s challenge for you to be able to complete
2272s the mission so to give you an example
2274s on the more flavor side uh cephalon
2277s melika who we all kind of oh where did
2279s she go
2281s one of the bounty challenges is to
2284s interact with cephelon melika and bring
2286s her what she's lost so you have to do
2289s that in order to complete the bounty
2291s another example would be to not let the
2294s mobile defense terminal lose any shields
2297s so you need to kind of think about your
2298s loadout for something like that because
2300s sometimes you know if you're playing
2301s mobile defense the shields go down it
2303s starts taking health damage you can
2305s adapt you know focus up whatever you
2307s need to do maybe you were kind of often
2309s you know la la land or something um but
2311s in this case if the shields go to zero
2313s and the health takes any damage it's an
2315s instant fail so it is an added challenge
2317s i think we said something about
2319s uh the level of difficulty oh yes we did
2322s once you have completed the quest
2323s bounties will be available they offer
2325s additional challenges for players to
2327s look to show their mastery of the
2328s mission types so like i said
2330s your first
2331s go at these mission types will be just
2333s playing them normally and then when you
2334s want an added challenge these are for
2336s you you certainly will need to bring the
2338s best gear for the job players can play
2339s through regular versions through the
2341s star chart or opt for the bounty version
2343s for different rewards in standing
2344s syndicate the bounty versions are
2346s intended to be much more challenging
2348s so keep that in mind
2350s uh let's see if we can log in here
2357s oh my game is full screen this is very
2359s bad
2360s i can no longer read twitch chat i am
2362s not going to switch over to my game
2364s because this is going to be i didn't i
2365s did not prepare for this
2367s therefore i will not do it
2370s uh let's see
2374s any use for surplus for focus yes once
2376s you've maxed your focus tree there is a
2378s shop where you can buy exclusive
2380s cosmetics for each tree so you can get
2381s like a medallion for your chest
2384s uh let's see
2390s let's see what
2392s void shell questions that i cannot
2394s answer
2396s please make more ranks up to 60 that
2398s might be a night wave
2399s question
2403s did mention anything about how to
2404s upgrade the new weapons they're done by
2405s completing challenges so
2407s the game will tell you what to do
2410s new necromic mods not in this update
2414s will there be a steel path ceremony
2416s eventually i think it should
2418s be there at launch but if it's not it'll
2420s come eventually zaku's skin is
2422s unscheduled but in progress
2426s is there a way to make hair less shiny
2432s maybe
2437s what if i have 25 million focus um
2439s you'll use it all in the new tree you
2441s have to respect and then you'll have
2442s some left over for stuff
2448s is there a way to make harrow more shiny
2450s okay so we want less shiny hair but
2452s harrow more shiny
2454s i see
2456s what's the best focus school for the
2458s quest
2459s i mean
2460s do you want energy do you want more
2462s damage do you want to not die they're
2464s all over the place
2468s new arcanes for weapons uh we do have
2471s new arcanes in this update but they're
2472s for operator amps and warframes
2474s primarily
2476s as you can see here but we have some for
2478s secondary and primary as well so there's
2480s a handful for weapons
2482s and the rest are sort of distributed
2484s amongst the other
2485s slots
2490s let's see
2492s any new spear guns in the works you have
2494s to stay tuned
2499s uh
2504s are the customizable skins some are yes
2507s all right well i
2509s think
2510s we're
2511s we'll wrap up i'm gonna go see what's
2512s going on with the update what will be in
2514s our first hotfix all of these things
2518s all right
2520s very well
2522s i'm gonna go we're gonna raid though we
2524s have a content creator lined up for you
2526s we're gonna do the right now just make
2527s sure it's good to go
2529s all right
2533s i'm not leaving just yet we're gonna
2535s read oh we're good street optic royal is
2538s getting the raid right now
2540s join them on their stream i hope you
2542s enjoy we'll be watching for the updates
2543s for all things warframe uh thank you
2546s very much for tuning in to this
2547s impromptu stream like uh i've mentioned
2549s sort of throughout uh take your time
2552s with the update we're standing by for
2553s fixes uh and we hope you enjoy read the
2555s patch notes we'll be reading all
2556s feedback and doing our best to react to
2558s it but understand that because we
2560s changed so much we are really going to
2563s be taking an approach with all things
2566s gameplay changes uh just to try and you
2568s know measure out the feedback see how
2570s time works with certain things so please
2572s consider that when presenting
2573s constructive feedback goodbye enjoy the
2576s raid
2577s bye
2593s foreign