over 1 year ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s [Music]
11s [Music]
17s thank you
24s hello everyone welcome to Primetime
27s episode
30s 321 what a number to behold yeah what
33s friends to be haven't right
43s you guys did have a burger Shawarma
46s fries y'all are salted over there you
48s can taste the salt in the air Dean
49s shared his fries with me that's right oh
51s I so did not carry it's okay I'm just
55s like yeah it's totally fine I had to
57s pretend that you make you pretend that
58s you missed me while I was gone it's
60s probably it was great yeah I appreciated
61s it oh yeah you're not Danielle
68s welcome to the stream uh we're gonna be
71s playing Warframe for the next two hours
72s but we got fan art we got captura we got
74s lots to celebrate it's spooky month and
76s a lot has happened in the last 24 hours
78s so welcome to the stream I'm Megan
80s that's Marcus I'm Marcus Marcus we got
83s Zach in the coal pot hello I'm cold oh
85s you're cold
87s okay it's chilly over here and we got
90s Dean Dean it's a bee Chris Pratt oh not
94s a Chris Brown Any Day me as Mario that
98s would that would not go over well be a
100s very Canadian plumber
101s you look more like Mario than Chris Brad
104s does though I don't know how to take
105s that market your hair is dark and his is
108s red
109s okay if that's about this Ginger if
111s that's where the similarities end then
112s I'm okay with that I've learned
114s something today welcome to the stream uh
117s let's start out with a little bit of
118s housekeeping before we jump into what
120s we're gonna do today first of all
122s yesterday big day for a lot of exciting
125s things Revenant Prime access is finally
128s here we debuted uh Revenant Prime his
130s trailer and all this stuff he was
132s accompanying with on the dev stream
134s recently so Revenue Prime is live on all
137s platforms he brought the Tatsu Prime and
140s the phantasma Prime with him he does
142s have a prime sign data and Prime armor
144s as well if you want to do the
145s accessories route relics are in the game
148s all that great stuff as per usual is
150s live so get your Kraken if you want to
152s get Revenant Prime you know what else
154s you brought tell me that Prime trailer
156s that Prime trailer he is uh fatherless
159s he is fatherless and she is no parents
162s beautiful ballerina no parents but
165s that's okay because we love him I'll be
166s your mom anyways uh Knights of navaras
169s is also live daughter is dressed up and
171s ready for a spooky party she has a whole
174s bunch of really awesome stuff in her
175s offering stuff from previous years a
177s couple of new things and as well
179s um we added in some of the plague star
182s rewards as well in there we have some of
184s the zaws as well as the arcanes just
188s because if you watch the job stream
189s you'll know that we let you know that
191s we're not going to be re-running a
193s plague star this year because we do want
194s to get in some changes and fixes before
196s we rerun it again and that's not going
199s to be this year so we thought if we're
201s not going to do plague star we should
202s have another little route to be able to
204s get your goodies so daughter has it for
206s mother tokens in her offerings in the
210s Necker list as well the orbital haunt
212s contest is live shout out to De Ronnie
215s this is a celebrating the ghoulish
217s season with us by turning your Orbiter
219s Dojo dormezone or Drifter Camp into a
223s haunted house now it doesn't have to be
224s a whole house it can be a room it can be
227s a corner we need traps we need Adam's
229s Family replicas we need ectoplasm and we
233s definitely need a skeletal dog maybe a
235s couple stranger things oh and a couple
237s of stranger things we need an Eddie oh
240s we need an Eddie and a hill to run up
243s running up that hill I walked right into
246s that one contest is live thank you Dean
247s uh as well 10 October is live uh this is
251s our annual uh version Warframe version
254s of the classic inktober that has
257s circulated the world for I don't know
258s how long where artists have a daily
261s prompt to draw something and we have
263s Warframe version of it not only are we
265s doing 10 October which is
267s a art version of it but we're also doing
269s 10 October for captura so our capture
271s artist can also participate in the same
273s prompts uh and uh we'll be going to be
276s sharing some of those tonight which I'm
277s very excited about but that is live for
279s the month of October yay love that
282s spooky season now today
285s today today today today today
288s we did a thing we did do a thing we did
291s a little thing well we're we're doing
293s things we're doing oh no we did do
295s something today we did do something
296s something is still occurring something
297s happened uh we did someone hit the
301s button we hit a button we did had a
303s hoppix today and that also brought our
305s second test of crossplay with PC and
308s Xbox now if you remember last week we
311s did our first test and that lasted all
313s of around 11 minutes because we did
316s realize that there were some crashes
317s that were happening so we were able to
319s turn it off fix those crashes fix some
321s other things and cross play between PS
324s PS sorry not PS
333s is currently live
336s um again this is still a test it's still
338s very early days
340s um Dudley if you do ex moisture Point
341s cross safe if you're interested in
343s knowing exactly what the test is about
345s what it's doing some of the
347s um you know restrictions that we
349s currently have for example there's no
350s trading
351s um stuff like that no gifting
354s um you'll be able to learn all about
355s that in Dudley's post on the forums as
357s well as that is where we want your bugs
359s and your feedback if you are
361s participating in this crossplay test
363s obviously we have gone over 11 minutes
365s in this Crossway test which is honestly
367s very exciting but do know that if we do
370s catch wind of anything that's really
371s volatile we will take it down just
374s because we don't you know that doesn't
376s need to be out there it's still a test
377s this isn't the final version of it it's
379s not the final form but it is very
382s exciting that
383s um you know we have resolved some of the
385s bigger issues and now we are watching
386s and monitoring for that so Dean do you
389s actually want to go to my gameplay real
391s quick
393s chat say hi
395s look at those logos be good or else I'll
398s ban you he he
400s look at those little Xboxes and PCs oh
404s how fun
406s malicious you're great I like you I like
409s you so much okay Dingle look at that
411s chat very exciting we're gonna be uh
414s playing some tonight hopefully we get to
416s play with some Xbox players very
418s exciting again this is still a test
420s um we will turn it off uh when we see
423s fit we are like I said monitoring right
425s now you know we are finding some issues
427s they're not too too aggressive but we're
429s noting them we're fixing them so it is
431s still a test it is still early days but
433s very exciting that we are able to do a
436s second test and have it be more
438s successful in test number one that's
439s always kind of the goal hey that's the
441s whole point of Chess right that's the
442s whole I mean not hopefully on tests you
443s take in school but Tess usually if you
445s film it's okay
446s I
447s I agree yeah I was gonna say I never
450s failed test but that's any accurate oh I
451s failed the test oh I feel like I had I
453s had a lecturer of 300 people and they
455s said here's the highest Mark and here's
457s the lowest Mark and I was like got my
459s exam back I was like who got a 43. and I
461s was like it was me Oh I thought you were
464s saying that you're gonna say the teacher
466s actually said Marcus 43 in front of the
468s club no no and some guy named Marcus
470s Kratz actually
473s it wasn't good it was multiple choice
477s it's not very nice oh sorry I forgot it
479s that's okay I finished yeah yeah we're
481s still in the
482s frontier is just flattening that bell
485s curve yeah I was doing the I was doing
487s the Lord's work no I finished the class
489s like with like a high 70. but then it
492s was also like hey what if I wasn't a doe
494s head and just did well in that picture
496s that was kind of anyway I could I could
498s go on forever it's all right you fail
500s and you get right back up exactly I
502s failed chemistry three times and never
503s went back it's fine moving on very
506s exciting we're continuing The Quest To
508s Conquer Cancer we are only days in to
511s question cancer and Dean if you'd like
514s to go to my screen again you're waiting
515s thank you based off of how
517s this is gone it's true we are only days
520s in we kicked it off on Monday and we've
523s had some incredible Warframe Creator
524s streams throughout the week and we'll
526s continue to do so even over the weekend
527s and currently we are at just over 28 000
531s actually let me we're almost at our next
533s goal we're almost at our next goal which
535s is 30 000. so let's just recap what
537s we've unlocked this was day one we
539s already unlocked the concare twitch
540s emotes so if you are on Twitch you can
542s do qtcc hype qtcc wave qtcc low oh
546s they're adorable uh they're amazing also
548s if you have BT TV they are there and
551s accessible as well and then next we move
553s on to a three-forma alert this is gonna
556s happen in November a lot of alerts are
558s going to be in November so just make
559s note of those and then we did unlock the
561s conquera glyph this one is by Royal
563s Pratt this is the same beautiful design
565s that is on the t-shirt which I am
567s putting up a display in my Orbiter right
570s now look at that boom you can wear it oh
573s this could be you you could be wearing
575s this it could be you and you can get the
576s glyph in game all you have to do is
578s enter the code concura 2022 in the
581s in-game market or at warframe.com promo
583s code get yourself a glyph before the end
584s of the year we love it Royal Pratt we
587s love you thank you for working with us
588s you've done it again you did it again
590s and then of course our next one which I
592s mean I'm really hoping we unlock this
594s tonight because I don't know Meg I don't
596s know if it's gonna be tonight
597s tonight I don't know our incentives you
600s know maybe they're not that good I don't
602s know
603s um our next one is at 30 000 we're
605s unlocking a poll for next year's qtcc
606s flu so year one we had our lovely kuaka
611s with the big old flippy ears so this is
613s last year's floof what do we got this
615s year Marcus this year we are lovely Mr
617s Saga I like that you have to move
619s backwards because he's so round he's so
620s huge look at him he's an orb he is he's
624s a volleyball uh he is available in the
627s uh stored at warframe.com if you would
629s like to purchase him and any of the
631s other kind of care items oh very dense
633s very dense that's what I mean he's a
635s literal volleyball yeah you could like
636s you could spike him throw it
643s you're winding up it's like how hard can
646s I throw it at someone and even from
648s being like cuddled by me on Monday to
650s being hugged across the room by you
653s um anyways when we reach 30k we're going
655s to unlock a poll D.E Zach is standing by
658s uh to launch that Forum post that has a
660s poll for three three different uh flutes
663s that you could choose from they're kind
664s of silhouetted there on the uh on the
667s website so you might be able to guess
669s which ones I already know who I'm gonna
671s try and convince chat to vote for you
673s can't can't persuade them it needs to be
675s an organic
677s okay Zach I know you I I've seen you
680s you're a harassed fan whoa
685s uh anyway 30 000 we're gonna unlock that
688s like we're currently this is a bit
689s behind but we're just over 28 000 we're
691s at 28 261. if you do exclamation point
694s donate you can head over on head on over
697s to our donor Drive uh to donate if you
700s want to all goes to Princess Margaret
702s Cancer Foundation an incredible cause
703s we're so excited to be able to do this
705s again this year
706s um October is Breast Cancer Awareness
708s Month and it has touched Many Lives Many
710s of the de employee lives as well and I
