With Empyrean available now on all platforms, we’re re-running our celebratory Twitch Drops campaign! Get the free items below when you watch your favorite Warframe streamers as they take on Empyrean. To get your Drops, make sure your accounts are properly linked before you watch!
Drop 1: Cephalon Cy Glyph
- January 20 at 2:00 PM ET - January 24 at 1:55 PM ET
- Watch 30 minutes consecutively
- Official Warframe Partner Streams Only
- One per account
- Available on Twitch & Mixer
Drop 2: Mag with Itzal Noggle
- January 24 at 2:00 PM ET to January 27 at 1:55 PM ET
- Watch 30 minutes consecutively
- Watch any channel in Warframe directory
- One per account
- Only available on Twitch
Drop 3: Exploration Poster
- January 27 at 2:00 PM ET - January 31 at 2:00 PM ET
- Watch 30 minutes consecutively
- Watch any channel in Warframe directory
- One per account
- Only available on Twitch
Q: If I participated in the previous Empyrean Twitch Drop campaign, can I double up on the same drops from this campaign?
A: Yes, you can! These drops are one per account per campaign. That means you can have a maximum of two of each item: one from each Twitch Drop campaign!
Q: I linked my account but haven't been receiving drops. What should I do?
A: Try unlinking and then relinking your Warframe and Twitch accounts!
- Sign into warframe.com
Account Management > User Information
- On this page, you will see whether you're linked to Twitch. Text will show which account is linked. Example: "Twitch Sync: Linked to [DE]Helen. Click here to unlink"
- You can also see if your account is not linked. Example: "Twitch Sync: Click here to link"
- If you are linked, follow the prompts to unlink your account. Once you know your account is no longer linked, make sure you are signed into the correct Twitch and Warframe accounts that you want to use for the campaign. Then link your accounts here!
Please contact our Support Team if this method does not work for you! They will do everything they can to help.
Edited by [DE]Helen