713s know a lot of you out there have shared
714s your stories with us so thank you for
716s doing that and we will continue the good
719s fight to end cancer in our lifetime find
721s that cure and it all starts with you
725s know a dollar or just spreading the word
728s so we're continuing that tonight we do
729s have our own incentives but before we
731s jump into that let's do a thousand
733s Platinum giveaway before we reveal these
736s and sentences we had already talked down
738s our incentives and people no they're
740s actually already up at the top to be
741s quite oh that's true that's true Zach
743s what I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding
744s can I do anything right no Marcus who
748s won uh you know who won it was boss con
750s oh wow wow boss k Khan You've Won 1 000
753s Platinum please whisper the Warframe
755s Twitch account with your in-game name
757s and the platform that you play Warframe
759s on I wonder if that's a Star Wars
760s reference
763s boss is a bounty hunter in Star Wars
766s so is that a boss convention is it a is
770s a bounty hunter convention con I don't
774s know yeah did they go to a Convention as
776s boss boss so many questions but the only
779s answer we have for them is a thousand
780s Platinum you know what I do love it when
782s people whisper us and they say actually
783s this is what it is actually it's nothing
785s to do I love butchering someone's
787s delicate name interpretation being maybe
789s they were lost in the woods and they're
791s like actually it's my grandfather's name
794s your grandfather of his name lost in the
797s woods well I don't know what their name
799s would be their name would be like
802s um our Arbor lost gotcha and that's
805s actually their grandfather's name we'll
806s have that for them all right now that
808s we've given you a thousand Platinum it's
809s time to uh to talk a little quickly
811s about our incentives so we have
813s different incentives for each other
815s Marcus I'm Gonna Let You Go first sure
816s okay so my incentives I decided I know a
819s chat uh obviously uh it's still fresh in
821s everybody's Minds as it is in my uh mine
824s but in the place where they store fear
826s uh which is the peppers that I consumed
828s last year so I'm sure Chad's like hey
830s you know Peppers will be fun so this
832s year I'm doing a different kind of pain
834s because I've actually been training for
836s a marathon I'm going to run on October
838s 16th it's the Toronto Waterfront
840s Marathon I've never done a marathon
841s before
843s um like tell them how many kilometers it
844s is yes because some people don't know
847s which is totally fine uh 5K is a
849s marathon a 5k is not a marathon 42k is a
852s marathon or 26.2 miles so I have not run
855s the distance yet I've been training
857s since May uh I will run that on the 16
861s and so my incentives are if you donate
864s fifty dollars to my personal donor Drive
867s which ultimately goes to the team it's
868s just like kind of
870s going through me then on to the team so
872s it still contributes to Warframe as a
873s whole for 50 I will put your name on the
876s back of my race bib
877s um so that's the 50 incentive thank you
879s everyone for the good luck uh then my
881s other incentives are I have for the
883s final uh qtcc stream once we if when and
887s if uh I crack a thousand dollars I have
890s different levels of Cosplay at the
892s thousand dollar Mark I will address up
894s as Lord Farquaad from Shrek on stream on
896s stream or stream four stream at the two
899s thousand dollar Mark I'll dress up as
900s Gandalf oh at the three thousand dollar
903s mark
904s I will dress up as Hatsune Miku oh my
907s God I'll learn to dance for that stream
909s oh no
911s yes the other thing the other incentives
913s I have up my sleeve is if we I've set it
916s up to be I can only put 50 names on my
918s back also it's exclamation point Marcus
920s if you want to see my donor Drive
921s specifically
922s if we get to 2500 I will record in
926s selfie mode me reciting the Vore
928s monologue mid-marathon I love to see it
931s so those are my goals uh we'll see what
934s we get to I know my parents will
936s probably donate at least 50 bucks at
938s some point so I will have one name for
939s sure but those are my incentives I uh
943s we'll see what we get to but um I didn't
944s know about the cosplay ones yeah yeah
946s yeah yeah I was so sorry this was a
948s scaling cosplay thousand dollars unlocks
950s the cosplay and then you just get to
951s dictate I like how it like hit soon is
953s the the time Zach I was like do you
956s think Hatsune should be here
958s oh yeah
959s oh yeah
962s is for sure for sure the three thousand
965s dollar tier so yeah so that's me uh but
969s yeah quotes to Conquer Cancer is very
970s near and dear to my heart
971s um when I was in my second year of
973s working at digital extremes uh my dad
975s was diagnosed with uh long or not sorry
978s not long with throat cancer and he went
981s through chemotherapy and radiation for
982s over a year it was quite a lot and then
986s uh
988s six months after you'd finished
989s treatments for that he then developed
990s prostate cancer had to go and do
992s radiation again thankfully not
993s chemotherapy but but thankfully he's on
996s the other end of it now he's doing great
998s but I am raising money for my dad and
1000s for anybody else who is fighting Mr
1002s Chris
1004s he was also a big runner in his day he
1007s ran all through um when I was a little
1009s guy and uh he swims a lot now and he
1011s bikes a ton but uh yeah he's an Iron Man
1013s he's a prolific Runner and he uh he
1015s exercises a ton so the marathon was
1017s definitely inspired by it good for him
1019s and you yeah gotta love Pops I love Pops
1021s so if you want to donate towards
1023s Marcus's incentives for his Marathon
1025s which is just incredible that you're
1026s doing that anyways because I told you
1027s about my suffering trying to run a 5k
1029s anyone can run a marathon you just gotta
1031s train for a long time I permanently
1033s injure myself but it's fine uh you can
1035s do exclamation point Marcus it'll send
1036s you to his donor Drive which like he
1038s said is linked to the team overall so
1040s still goes towards the overall Warframe
1042s donation tiers of getting that poll
1045s unlocked
1046s um my donation incentives are nowhere
1050s near as thoughtful and insightful as
1054s Marcus is mine is everyone always bugs
1058s me about that Minetta cosplay I did a
1060s while back and I've brought it here with
1062s me today it's missing some pieces I
1064s tried to fix I tried to do what I could
1067s but I have 99 of my manetta cosplay here
1071s and basically every 250 increments I
1076s will put on the cosplay bit by bit and
1079s by the end of the Stream
1080s I'll probably unfortunately be Minetta
1083s so if you want to see that it doesn't
1085s have to be like 250 all at once it's
1087s just over time once we hit 250s 250s I
1091s will put on uh some of my cosplay so
1093s exclamation point donate for that if you
1095s want to uh send over a dollar and uh
1097s we'll I'll be starting with the purple
1100s suit the onesie the what do you call it
1102s a morph suit basically yeah I got the
1104s purple morph suit and then you know the
1107s jumpsuit we got the jumpsuit yes and we
1109s are aware that drops aren't working
1111s um we have people looking into it right
1112s now so we'll update you and we have
1114s progress on that but we are aware that
1116s drops aren't working so just hang tight
1117s on that uh Zach I know you're talking
1119s right now with the peeps we're figuring
1122s out Jack's got it I believe you hadn't
1124s thrown all your magnetic pieces out into
1125s a dumpster I'm not gonna lie they were
1127s collecting a lot of dust in the basement
1129s like shrapnel from the ceiling and
1131s falling on turning light Bogey's like oh
1134s and one of the things was uh I was just
1137s using like yellow like dish gloves for
1140s oh yeah yeah and like I obviously use
1142s those to like do dishes at some point
1144s I'm like damn I need dish books like I'm
1146s taking these yeah I'm like hey those are
1147s functional like I can actually use those
1149s I can use these I mean it's not like
1150s you're gonna be like I don't know going
1152s into like actually fighting crime in
1153s your dish I'm sure you can return them
1155s home like oh absolutely yeah yeah
1156s they're it's very useful so is this is
1158s this a costume you built yourself or is
1160s this the one that Taylor wore no this is
1162s the costume I built with red in her
1163s basement yeah did you know that you
1165s already got fifty dollars to Marcus from
1167s dominant Dominic
1169s Dominic macaj that is awesome thank you
1173s Dominic yes
1176s already I haven't started the stream
1178s from Shadows five dollars to the team hi
1180s everyone reached mr30 today
1182s congratulations congratulations
1183s ghost 47 and point sixty dollars from
1187s Kuro wow thank you so much I lost a
1189s friend of cancer back in February let's
1191s live together to get rid of cancer once
1193s and for all I agree thank you so much
1194s girl the robinator 2077 680 to the team
1198s thank you so much Anonymous another 680
1201s Mafia three dollars to the team 680.
1207s I was like you better get going
1209s this mha train is leaving this
1212s metaphorical y'all don't want to see
1214s this curse cosplay is like the most
1216s cursed butterfly
1218s transformation it's disgusting yeah got
1220s another 10 from Anonymous uh 34 from
1223s Curtis Evers thank you so much I got the
1225s 50 Demarcus from Dominic Oh Marcus
1227s you've got a thousand
1233s if I make my back into 50 quadrants I
1236s feel like if you donate a thousand
1238s dollars you get one third of my back you
1240s should just write his name on your face
1242s yeah honestly I may I just have to
1244s Sharpie
1245s so much that is really really cool
1249s I will do one kilometer in the tongue uh
1266s was like hey Marcus I got that uh one
1268s chip challenge you asked me for and I
1269s was like don't don't choose don't you
1272s say that don't do it that is uh that is
1274s really really cool what does that mean
1276s for me five pieces
1280s smokes all right well joke's on you I
1282s already have the pants on so okay
1294s [Music]
1297s what's the uh everybody remember Mr
1300s dress up did he have a theme song
1302s Mr dress up Mr dress up I don't think
1305s that was it but are you sure
1309s another fifty dollars to Marcus from
1311s Marvin Kirsch thank you so much thank
1313s you Marvin thank you Marvin also uh for
1315s anyone who is uh donating to my team I
1317s will just assume that whatever you put
1319s between him okay okay
1323s um I'll assume either if you put your
1324s name or your IGN that's what'll go on my
1326s back
1327s um for the race so uh Marvin you're
1330s getting up there for sure Marvin you
1333s guys and you know what's the most fun
1334s part of this is that
1336s so my whole race strategy as as advised
1339s by my race coach is to start off slow
1340s and then increase the pace because for
1343s one you uh it's good to warm up a lot of
1346s people get Juiced at the start of a Race
1347s So they they go out too hot yeah um so
1350s I'm gonna start off slow and I'm going
1351s to slowly creep up and then maybe the
1353s last 5K I'm like really gonna hit the
1354s Jets if I'm feeling good yeah I may just
1356s be limping across the Finish Line who
1357s sorry I'm just making sure they know I
1359s have the full thing on
1360s um so once I start passing people
1362s hopefully that's the intention in the
1364s last time
1366s who are these people on his back and
1369s you're like these are these are even
1371s better if we get to 2500 I'm going to be
1373s like look at them they're not pure
1375s like is he okay like guys Marshall over
1379s here this guy's losing it like he's just
1381s yelling about some Yannis key or
1383s something
1385s this guy needs some water we need some
1388s electricity yeah I wanted to see if this
1390s was gonna work or not some electrolytes
1392s yeah
1393s God consumed there it is you are the
1395s quest
1396s [Laughter]
1400s there's like a oh no it's just the
1402s string I thought there was one I gotta
1404s see how far away if I put in this
1405s balloon does it get picked up
1407s almost this is like that one John Mayer
1409s music video where he had no budget and
1412s he was like all right we're just going
1413s down you know what I'm talking about I
1415s love John I forget the song I had to put
1417s some more on no you got five how much
1420s have you done two okay three to go all
1423s right I'm putting the boots on I'm gonna
1424s do one boot at a time you know what I'm
1426s saying smart it's a good way to live
1428s life one boot at a time oh the hunter
1431s excuse me when I had to do this cursed
1433s cosplay I said to myself I'm gonna try
1436s and get as many things that are actually
1437s functional that I will reuse that's
1439s smart AKA that's awesome those Wellies
1441s are pretty uh pretty fashionable there
1443s thank you another 25 from Juno and a
1446s hundred dollars from Anonymous thank you
1448s so much wow another fifty dollars to
1450s Marcus and we just passed thirty
1452s thousand oh my God
1455s [Applause]
1462s you silly guy
1464s all right
1466s wow
1470s uh you are now up to 10 pieces of your
1473s cards oh my God I think that's the whole
1475s thing
1476s you should have packed some stickers oh
1479s my gosh this is cursed how am I gonna
1481s play with rubber gloves on oh wait I
1482s have a cape
1483s you have a cape yeah has a little yellow
1485s cape oh my god
1487s oh geez Louise another 25. you know what
1490s it looks like Megan you look like um
1494s like in an anti-hero boys Invincible
1497s type show you'd be that superher that
1499s shows up first that gets killed I mean I
1501s wish
1511s oh wow the dedication
1514s I mean I think you need to try to play
1515s with those gloves I played the flute can
1517s you oh the game oh lizzo please oh I
1522s should probably blow the balloons up
1523s first since before I put these on yeah
1525s right I can help I can help with balloon
1527s balloon yeah I'm good I've got
1530s geez
1534s yeah man I don't lose an eye uh then
1536s we're gonna tape it to my head I okay
1539s I'm not gonna how what what size are we
1541s talking we talking like a cantaloupe
1542s stuck in a hand grape that's like
1545s nothing yeah I bought I was really
1548s excited about what I bought to like
1550s amplify this costume I had some grapes
1552s or a hand grenade hand grape I guess
1554s hand grenade what the heck is a hand a
1556s grape a grape like a big hand of a grape
1559s a big hand of a grape less than that a
1561s hand less than that yeah is my hand that
1563s big I don't know what's a hand grape
1566s like if you were to have a grape the
1567s size of your hand and you're gonna throw
1568s it like a baseball a lesson of baseball
1572s grape the size of your hand
1575s can you hold it how big are your mitts
1576s like that okay
1580s I don't wanna it's easier my goodness
1583s all right good oh my is that goodness
1587s saru cage
1589s thank you so much wow they just donated
1592s a thousand dollars
1594s I am we're gonna have to get a bigger uh
1597s yeah my parents are gonna rewatch The
1599s Stream that's gonna make them very
1601s emotional it's making me emotions
1604s mom and dad from Marcus mom and dad are
1606s proud of you no more Peppers no more
1608s Peppers your parents donated yeah no
1611s more Peppers the sour cage the sorrow
1614s cage another boost for your Marcus put
1615s our money where your mouth is this is in
1617s honor of my late wife who did not
1618s succumb to her cancer congratulations to
1620s your wife that's that is amazing it's
1622s amazing we all get to the point where
1623s nobody ever has to suffer through this
1624s disease again love you guys we love you
1626s the song
1630s thank you so much for the 1360 to the
1633s team and here I am over here looking
1634s like I'm talking like what the hell
1637s Michael Gavin a hundred dollars thank
1640s you so much you guys may get my tears
1642s different kind of Tears good tears good
1644s tears that's so sweet that is amazing
1647s thank you for 300 oh my gosh design Guru
1651s just said Marcus you might need uh you
1653s might need a cape with all the names can
1655s you run it with a cape I for sure could
1657s run I can definitely build a cape I made
1659s you know what actually that's a good
1661s idea if we get past a thousand dollars
1663s or sorry we get past three thousand
1664s dollars it's like you're well past a
1665s thousand dollars
1667s fire quad is gone fire quad lived for
1669s like 25 minutes not even it's getting to
1672s have you reached Gandalf we're in
1673s Gandalf we're in Gandalf we're in
1676s Gandalf range oh my God twenty two
1678s hundred dollars
1679s I mean I feel like at this point we have
1680s to do all of them we're 300 off of Vore
1683s monologue and we're 800 off of uh
1686s Hatsune damn wow you got a quite a month
1690s ahead of you I'm so happy I didn't quit
1692s shaving my head I remember yeah where
1694s you're gonna well that's what I did last
1695s year that's right but you know you
1697s shaved your mustache no I didn't here's
1698s the thing I didn't shave my mustache I
1700s shaved my head but not my mustache and
1702s my brother my oldest brother Casey said
1704s that I look like kept from Napoleon
1705s Dynamite
1707s it was
1709s it hurt did I blow mine too large yeah
1712s but that's okay okay should we pop it do
1715s you want to no
1716s no but I will blow up another one
1717s smaller I only need three all right
1719s because you should do a
1721s balloon right now yeah like I feel like
1723s we've got to do like random well there's
1725s been a lot of comments about how
1726s unsettling those balloons are floating
1728s behind me because yeah
1731s they're really having line of their own
1733s over there I also I'm really hoping I
1735s don't have stuff I have scissors do you
1737s want scissors let's maybe do the
1738s scissors yeah
1741s kitties
1743s man are we ever playing Warframe tonight
1746s I don't
1746s know
1748s we're busy we're
1751s here thank you so much chat this is
1752s insane yeah this is absolutely insane
1754s exclamation mark Marcus if you want him
1756s to run a cosplay or run with your name
1759s if you want to be the wind at my back as
1761s I run the 26.1 that's so nice yeah
1766s all right I don't know this is gonna
1767s stick to my level I'm gonna need to make
1768s that bigger
1772s oh no on the nipple
1774s I mean the
1776s not the devil the bit the nib the nibly
1781s the little Nubble I didn't oh
1785s I'm getting there geez keep going
1797s okay
1801s spandy uh thank you for the fifty
1804s dollars
1810s this isn't gonna stay on my head for
1811s that long but
1813s Megan you've got a little balloon Mohawk
1815s I do it looks so good I hate it we're
1818s jumping into battle my Anita's coming in
1821s does my Nita have like a um some sort of
1823s Catchphrase or something like that
1825s buzzing man your voice just came right
1827s down right yeah I was like I feel like
1828s I'm like I'm like hitting group videos
1830s because it's gonna say Megan does
1831s Minetta have a high voice you can use
1833s the balloon too manetta has a shitty
1835s voice
1837s my grapes are falling off
1839s your hand grapes this looks pretty it's
1841s pretty good it's pretty good
1845s thanks I hate it this is this is like
1848s that guy who does the low budget
1849s cosplays and he like yeah this is what
1851s it is yeah all right below budget should
1853s we play some Warframe let's do it
1856s the collapse all right we got we got
1858s what do we got we got compression
1863s be loud and it won't clip on it okay
1865s chat you can't judge me because playing
1867s with gloves it's actually a little
1869s awkward so but we shouldn't nothing's oh
1872s I should ask okay chat actually if I
1875s have a quick pull for me because I can't
1876s make decisions sure oh wait is is the
1878s floof polo
1880s exclamation point floof in chat if you'd
1882s like to have a link to the forums where
1884s you can vote on next year's qtcc merch
1887s flu that will be real floof in life and
1890s also in game guys you know who to vote
1892s for no
1894s okay don't persuade them
1896s you know who to vote for oh
1899s no oh no oh no all right Marcus what
1902s pole am I running who do I put my archon
1904s chart into protein protea or uh Zephyr
1908s Prime oh it is a it isn't Azure Shard oh
1913s because I took down Boreal
1915s protea Neja prime or Zephyr Prime
1919s um yeah it was me in a squad of full
1922s Xbox
1924s yeah it was so cool I was like guys this
1926s is okay if I tweet it they're like oh
1927s yeah let's do it we were um it was that
1930s one Earth tile set and we're like go to
1932s your cave guy because sometimes you'd go
1933s into that little cave and so you could
1935s like just block the interest you know
1937s other times you'd be like Oh I'm gonna
1938s walk around like I'm gonna go get killed
1940s yeah yeah
1943s you got your bowl there it is I feel
1945s like I should take the word Prime out
1946s because it's going to trip up the
1948s um yeah maybe it's a long word yeah give
1950s me a second um but yeah all right
1952s you know what we're doing today Meg
1953s mommy tokens mommy took in but we need
1956s some people and I would love if they're
1957s Xbox people so if you want to whisper uh
1960s other you can whisper me
1962s oh it's my balloon you can whisper me uh
1964s in game oh my God this is already a
1968s rough start
1970s I'm just going to close this all real
1971s quick Whispering game if you're on Xbox
1973s would love to have some cross play
1975s hanging out we got Vortex floor says hi
1978s hi
1980s you want to complete the park a buzz
1983s mosquito too you get an invite yeah
1987s dream girly well not on Xbox it's true
1991s it's true
1992s call me schema invite
1995s I just might
1997s be donation oh yeah 339 to the team
2001s looking forward to the monologue my
2003s grandpa beat his cancer and I hope this
2004s can help first you want to invite you
2006s know what Grandma's love Grandpa's love
2007s they love monologue they love monologues
2009s thanks for that donation and Nate B
2011s 135.15 thank you so much
2015s sure thing blessings so what did did you
2019s read a donation Zach
2021s what was it what was it I'll read it
2023s again because they're awesome hold on
2026s Austin Phillips 339 to the team what I
2030s said looking forward to the monologue my
2031s grandpa beat his cancer and I hope this
2032s can help someone else win their fight
2034s thank you so much Austin and Nate B with
2036s 135 to the team unreal and Marcus you
2039s are 700 away from us
2042s I'm going to make oh my goodness I'm
2045s going to make Hatsune Miku very proud
2048s okay all right that archon chart is
2050s going right into protea
2052s oh yeah okay fire clear-cut winner yeah
2054s yeah protea is getting stacked with the
2056s archon shirts uh I am joining you Megan
2059s hold on I had to relaunch all right
2062s did the game steer my Nita and I was
2063s like no it was like who the hell this is
2066s not working over for me
2069s now that the protocol address is out I'm
2071s like
2072s do I really want to place anybody else
2075s are you gonna be a protea tonight
2078s uh I've been playing a lot of protea
2080s lately I'm playing a lot of Brody okay
2083s all right Health Shield capacity energy
2085s Max
2087s last one I put into classes are I put
2089s into energy Max I think I'm going to go
2091s energy Max again
2094s does this mean we get Mark Marcus cover
2095s or Hatsune Miku song we raised three
2098s thousand dollars you for sure can have
2100s your ears bleed
2102s listen to the people who are on Kira's
2103s stream we are slightly out of sync
2105s singing uh we all live together I felt
2107s so because like that was inevitable you
2109s know you can never get in sync
2113s coming and they're like you're cheating
2114s keep singing the song
2116s um and uh yeah it was uh
2119s Oh Marcus from mosque had Tinka 421 to
2125s the cause you're a boss for doing this
2127s I lost cancer in 2015. and my dad this
2130s summer obviously glad to hear your dad
2132s management here's one cent for every
2134s meter in a marathon that is way too far
2136s so much thank you so much that is really
2139s really cool
2140s that is amazing I cannot wait to run
2143s this marathon with all of you on my back
2147s that is really that is way too cool
2149s thank you so much
2151s did you get my invite uh I did get your
2153s invite I think I might actually have to
2155s relaunch myself because I can't join
2157s your session oh yeah you tried joining
2159s you try inviting me okay I will
2163s invite d e might need a
2167s my Nita no
2170s there's it it did
2172s oh I didn't get it
2175s try again I will try again oh you know
2178s what I think you know what it is I went
2180s to friends only and you are not friends
2182s Marcus don't say that out loud sorry
2184s it's only it's only because if anyone is
2186s on Megan's friend list consider yourself
2187s lucky I didn't get that you didn't get
2189s done okay it might be here I'll re-log
2191s I'll relock Dean can you come away from
2192s my gameplay
2195s invites me uh how are we doing on drop
2198s Zack we are working on it we got Leah on
2200s the cause thank you Leah Leah
2204s Leah's just the best
2206s it's true he is just the best midnight
2209s says just bought the full merch oh you
2211s already got that
2217s I'm just so excited can you do like a my
2219s Nita impression can you do like a stop
2221s for saying it my name
2223s okay well you know what I did get street
2225s cred with my friends once okay they're
2227s like oh yeah I've been watching my hero
2228s Academy and I went literally in the most
2231s like
2232s don't you mean my hero Academia because
2234s you guys always talked about me yeah bro
2236s they're like you watch it I'm like no I
2239s just hear about it a lot and they were
2240s like they're like craps I didn't know
2242s you're a weeb I was like I I'm not into
2244s anime yet I'm like on my way okay I'm in
2247s I will shoot you an invite
2251s um but yeah it was like the most like
2252s don't you mean my hero Academia they're
2254s like oh my God I can't believe you right
2257s now
2257s oh my gosh the sorrow cage another one
2260s thousand dollars another boost for your
2262s Marcus put our money where your mouth is
2264s this is in the honor of my late wife who
2266s did not scam uh Taylor cancer maybe I'll
2268s get to that point where no one ever has
2270s to suffer through this disease again
2271s love you guys wow dude we have music
2274s going not yet could we sure can thanks I
2277s had to do a very important name change
2279s first though I hate it thank you you're
2281s welcome mine wait how how do I how do I
2283s say it
2285s like how do you say his name well that's
2286s not how you actually spell it
2288s Minetta I mean that's how you playing
2291s with your pokemans your my Nita
2294s that's how I say it also thank you
2296s malawki for the fifty dollars thank you
2299s very much
2300s all right are we good to go back okay I
2302s love you hi hi hi
2306s did you get my event I did get your
2307s invite and I am joining you right now we
2310s love to see it boom
2312s I'm already in the game session
2313s fantastic
2314s [Music]
2316s so boom that's the power of shawarma my
2319s friends that's the power of conquering
2321s cancer
2322s damn
2323s damn you love to see it I'd love to see
2326s it okay I feel like I have to take out
2327s protea with her
2329s extra energy now
2331s Beauty okay let's get some Xbox people
2334s in here doesn't that feel good to say
2336s like I think someone someone internally
2337s was like it feels like a dream I was
2339s like it really does it was really wild
2341s to like see
2342s just when you see the little symbol
2344s you're like oh my God it's actually
2345s happened all right we're gonna go to oh
2347s my God we got an X game smell we don't
2349s actually let's go to let's go visit
2351s daughter shall we yeah let's go see
2357s he's a nice guy he's a nice guy you know
2361s evil guy you know he was he's
2363s ex-military but yeah nice guy
2368s he's one of those I feel like saying
2370s event that feels like a really big
2374s it's like it's like a facial thing
2377s you're like whoa
2380s okay let's go see daughter
2384s can I find daughter just by walking
2385s around is the real question are you
2387s daughter get up oh
2390s I want one of your oh
2393s mother mother are you my mommy do I look
2399s that's a great yeah I'm on a string of
2401s vines ah here we are you did it you got
2404s bits of glass in your forehead
2406s how many mommy tokens do you have
2408s not enough let's go see let's go see
2410s game games
2412s let's go what game games
2415s grandma grandmother oh you wanna go see
2418s Grandma oh well I got it well because
2420s that's where I go to check to see if I
2421s can get any
2425s to check my um I've got zero mother
2429s tokens very good let's do
2432s let's go to Mom let's what do you want
2433s to do what uh what Bounty how are you
2435s feeling
2436s um let me check let me see if there's
2438s anything I need because I've gone from
2442s you know what Bounty I want to do a
2444s thousand Platinum sure do how did I know
2446s I like where your mind's at dude how did
2448s I know okay I think oh I could use some
2451s iron oh I forgot about the egg diaper
2453s chat you're so smart that is a tough
2456s that is a tough sentence I mean did you
2458s forget it I literally did oh even though
2461s it's so massive over here
2463s all right hold on
2465s now please be kind I created this egg
2468s diaper myself with the guidance of rib
2471s and the wisdom that she bestowed upon me
2474s so it's not anything to write home about
2477s Reb is the master but she definitely
2479s like let me try it myself and was just
2482s like you got it you're doing great hey
2485s that that's some good seam work there
2486s that's a little uh
2488s it's even got velcro that's some ASMR
2492s did you show everybody
2495s this is
2497s wow my microphone not again
2501s okay
2502s you know what we need we need Jamie
2504s voiceover to be here to be Jamie Jamie
2507s as Megan cosplay
2510s they did do a great
2514s can you could you like dump popcorn in
2516s the front and just like
2522s I feel great
2524s I love my job I'm a Star Wars
2527s [Laughter]
2531s um this feels like a child's beauty
2533s pageant or sorry not beauty pageant um
2535s like Christmas Pageant but it's like oh
2537s your parents are just like throw clothes
2538s on you're the Christmas Lobster like in
2540s Love Actually they're like I didn't know
2542s there was lobsters
2543s um let's cleanse the land or do you want
2545s to warm up with one first I'm down to
2547s cleanse let's cleanse I got Amber Prime
2549s I'm ready to go
2550s so many new donations oh come on Zach
2553s 101 from Anonymous wow thank you so much
2555s another ten dollars from Anonymous we've
2558s got 27 from Anonymous we got ten dollars
2560s to Marcus from Rowan Longhurst fantastic
2563s name five dollars for both my aunt and
2565s grandmother who both won against breast
2567s cancer oh that's so great uh good luck
2569s in the marathon thank you fifty dollars
2571s to Marcus from school
2573s they've never stop running that is the
2576s goal I will never stop and another kid
2578s Marcus from ruined maze good luck with
2581s the race Marcus pass as many people have
2583s asked by someone who's like really
2585s really you know thought they you know
2588s maybe they shouldn't run a marathon and
2590s then I'll just pass by him and go
2595s what what does that even mean
2598s what does that even mean thank you both
2601s thank you both
2603s I'm gonna need I wonder how I'm gonna do
2605s this
2606s I think I'm gonna get it's because I'm
2607s gonna run with a I've got like a race
2609s tank top
2610s and I'm going to I think like
2613s get three sheets four four sheets of
2617s paper I'm gonna I'm gonna map this out
2618s four sheets of paper and then do like
2620s the um
2621s you know like when people would uh
2623s submit reports and they can like put it
2624s in the plastic sleeve I gotta do that so
2626s I don't get sweat on it because if you
2629s someone's like oh all the ink is sweaty
2631s you're gonna not enjoy it but just
2634s running down and just like there were
2636s people here earlier
2638s I do like the cape idea I want to say
2640s okay but although like it's gonna cause
2642s some drag exactly that's true yeah that
2644s may that may I may hidden some people
2651s you could just go to Red Lobster and get
2652s one of their bibs and just put it
2654s backwards
2656s oh Red Lobster
2658s would you believe I always get a bit Red
2659s Lobster regardless of age yes I turned
2661s my Hut out not sorry not by choice they
2664s just are always like oh you look like
2665s you need a bit
2668s rude
2670s how rude indeed oh I'm so sorry I turned
2673s my head off and I was lost for a second
2676s I was very last time coming thank
2679s goodness for last cast
2683s even counting uh how do we how we look
2686s in Zach sorry say it again more drops
2688s drops we're trying okay we're trying
2692s and if we cannot get drops we typically
2695s always make it up in one form or another
2697s yeah I mean we have a lot of drops going
2699s on for crosstalk cancer but if there is
2701s a day that doesn't work out then we'll
2703s rerun that day probably okay I got to
2706s turn screenshot
2708s um probably post when all the other
2710s drops are done wow those balloons are
2712s really yeah they're
2714s some steady balloons steady I was I I
2718s hope you you hope it wasn't distracting
2720s you when you were reading through news I
2722s was laughing because uh
2724s because the balloons were just like
2725s slowly but surely like entering they
2727s were kind of like they're like hello let
2730s me read your name excuse me excuse me so
2734s Marcus what are your what are you at for
2735s your whole your whole thing it's almost
2737s at Suni Miku time really what do you how
2740s much what's left
2741s uh oh my hot dogs I've got to do Math on
2746s the Spot
2748s 178 dollars is all that's left
2752s yeah and I think my parents might have
2754s actually donated to the general Warframe
2757s uh teams bless their bless their hearts
2760s um so I would count that but uh
2763s their name I must check yeah it's
2766s probably moddy K which is the name of
2768s their cat
2772s Modi is
2774s um
2775s how do I put this gently
2777s um a wonderful cat a crazy cat the first
2781s term I had was hellspawn but she's a
2784s sweet kitty we get along oh it's one of
2786s those darn I don't like these guys with
2789s a Vengeance who the Deimos tendril
2791s drones oh they're not conservations that
2793s I have oh yeah oh juicy 10K crit on the
2798s money oh we got 50 Demarcus from
2801s digresses
2804s we got another 50 from Anonymous and
2807s another 10 from Anonymous wow thanks
2809s everyone thank you thank you thank you
2811s so much we're currently at overall for
2814s the entire campaign 33
2817s 842. unreal I remember at the start of
2819s the stream we're like we could crack
2821s three thirty thousand we could it's a
2823s possibility and here
2824s math update that is 5 692 just to this
2829s stream alone wow yes
2832s I love you and that's 23 costumes I have
2837s nothing left
2838s I have nothing left I apologize I really
2841s didn't think
2842s not that I didn't think but I didn't
2845s think you know
2847s didn't anticipate hey here's me being
2849s like I'm not doing the peppers ever
2851s again I'm like someone gave me a
2853s habanero spicy chicken a Reaper to the
2857s office
2861s yeah oh my God I actually watched uh we
2864s were joking about that on the community
2865s uh team today being like Oh yeah we
2868s could do the Hot Chip and I was like
2869s guys like my body's just like it just
2871s recovered we really don't it's been a
2873s year I'm so you really don't need that
2875s and then uh
2877s and then I watched I think it was Tony
2879s Hawk and Sean Evans doing the one chip
2881s challenge oh you put yeah
2883s I was watching it and uh it was a good
2884s deterrent it was a good like why do I
2887s not want to do this Fair
2889s I'm just kidding over here very topical
2892s crackle oh my God you guys are doing the
2893s peppers again for real no no crackle I
2896s think no I think we all learned a very
2898s valuable guys remember the sale pitch
2900s sales pitch it is a different kind of
2902s pain this one hey actually you know
2904s what's different is that the peppers
2906s came went within a short period of time
2909s it's true the marathon will last
2911s projected over three hours
2914s that's three thousand dollars for Marcus
2918s you know who didn't get it Hatsune
2920s Marcus
2923s here oh my God what's your name Marcus
2926s absolutely Marcus time guilty as charged
2931s oh my God I missed I missed I misread
2935s the name versus the message
2938s you're going on my race bib for sure
2941s but do you want to be Hatsune Marcus or
2944s yeah do you want Hatsune Marcus or do
2945s you want dealer's Choice sir
2948s Jean's getting on there for sure
2951s I totally misread the prompts but it's
2954s all good okay I'm sure yeah if anyone uh
2958s if anyone who donated perhaps does not
2961s want that or wants some other variant or
2963s if you want your loved ones on the race
2965s bib instead of you potentially shoot me
2967s a DM uh on the forums or on Twitter and
2970s we can sort that out uh I don't run
2971s until next Sunday and right now we're in
2974s taper season which means I'm running
2976s shorter runs to get my body ready for
2979s the full distance I love it and it
2982s should be nice
2983s [Music]
2985s it's gonna be great going to be great at
2987s SUNY it's in Toronto Toronto Waterfront
2990s yeah so if anyone's in Toronto feel free
2993s to come by come wave just yell Warframe
2996s at me I'll know it's probably hopefully
2998s about me or yell like how to name Marcus
3000s Hatsune Marcus Farquaad yeah Farquaad
3003s any of those will do yeah ooh do I do
3004s the marathon in a Gandalf Garb and then
3007s and then pass out from sweat loss oh my
3010s God I'm kidding this is why we run fall
3012s Merit this is why you run fall races
3013s because like you train in the summer
3015s when it's ungodly temperatures and then
3018s uh you run when it's uh not so bad true
3021s it will it be cold either uh I sure hope
3023s so oh
3024s I sure hope so oh because if it's like
3026s 10 degrees because then when you're
3027s running you're actually
3028s kind of like at a baseline temperature
3030s you know what I mean like you run to
3032s stay warm or you go so you can just
3034s Redline oh when you're gut or if you're
3037s Revenant with uh that read we just
3039s recently changed the Sprint speed oh
3042s keep going
3044s we're only twelve dollars and one cent
3046s away from thirty four thousand dollars
3053s I was like damn
3057s that is yeah Marcus every kilometers you
3060s have to yell you shall not pass
3062s or I shall pass I shall pass I shall
3066s pass you or if someone tries to pass me
3068s I have to prevent them you shall
3077s vote we need security to kilometers 36
3079s we have a rogue man we have a rogue
3081s gandal we have a road yelling at the
3083s other it looks like
3084s um
3085s he looks like a poor man's Ian McKellen
3087s oh
3089s I wish
3091s you look like Ian McKellen on a budget
3094s thank you
3096s I am honored
3097s beyond words
3101s no drop sadness yeah we're working on it
3103s um having a couple issues with it but we
3105s will rerun it at a later date
3108s um for this twitch drop
3110s so apologies if you can't do it get to
3111s it tonight still over an hour in the
3113s Stream but yeah we'll let you know when
3115s we get more information lots of stream
3117s left Lots testimonious down demonia
3122s good morning
3124s the D is fine we need to focus on E
3131s oh more donations oh tell me Zach John
3134s gamble another great name 94. to Marcus
3138s oh even just going afterwards hey what's
3140s up Marcus enjoy thank you enjoy the nice
3142s I think their message got cut up but
3144s enjoy the nice enjoy the nice hey we'll
3146s never know but we'll you will enjoy it
3148s yeah let me know what the message was
3149s because I will read it and it will fill
3151s my fill my heart which one uh cyberpunk
3153s Panda gave 12 to the team thank you
3155s thank you yeah Jared Waters a hundred
3158s dollars yeah good luck with the marathon
3160s Marcus donating for my grandmother on
3162s the other side who lost her play with
3164s cancer let's end this curse once and for
3165s all I agree thank you thank you Jared
3168s thank you Jerry that means a lot
3171s a lot I should also say I also lost my
3175s uncle so my dad luckily survived his
3178s belt with cancer but my uncle Gord who
3182s had a decade-long battle with a brain
3185s tumor and then eventually succumbed to
3187s cancer he passed away and I'm also
3191s running for him nice so he's he's part
3193s of that as well for sure I love that I
3195s was I had a training run
3196s I had a training right so I ran a half
3198s marathon a few weeks back it actually
3200s went pretty well it went better better
3202s than I expected and what's a half half
3204s is 21k 21.2 and I think that's like 16
3208s miles so the 16 mile race and the the
3211s race format is it's in two kilometer
3213s Loops so you just do the same two
3215s kilometer Loop like 10 times
3217s uh which sounds easy but it gets a
3220s little psychologically difficult because
3221s you're like this wait a minute
3224s um but uh I just I was just going to
3226s treat that as a training run and then
3227s all I got my Race Kit the night before
3229s and it was all like and brain tumors in
3231s our lifetime and I was like oh God this
3232s just got so emotional oh uh because of
3235s my uncle so yeah
3237s yeah so lots lots of people to run for
3239s yeah and uh if anybody ever wants to
3241s grab my ear off about running uh Megan
3243s knows I can talk about I really could
3245s talk about running for a long time I
3247s learned a lot yeah I was like oh you're
3249s running it I was like yeah and then the
3250s thing is when you do this and then that
3251s happens and you can do this and then
3252s that's the other funny thing she's like
3254s wow that's great Marcus that's so good
3256s anyway I really gotta go I'm like yeah
3257s yeah just one more thing before you go
3259s um yeah so what kind of shoes you wear
3261s yeah you ever heard of hokas
3271s but now you're running for your family
3274s you're running for the community I am
3276s running for the community I am running
3277s for so many people
3279s uh John gamble especially I'm enjoying
3282s you know it's nice because that even
3284s though that message got truncated it's
3286s still like nice as a thought enjoy the
3288s nice enjoy the night one day what what
3291s did you message me one day Zach it was
3293s like you were so busy
3295s I was like hey Zach like hey don't worry
3298s about this thing that you don't have to
3299s do anymore and Zach legitimately sent
3301s back like like gab or something yeah and
3305s it just was like I said Gus Gus you just
3309s said that Gus Gus and it was like I knew
3311s you were so busy and it was just like
3314s you just had no time to be like and I
3316s remember you just Gus and then hours
3317s later you're like holy crap I just got
3320s back and I just realized
3323s Gus and I was like it was like I was
3326s like Marcus I'm trying to figure out
3327s what I meant by Gus but I just can't
3328s figure it was it was as much as I I load
3331s the term of like it was such a Vibe it
3333s was absolutely it was just a Vibe of
3335s like I was like Zach like hey don't
3337s worry it was like hey don't worry about
3338s like posting the patch notes or like hey
3340s that like the thing isn't going out
3341s you're just like Gus Gus Gus I like how
3345s you just let it slide you're like okay
3347s I was a poor guy he's dealing with a lot
3349s he's got a glass he's got a he's got a
3351s video it's funny it was like they'll
3352s break her lunch day or something Gus
3355s oh it was good
3357s props update hot off the press yeah um
3360s they're not working you think it's a
3362s twitch issue so we'll find a way to get
3364s them to you guys at a time okay
3366s hopefully our other twist shops campaign
3368s will work tonight okay we got a raid
3369s okay you want to hang out there yeah we
3372s got a raid from I think is it sister is
3375s that we're gonna be reading today this
3376s funeral yeah we got Superstar
3379s oh man
3381s oh I didn't know she was gonna wear that
3383s one you don't tell me anything right
3393s Gus is going on the shirt
3395s who's this Gus
3397s disgusting oh man oh here's the thing do
3400s I carry the war monologue in my pocket
3402s or do I oh you're memorizing that yeah
3406s also I feel like we should get a chat
3408s pull up
3409s hmm how do I get this going I want to
3411s ask people because I think it should be
3413s because we blew through all the
3416s milestones in one go which was Insanity
3418s thank you from the bottom of my heart
3420s yeah entire extended family
3423s um from all the cretzes and all the
3428s well they don't want to say too much
3431s but uh from from both sides of my family
3433s thank you from the bottom of my heart uh
3435s I feel like people should be able to
3436s vote which kilometer I have to record it
3438s at oh you know is it 42 well actually no
3442s if you make a call at the end you're
3443s just gasping for bread across the Finish
3445s Line I'm like
3447s look at them
3449s security is like we've got a gun
3451s monologue
3453s I think he's going full Cena he's got a
3459s something not good is about to happen
3462s um no no uh but yeah is it kilometer one
3465s is it like everyone's bunched up
3466s together and they're like what is this
3467s guy talking about
3469s um I really wish I could like have
3470s someone like go ahead of me on like a
3472s bike or something so that I could just
3473s like jog into the camera and be like
3475s look look at them
3478s because we you know I just gotta look up
3479s like how do you how did Zach you're
3481s almost hamlet in the play how do people
3483s model memorize you were almost here
3485s wanting to play
3488s oh no again I actually turned down the
3491s Hamlet he turned down that's the name of
3493s Zach's biopic almost yeah that was my
3495s Peak almost yeah
3504s you really just read it and then you're
3507s in the shower you just say it out loud
3509s yeah and then you ask someone to read
3511s the other lines but also it just takes
3513s months like for me yeah
3516s 10 days well that's easy it's not too
3518s long of Tomorrow bag I'm gonna be really
3520s busy uh during the work day tomorrow
3521s yeah can't help with notes no reason
3523s yeah yeah guys I don't know if we're
3525s gonna hot picks or anything but uh it's
3527s not coming from me yeah if something
3529s breaks during cross play just don't let
3531s me know I'm gonna be doing something
3533s very important I have other tasks I have
3536s other battles to attend to
3539s we get some more donations
3547s at shadowy organization is so generous
3549s yeah they are really nice they are so
3550s nice really nice but Anonymous 68 says
3553s it's easy to think donations don't
3555s matter with the goal of zero cancer but
3557s constant advancements and treatment are
3559s to thank for curing my GS thyroid cancer
3561s and it keeps her here to tolerate all
3563s the time I spend playing Warframe
3566s it's true that was a big part when we
3568s were on a I was just on Kira's stream
3570s and we were talking about how even if
3573s the great thing about the Princess
3575s Margaret Cancer Foundation is that not
3577s only are they attempting to eradicate
3579s cancer and with the goal of you know
3580s eradicating cancer within our lifetimes
3582s but also improving the current treatment
3584s that people undergo right uh so you know
3588s it's incredible like even for my dad for
3589s a second bout of cancer
3591s just the fact of not having to do
3593s chemotherapy for that type of cancer
3595s there's other options now exactly and
3597s like Kira's talking about how her
3599s Grandpa was able to do take uh pills for
3602s radiation instead of being you know
3603s stuck on a machine for hours so even
3605s just you know improving the quality
3607s because you know some people may refuse
3609s treatment because they don't want their
3609s quality of life to suffer right whereas
3611s if now your treatment option means that
3613s your quality of quality of life can
3615s still be great then you know we all
3616s benefit so
3618s um that's really really cool and every
3619s donation counts uh no matter what it be
3621s you know that might be a meal for a
3622s loved one sitting over in a hospital
3623s that could be an improved treatment plan
3625s that could be it could be anything
3629s um
3629s so yeah every little bit counts thank
3631s you all so much
3636s it's Margaret joint
3638s about stuff like that like stuff that
3640s they're working on in terms of new
3643s technologies and stuff they're
3645s researching all from donations and
3648s campaigns like this and one of the ones
3650s he mentioned was early detection of
3653s pancreatic cancer and that's what my
3655s grandma passed away from and as for a
3659s lot of people I think it was very much a
3663s you caught it too soon and pancreatic
3665s cancer is really like
3667s once you catch it you're kind of too far
3669s gone situation
3671s um but the fact that they're now
3673s advancing technology and doing the
3675s research for early detection is like
3676s really incredible to hear and like
3680s obviously I wish that technology would
3682s have existed you know during my
3683s grandma's time but it didn't and but
3686s we're only you know trying to move
3687s forward and it's campaigns like this
3689s that you know can only move that needle
3691s a little bit more so thank you to
3693s everyone who's donated today to Marcus's
3695s run uh to the Warframe uh a campaign in
3699s general so we've got a whole month to go
3701s and I'm just very excited you'd think we
3704s were on like the last or you know you'd
3706s think we it had been more than several
3708s days like this is right absolutely
3710s unbelievable Pat you're always so great
3712s so thank you so much appreciate you
3715s greatly I think our next actually I'm
3717s just double check our next yeah we're
3719s gonna have to check at this point it's
3721s forty thousand oh I've got it recorded
3723s 40 000. we're already at just over 33
3727s and a half uh at 40 000 we unlock unlock
3732s who am I we unlock a stance of Forma and
3736s Aura Forma built alert at forty thousand
3739s that'll be going live in November as
3741s well so if you need a stanceformer or
3743s Aura Forma fully built
3745s 40 000 billion
3748s I'll get there oh yeah yeah
3751s oh no that's dangerous
3756s yeah
3758s save it for the cosplay
3765s you're like oh man can it
3768s yeah
3770s oh my God the amount of conversations
3772s I'm gonna have to have with old teachers
3774s coaches loved ones
3776s so riddle me this who's Hatsune Miku
3780s I'll be like you know what I didn't know
3782s for a long time but I'm about to learn a
3784s lot about Hatsune but then Jack
3786s cosplayed or photoshopped her hair on me
3790s yeah and I also if Chad looks at my
3793s donor Drive page I was able to reuse the
3795s image so the images
3798s uh yeah so like my um
3801s uh well I mean it doesn't matter now but
3803s my hitsune Miku um
3805s like a donation tier has my because
3808s someone did a someone someone
3810s Photoshopped it and then someone did an
3811s all three together and I think we're
3813s talking about Elden ring that stream
3814s yeah so it's like an Elden ring Castle
3815s me as a um
3818s a a fryer yeah uh me as Hatsune Miku and
3822s then Mia's and I just said I just said
3825s it sometimes I just send my buddy stuff
3827s with no contacts and they're like what
3828s is going on like why who made this
3830s they're like don't worry about it I'm
3831s like it's all good guys you know chats
3833s up to chat shall we do a thousand
3835s Platinum Dino sure thing ooh what can I
3838s buy I was just gonna say I'm gonna go
3840s see daughter I'm gonna buy the Halloween
3841s spooky dance
3844s I need the haunted interior decorations
3847s do I need I don't have a seti Lancer on
3849s PC what are you doing Mark oh that was
3851s my one of my favorite weapons of all
3853s time what are you doing I do have the
3855s she what that was a planet was gone too
3857s XL meta XL meta congratulations you won
3861s a thousand Platinum please before the
3863s Warframe Christianity watching right now
3864s if you're in-game Alias and the platform
3866s you play working on we'll get your girls
3867s Platinum XL oh this is tough I'm just
3870s gonna have to I'm just gonna have to
3873s just gotta go for it Farm some mothers
3875s let's get some more
3876s yeah but just you know
3878s I want the okay let's go spooky first
3880s yeah I'm just gonna do what I do when I
3881s go to Barrow which is I just black out
3883s and just oh see what I buy oh no I'll
3885s write so many more donations all right
3887s Zach read them off Viceroy Cinder 50 to
3890s Marcus nice one thank you my mom oh my
3893s God my page moved of my mom-in-law who
3895s sadly didn't win her fight run on Marcus
3897s or something about your mom-in-law thank
3898s you so much thank you for that 50
3900s Commander Templar ten dollars to the
3902s team no one welcomed cancer inside so
3903s let's kick it out all right
3905s go and get him I need a kick Meg yeah
3908s kick
3921s yeah this might be the final your
3923s eggshell is cracked it might be the
3925s final four what is what is
3927s um
3930s I don't know if I can get it wrong you
3932s don't need because you don't need to
3932s ever say it so it's fine yeah
3937s what's their preferred method of
3939s transportation like a scooter or
3941s something being carried being carried
3943s really this is their last year because
3944s they suck you can see why Megan dislikes
3947s them so much
3951s just a whiny purple egg yellow literally
3954s an egg baby even more donation my
3956s goodness yes the focus wobbler 50 to the
3959s team call said donation good good cause
3965s then proceeded to use my credit card
3967s with their permission though
3969s wait
3971s Call stealing credit cards oh I forgot
3974s your gadgets I thought you were like
3975s okay yeah he's not even hit it yeah
3979s [Laughter]
3985s yeah yeah no one's paying it for that
3988s yeah uh I break Veil 10 credits whoa
3992s whoa whoa call listen I'm super
3993s appreciative that you did the veil
3995s breaking but like come on man we got 20
3998s from dawn Nightshade another cool name I
4000s Believe In You Gus and I'm totally not
4002s planning on defeating you to my helmet
4006s Gus is being fed to a helmet Gus I'm
4008s scared Gus's Gus is a catch-all positive
4011s affirmation of things yes
4020s uh 13 from Anonymous thank you so much a
4023s hundred dollars from twenty five zero
4025s one wow thank you so much wow and 68
4028s from Beaker only for my mom a 15 plus
4030s year Survivor and my gram will be cancer
4033s fives oh my God
4036s your grandma's house
4041s love that Beaker only unreal all right
4044s how do you feel about one Relic run to
4047s rub them all what are we going for oh
4053s okay let's let's disband we'll exit the
4056s necrolisk yeah let him go he's got the
4059s tattoo
4060s what are you looking at Remnant oh you
4062s got the you got the you can't actually
4064s see it oh I can
4067s I'll put it up I'll put it up in Mission
4069s so everyone can
4071s enjoying actually Dean can you go away
4073s from gameplay for a second yep
4075s appreciate you
4076s oh do we have do we have to re-log no
4078s you're fine okay
4080s all good don't you worry about it okay
4084s this is this actually works out really
4085s well because I was like how am I gonna
4086s like
4087s temporarily organized for our quad
4089s to temporarily organize Gandalf I was
4092s already mapping I was on my morning for
4093s your run okay oh no no for the finals oh
4096s right and then I was like Hatsune is
4098s going to be a big jump if it's like the
4100s day before and then Hatsune comes out of
4101s the so are you planning to do these
4103s organic like just for funsies and like
4106s post a picture or you like no the final
4108s stream you're gonna be all three no no
4110s no I was just gonna do one
4113s thing can happen I can do three
4117s um okay expect a low budget far quad
4121s and a low budget Gandalf
4124s but then a high budget Hatsune a low
4127s budget far quad so I was only planning
4129s to just come with Hatsune okay
4131s but
4132s if because because we've done so well
4134s I'll I can do far quad
4137s quick change into Gandalf and then maybe
4139s quick change into do we need to like
4142s have commercials so that when we come
4143s back I don't know if I will do that I
4145s don't know you know what how about this
4148s a different stream I will do a far quad
4150s into Gandalf whoa a different prime time
4152s but I will just come for Hatsune because
4155s I feel like Hatsune is gonna take the
4156s most prep
4157s yes do you never have to find a Hatsune
4161s there's for sure our Market out there
4164s of Hatsune outfits
4166s someone said movies someone said movie
4168s quality or bust so oh okay
4171s that is cursed Jamie that is cursed
4176s uh did you get my invite I did get your
4178s invite I had to decline someone else I'm
4180s sorry that's okay
4183s all right Dean coming back to gameplay
4185s Beauty because guess what we have in our
4187s Squad
4188s we got Expo oh you can't see it
4191s we got Xbox
4196s eighty six nine it's a gun and we got
4199s white wolf soul is that a geralt of
4202s Rivia fan oh okay I am taking my Easter
4206s Easter Revy
4209s um are you taking Ruby to get ready I'm
4210s getting ready to get ready
4212s you gotta get ready to get ready
4215s you wanna be ready you want to get ready
4217s you better be ready no no it's like it's
4220s like no you're fine it's something like
4222s uh
4224s you don't gotta get ready if you stay
4226s revi oh
4228s it's my secret yeah I'm always ready I
4231s got it I got there eventually guys don't
4233s worry yeah you never gotta be ready uh
4235s I'll change to ghost
4239s Megan discord's wondering how much money
4240s they have to donate for you to get a
4241s Minetta tattoo
4243s that will never happen
4246s absolutely
4247s never
4248s one billion if you reach if you reach
4251s the 100 000 in the next 45 minutes I'll
4255s get him an edit tattoo but
4265s oh my God it's so it's not gonna have it
4268s okay
4269s I'm going to refinance his homes
4274s yeah hi I'd like to talk to you I'd like
4278s to talk to the head of De hello Bank
4282s call your mortgage sorry I didn't mean
4283s to mention mortgage no no I thought
4290s it means legally they can't repossess it
4292s from you
4298s do you have Revenant um uh let me hit up
4302s a Syndicate okay hit him up
4304s hit him up hit him up
4308s I like that that's that's wow that's the
4311s spicy yeah things are looking good I
4313s love how this this camera cuts off my
4316s eggs
4317s I feel like we need a picture of this
4319s because you literally just like hold on
4321s it's like we had a good laugh the one
4323s day about how much yeah
4326s to the side it just looks so you're like
4328s you're like dad's at Thanksgiving close
4331s turkey where they can like rest their
4332s hands on their Barrel I can just put my
4334s beer right here
4337s [Laughter]
4340s no
4342s um
4344s I can't touch my toes
4348s okay
4352s what are we looking for
4356s no is it not on yet yes are we looking
4359s for a uh is there any rare Revenue Parts
4362s yes uh lith R2 is the rare one
4369s I don't think I have one I got a bunch
4371s of miso P10s did I possibly receive a
4375s relic from because I have not I did not
4376s play did I play working today
4379s we could do amazing we can do a
4381s mesopetown and get a phantasma Prime
4383s barrel well why don't we
4386s okay I also have the lith S14 are you
4389s only after the
4392s um Revenant part
4395s um I own the neuroptics already so no we
4399s can do tattoo we can do phantasma like
4401s uh let's do I think uh let's see
4402s actually I think I'd be more on Carriage
4404s uh the only tattoo I have is comments
4407s let's not do that so yeah let's do the
4409s um the phantasma the fantasma which was
4411s the lith P6
4413s uh I got the meso P10
4416s sorry fantasma Prime barrel yeah yeah
4418s yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
4419s yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
4424s y'all got what is it meso miso miso Pita
4428s yeah I got an email so
4433s oh we have fifty dollars from Mystic
4436s Minds Wishy luck in the race and I hope
4438s the best for your father thank you I'll
4441s pass that along to my pops Mr Chris hey
4444s hey yo box Mystic mine says
4451s feed grin and say hey thanks buddy
4455s that's what he'd say and father
4457s Prometheus 682 or 6.80 to the team gotta
4461s donate to the cause that protects the
4462s things I love the most oh I'll drink too
4466s much
4467s cheers to that Cheers Cheers Cheers
4470s what you drinking Marcus I'm drinking
4473s mango mang just a mango just make a
4476s pyramid
4477s mango mango but you know when you see
4480s this type of like fluorescent yellow
4482s that can't possibly be actual mango you
4485s know it's good
4490s how much longer is the stream uh another
4494s 43 minutes time is flying time and the
4498s drops are not working
4500s um they are they have broken
4502s um for the stream so we will look at
4505s re-running this drop
4507s um it's been this drop all week but
4510s obviously different
4511s um campaigns for each of the streamers
4513s that have been doing Quest concre cancer
4514s this week so we'll look at rerunning it
4516s but unfortunately no drops on the stream
4518s so thanks for if you're hanging out to
4521s hang out appreciate you I'd love to have
4523s you here glad to see you you look great
4525s you do you do look great
4528s all right sorry meso P10
4539s all right baby
4541s oh wow 102 from Razer Goodwin making
4545s this donation for my mother who survived
4547s skin cancer oh that's amazing and my
4549s aunt who survived breast cancer keeps
4550s staying awesome de wow thank you so much
4552s for that 102. thank you that is awesome
4557s congratulations to both your mom and
4559s your aunt keep fighting
4561s keep awesome all right meso P10
4565s what weapons
4569s more what was the name of that super
4571s scary uh Disney movie
4574s Fantasia yeah oh scary oh are you seeing
4578s Fantasia no it's just like for children
4580s it's a bit nightmare it's one of those
4582s Brave Little toasters yes oh what a show
4585s oh my God uh what a time to be alive I
4589s will uh yeah that actually you know what
4592s I took a course in University on music
4593s videos and the credit actually Fantasia
4595s as being the first music video
4597s oh really is it the Senate because it's
4599s a cinematic film set to music and the
4601s music informs
4603s the plot
4605s so the diegetic
4607s soundtrack whoa whoa whoa film 1000
4610s thank you
4612s um Barbara Bruce yeah
4615s dude
4617s if you're watching she got so many kids
4619s to drop her class in the first week and
4620s then she's like all right trim the fat
4622s let's have some clothes
4625s it was awesome she would like get in the
4628s first election she'd be like if you
4629s think this is going to be easy you've
4631s come to the right so remember that one
4633s and I remember it was like the most
4635s Eerie first week of College University
4637s depending where you are because I was in
4640s the back of the lecture hall and I could
4641s look and I could see laptops and people
4643s switching out of the course oh no and it
4645s was like oh man Barbara takes no
4647s prisoners and it was a great course she
4650s chose fantastic films there's movies
4652s I've watched in that course that I still
4655s have not rewatched but I can tell you so
4656s much about them I remember them in such
4658s a visceral detail tampopo
4661s um the limey uh Run Lola Run
4664s uh to name a few a lot of really really
4667s great films first time I've ever watched
4668s The Shining oh yeah wow they had the
4670s same syllabus just keeping it bicycle
4674s thieves yeah that was great
4675s but he gives up his inhaler medication
4677s yeah yeah it's awesome
4680s damn do you want his inhaler well no he
4683s he donated it to a family yeah because
4685s they were starving so he gave them his
4687s medicine and then then he swam across
4690s the river to be with the people he
4691s wanted to be oh damn then he got
4694s well you should watch them
4696s oh it's a good movie
4698s let's just uh let's just say yeah I'll
4701s leave it at that good film good film but
4702s uh no one else is a great film what is
4704s focus oh did you watch the sequel not
4708s yeah
4710s I was about to watch it and then I just
4712s felt the urge to re-watch the first one
4714s so I did and I was like plus I was I
4717s thought it was great my partner sent me
4719s a picture of uh Hocus Pocus and it was
4721s about one kid he's in the background
4723s like I can hear that little dweeb's
4725s voice from here she was like that's rude
4728s I was like am I wrong you're gonna look
4730s at me and tell me that I'm wrong
4732s I'm wrong
4734s his voice he's like well no you you
4737s can't cast building problem and they're
4739s like shut up and Randall castles
4741s wherever I want you know what I'm
4742s talking about right no a little kid who
4744s probably grew up to be like super buff
4746s kind of like a Stuart Little origin
4748s story oh I'm all over the map here sorry
4750s guys are you picking up what I'm putting
4752s down the kid from Stuart Little got
4754s yoked he's so stupid was just a little
4757s tiny guy oh sorry the kid from Stuart
4759s Little oh look at the blonde hair if you
4762s look him up he had like a Neville
4763s Longbottom glow up but what do you what
4766s do you mean in Hocus Pocus
4768s so I just met that kid in Hocus Pocus
4769s he's kind of like a dorky kid who's like
4772s ah he's like guys we should be in bed
4774s before like bedtime there's no kid that
4777s says that no no but I mean that's what
4778s he's like that's what I hear when he
4780s speaks but what is but what does he
4782s actually say
4783s in the show
4787s s
4792s no no she's cool she's cool he's getting
4795s there because she's getting after it I'm
4797s talking
4800s um oh wait no sir I'm thinking of
4801s Halloweentown yes you are
4805s gonna have a buddy who's like
4810s oh the main guy yeah yeah Max witches
4812s are real yeah that's fair hey Hollywood
4815s yeah
4819s guys cut it out
4820s this is ice this is my brother Max he's
4823s gonna beat you guys up oh Hollywood
4828s nice I Put A Spell On You
4831s great film yeah Hocus Pocus is some good
4834s quality stuff it's just like
4837s like I understand
4838s yep but
4839s but it's great but but like
4841s just iconic in October I'll never watch
4843s it outside of October
4846s it is it is a good time
4849s my cat your buddy
4851s thanks
4853s his name thanks thanks
4856s well his real name
4857s and so it starts with the c or something
4859s it's like Christopher
4863s from the 1800s name was Chad no it's not
4866s Dad it's so so interesting Chad Banks At
4870s Your Service Zachary Banks Zachary
4872s Zachary I like Chad Banks
4875s he was a child movie he was great what
4883s oh my God
4885s man I love actually there's a lot of
4888s really good parts of that movie yeah
4889s that is that is the classic movie of
4891s like yeah I don't like that movie it's
4892s not good and it's awesome but then you
4894s rail off all the the but I like this
4897s part and this part the part when sir
4899s Jessica Parker is Dancing with the guy
4900s dressed up as the devil and the wife
4902s comes downstairs and she's like okay
4904s ladies yeah it's past your bedtime thank
4908s you chocolate get out of here get out of
4910s here
4911s I've never really understood that scene
4913s as to what the hell was happening we
4914s don't need to talk about it but
4918s you should ask your parents
4919s we got even more donations yeah exactly
4922s yeah five dollars from more kid for my
4925s brothers I agree brothers from Harvard
4928s but with a Swedish character Harvard oh
4931s Harvard
4933s Harvard uh fifteen dollars thank you
4937s Harvard for my great uncle who
4938s unfortunately lost his fight with
4939s burning cancer a few years back I'm
4941s still starting to do that thank you so
4942s much
4943s Anonymous 50 dollars too diffusional but
4946s then the word hey we'll see you soon we
4950s got 34 to this usual from Chai Thai ice
4954s cream is she's dreaming right now yes
4956s she is actually guys we should read this
4958s Regional great idea I think we should
4961s and I should join it Zack would you stay
4963s here just hang out that's a good idea
4965s Zach would you I think I will that
4967s sounds like fun yeah and we got another
4969s fifty dollars to the team from Anonymous
4971s thank you so much
4986s continue making noises what is Discord
4989s doing right now fun fact Doug Jones who
4991s you've noted I've seen in something
4992s played by zombie and Hocus Pocus
4996s Jones Doug Jones Doug Jones also played
4999s he also plays saru on Star Trek
5001s discovery
5005s you guys went like a full seven minutes
5007s on Hocus Pocus I had zero input on that
5010s but I will say if we do the Six Degrees
5012s of Kevin Bacon separation game Doug
5015s Jones plays suru in Star Trek Discovery
5017s that's all I got
5019s wow we've just become a new Wukong Cloud
5023s Walker a huge donation
5026s we got a donation from 66.
5030s from Key Rover he made to Career he
5033s wrote we've got
5035s 339 dollars to the cause wow thank you
5039s so much
5041s that's crazy thank you so much
5048s sorry the Mario yeah the Mario the Mario
5051s nothing else just Mario he's not in any
5053s other Andy Dwyer Mario
5057s all right gg2 white wolf soul and Matt
5061s gamer 869 from Xbox because currently
5064s cross play is enabled on you can see an
5066s Xbox so thank you for playing with us
5068s today we got a Revenant piece which is
5070s very exciting
5072s um we're going to disband and we're
5073s going to move on to Fan Art because it's
5074s 7 30. 7 30. I'm gonna really okay seven
5079s tattoo oh okay
5085s [Music]
5086s I hope you all hit the fan art that was
5088s already on screen when we were pretty
5090s sure I faded it out but I don't remember
5092s yeah
5094s thank you do you want to kick it off
5096s with fan art yeah I'll kick it off can
5098s we get a my knee to kick
5099s laughs
5101s oh no crunch
5106s that sounded so violent yeah
5115s that crunch is almost as loud as my
5118s Christmas crunch
5121s just like rip that thing I'm just like
5127s is like oh my God oh my God she is you
5129s could probably make another one I could
5130s definitely make another one you make
5131s another one a stronger better something
5133s tells me this won't be your last minute
5136s it's gonna be maybe a hot minute until
5138s you're next time
5141s first up yeah uh we've got this Stellar
5144s Stellar piece from tenkujo so we are
5147s continuing our tunnelcon art yes
5149s submissions uh so these are were
5151s submitted to tennocon and you can see
5153s why because this is
5156s I can't believe it
5158s I thought you were gonna go into Brandy
5160s for a second there oh don't tempt me
5162s don't tell me I've already done lots of
5164s singing this week it should be uh
5166s illegal that we made it look like she
5168s has the thigh-high stocking Banshee
5170s you're a fine one
5173s what a good frame you could be
5179s it doesn't you really have thigh highs
5181s as well
5183s it's very dissonant it's like I don't
5185s know I'm maybe that is like wow I'm
5187s murdering all these space aliens but my
5190s eyes stay on so good for me they go
5193s bye-bye
5196s very very nice stuff uh thank you this
5199s is actually ripping at my hair so I'm
5200s just gonna
5201s really quickly take that okay we're good
5204s we got that out that looked sorry that
5205s was painful
5207s um but yeah hey that was held on for
5208s quite some time they did the point of
5210s the front didn't but I can hear this
5211s thing like starting to slowly like
5213s slowly rip apart like the Hoover Dam
5216s oh that thing is going for sure it's
5218s gonna be like all right guys donate 100
5219s to make Meg do like I don't know a front
5221s flip because I could do a front flip I
5224s don't know maybe we'll break alongside
5225s the eggshell okay uh next up this is
5228s from uh Nema ego the Migo Amigo this is
5233s on board the Zimmerman and uh it looks
5236s like the first time they're encountering
5238s a void bloom
5242s is like oh nosers I think this is one of
5245s those where they're like oh seems like
5247s something's up and they do not see the
5249s the angel behind them and the fact that
5251s the operator is cat ears Yeah Wendy
5254s you're asking all the right questions
5256s hello Bank Wayne County yeah hello Bank
5259s hi we've got a new 200k donation got
5263s ears yeah this is uh this is a lot of
5265s fun yeah they nailed trash can works
5267s really well it's a little cake he's so
5268s cute yeah he does have a little Cape
5270s he's so cute little trash can with a
5271s cape just another trash can all right
5273s next up we've got the this one from
5275s quiet Archer oh
5278s wow oh girl oh that is unsettling do you
5283s say Nera or naira naira you say nice
5287s naira Zach I can't is that because
5289s you're wrong I'm talking to him yeah
5291s wait what does say
5293s like it says naira I only know
5299s this is boring it is not right I think
5301s he says naira hmm Mira no he doesn't go
5305s it's just argon era
5307s naira I think it's naira naira chat
5311s chat yeah this is this is really good
5314s because it's like the classic snake
5316s thing of like oh what's that in the
5317s background yeah it's like old mangle it
5319s draws like
5321s um quite Orchard did a really good job
5322s of leading the eye in this one yes
5324s there's good leading lines oh in this
5327s because definitely when I first look at
5329s it my eyes automatically go to mag in
5330s the back where's her head it's Sneaky
5334s yeah that's freaky and also that is a
5338s very uh devilish looking naira it's true
5341s she doesn't look like she's happy no she
5344s looks like she uh you are not her
5346s Domino's Pizza delivery oh she's not
5348s happy to see you okay you can't mention
5350s food well one person in this room who
5354s did not have a meal although I think I'm
5357s just kidding I think it's a record
5358s though because we made it an hour and a
5359s half
5367s it was like oh yeah and food oh yeah
5369s then you just mention because I gave you
5370s fries that's right okay but in my
5372s defense last stream Danielle was eating
5374s a burrito and I could smell it the whole
5376s time
5376s oh she was over there yeah and I was
5379s like I think at one point I very
5380s distinctly was like
5381s and like looked off in her general
5383s direction like no Marcus don't call the
5385s road don't Danny can you stop don't ask
5387s for a bite
5388s it's covered you can't ask her you can't
5392s ask your co-workers for bites of their
5393s food
5395s um but you know who you can't ask for
5396s advice to their food from Miss Magicka
5398s Miss Magica oh
5406s nailed it oh my God and those are some
5408s prime to lack of knees that's a good
5410s that's a good Mickey I wouldn't mix
5412s Mickey Mouse with chroma but
5414s you thought that was Mickey Mouse he's
5416s wearing Mickey Mouse oh yeah yeah I
5418s would never have thought that chroma and
5419s Mickey would be like the pairing but
5421s it's amazing yeah it feels like a very
5422s like cupheady
5424s is
5426s it must be cuphead yeah that is that is
5429s really great I also do you think that
5430s like an Excel would be the duo limbo is
5432s just like born to be like a presenter I
5434s mean he basically he comes with a hat
5435s you know
5436s yeah and Pascal's got that
5439s Rhino horn looking thing yeah oh no he's
5442s got his he's got his nubby he does he's
5443s good he's got a little little nose yeah
5446s yeah I know this is uh very very fun
5448s this is very fun this is a still image
5450s that like animates in my mind yeah I can
5452s hear it you know presenting yeah me
5459s uh exactly thank you Miss magic for that
5462s and coming up next from groovy groova
5466s Warframe
5468s yeah with the cape and the goose damn
5472s damn damn well boom there's a lot going
5475s on here I love it it looks like there's
5477s like a is there an explosion behind her
5479s is that this Ray of the Suns I think
5481s that that's literally like the it's High
5483s Noon yeah I think it's literally like
5484s the Trope of like she's got her hands
5487s and then it's like the cape comes out
5488s and it's like
5489s and then she goes and the cape Swirls
5492s and then the light's like oh okay that's
5494s gonna be on the clouds and it just
5496s starts it's pretty much the like the
5499s framing of one of the last shots of The
5501s Good the Bad and the Ugly
5503s wouldn't know it was watching Hocus
5505s Pocus this one that goes
5509s all in the circle I think I know that
5511s yeah
5513s we're gonna get dmca I know I'm deem
5516s saying the hell y'all are overestimating
5519s your mouth trumpet capabilities that's a
5522s weird word
5523s yeah whoa
5528s Wow's in here I'm gonna do that to
5530s people during the race
5531s [Music]
5533s all right
5537s I would hate you yes Danny she is
5540s wearing what you think oh Danny what
5543s Daddy
5543s you know just checking Megan you are not
5546s wearing it
5548s can you do a kick for Danny yeah
5553s oh that wasn't bad
5556s now but you got a permanent front
5559s you've got like a big indent oh no your
5562s egg cup oh no my egg uh oh the egg is
5565s cracking the egg is cracking no it isn't
5568s cracking of any eyes and hearts whoa
5574s Segways wait is it blazing uh it is from
5577s blazing blazing Cobo look at your little
5580s Lotus look at that oh it's chewy no
5583s chibi James all right my bags I was
5584s gonna say Where's your microphone Megan
5585s because it's yeah is it
5589s yeah this is very sweet well as I say
5591s Where's your microphone because every
5592s move is like even though it's even
5594s though it's out of proportion it's not
5595s good it still looks very proportionate
5597s though love her you know what I mean it
5599s is very nice I love her little like and
5601s Tiny Mouse yeah I would I would enjoy
5603s seeing her walk and just be like crap I
5607s think that's what it sounds I think
5608s that's exactly what it sounds like okay
5609s okay leave no one alive
5613s like a little squeaky
5615s little tiny feet just shuffling along
5619s thank you for that one blazing cobot
5621s all right next up we've got from friend
5624s Lena
5628s Papa and trotty
5630s look at that wow oh is he looking at his
5634s Reflections oh my God is that tiny
5637s Titania in the corner because Finley
5639s always has a containers it was very much
5642s tiny today I will say one of the most uh
5644s was this one he just lost his arm
5645s potentially I think I was gonna say one
5647s of the most disturbing fresh animations
5649s is when he does that and touches his arm
5652s and like reassembles himself and he's
5654s like missing his arm like I hate that
5656s animation yeah that is nasty demos is
5659s great because it's always October it's
5661s always spooky season when you visit
5662s demos back it's always October yeah this
5664s is uh I mean finlina always has the
5668s excellent use of being able to put so
5669s much emotion into their pieces and
5671s there's a ton of emotion in this one you
5672s can always tell a Finlay a piece like
5674s you can you can very distinct beautiful
5676s art style palette I always tell the
5679s palette speaking of some distinct art
5681s with some emotions in it oh
5688s I
5690s do apologize 178 what amigo
5695s we say 185. was 185 was brain bread
5699s naira this is this is brain bread this
5702s is brain bread thank you for this brain
5703s bread apologies all right and this is
5706s quite archery quiet Archer look at that
5709s don't make me like the villains don't I
5713s don't want to have to think I know just
5716s let me dislike people this is this is
5718s eternalism in some world
5720s they're not the bad guys you know but
5723s how do you know that is in this world
5724s though oh that's too deep a question for
5728s 7 38 p.m Eastern Time
5730s wearing an egg costume
5733s we're gonna have a diaper on uh this is
5736s just too sweet this uh really makes you
5738s feel her that's salad right that's salad
5740s that's salad this is you think this is
5742s pre-salid free oh free villanera pre
5745s maybe the breakup is what's his origin
5747s story his origin story I'll just be gone
5750s for a couple months maybe valkyr was
5753s like that's why I went like mags in the
5756s thing and he like caresses her face my
5758s mind sort of Mag or magroom oh it's a
5761s whole thing
5763s coating here there's a whole story tell
5765s us a story Picture Tells a thousand
5766s words and this tells at least a thousand
5768s or more at least a thousand could be
5770s three solid appetizer V pre-salid
5773s appetizer B thanks oh were you gonna
5775s take that sorry what Nothing
5778s Hurt beautiful no all right this one is
5781s from Vinnie eisenhard okay
5784s oh
5786s we're on
5792s don't look at me like that
5796s no you gorgeous
5799s colors okay you're gonna shed leaves off
5803s your triceps look at me
5807s yeah this is super cool this is a very
5809s nice laundry you know he's mid monologue
5811s about how we don't respect the Forest
5813s right now and he's like I can lift 20
5815s tree trunks at once I lifted 20 I fought
5818s 20 ants on my way over here LA Delta 628
5823s -62682 yoga touchgrass
5826s you know he's touching grass
5829s o Ron can make you guys he can make you
5831s I also need to touch grass grass can be
5833s touched anywhere you know who is
5835s probably could really use
5838s a chance to touch grass Excalibur Umbra
5841s in this next piece from oh apple pie
5849s there's so much to ask
5851s every time we're gonna go to the forest
5853s three days ago it's Wednesday now when
5856s are we going
5857s yeah this is uh that's not what he's on
5859s about
5860s why is he got chains who chaining him
5862s chaining him I'm chaining him Alice Bay
5866s time to replay the new war let that boy
5869s out let him out put him out I'm free
5871s give him a kiss yep
5873s mom please pick me up I'm scared
5876s yeah this would uh I would not want to
5879s be the Jailer for excalibra nope look at
5883s those Chompies he's got Chompies he's
5885s got a big old hand claw he's got a hell
5887s of a deltoid a hell of a dolphin hell of
5890s a Delta adulthood damn boy oh and his
5892s Chain's breaking he's a break of chains
5894s Chain's breaking seven Game of Thrones
5898s reference it is nice Daenerys Targaryen
5900s Breaker of Chains mother dragons
5904s you know who could own a dragon in a
5906s different life or timeline me uh this
5910s trap hey
5912s perfect
5919s [Music]
5933s it was perfect thank you I definitely
5935s saw that on the subreddit post new war
5936s so that probably has stolen from Wow
5938s copyright some person is like hey hey
5940s whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa cancel
5946s oh my god
5948s um
5955s uh excellent stuff incredible way to
5958s capture one of my favorite parts of the
5959s New York West and and speaking of
5961s capturing things to a high high degree
5963s to Kylie
5964s what what
5966s oh man oh are you kidding me what are
5969s you kidding me are you kidding me I
5972s definitely remember seeing this on
5973s Twitter yeah post aotz I didn't even
5976s notice the is that The Drifter facing
5978s the center no
5981s yeah I just it's just so well hidden in
5984s the circle yeah yeah
5987s there's dryer there's wisp
5990s we got uh an angel Dex with Dex with uh
5994s Kratos equipped I think
5997s or the um yeah
6001s slices yeah yeah yeah those are the
6003s Fritos oh you're talking about May are
6005s you talking about um
6007s oh I mean the pratos is in the picture
6008s all the incurities three of the
6010s incarnates in the picture
6012s this is quite the summary if you haven't
6015s played Angel as Airmen just look at this
6017s and then think do
6020s you want to do this
6022s some of these people will be
6023s your some of them will not
6026s I think
6028s we're all friends you think the Angels
6030s just wanted a hug yeah okay
6032s I think you could be right you're just
6034s hungry we really we really don't give
6036s them a chance to chat no we're just like
6038s me
6040s [Music]
6042s I'm hungry for
6044s snacks
6047s so many snacks you heard it here first
6049s the angles they're just hangry the
6051s angles the angles the angles are just
6053s hungry be my ankle they just want some
6055s animal crackers and some orange juice
6060s we can all be friends aboard the sermon
6064s and you know who else we probably also
6066s want to be friends with yeah Sarah
6068s oh mommy yep
6074s sorry sorry Mommy sorry sorry sorry that
6077s was some good clean family fun yesterday
6078s uh natar is uh going leaving a portal
6083s going through a portal tough to say you
6085s may never know we went over and over
6087s where's she after where is she going
6089s why is your face in three pieces
6092s I love her love her love her lots of
6094s questions yep uh the blue is popping
6097s here and it almost looks like the void
6099s portal is like a little slices little
6103s everyone's sorry and everyone's saying
6105s mommy she's got like two toes
6110s don't out me
6112s yeah I mean I was looking but yeah is
6115s that is that a sin
6116s TN thing of just having the The Hub the
6120s hoof is she a horse well no but like the
6123s sentience they kind of have hooves what
6125s don't they nope they have little
6127s toothpicks
6129s oh no
6131s oh Google that's gonna be like talking
6134s feet legs General discussion Warframe
6137s forums this is what I'm talking about
6138s what are you gonna get
6140s what do we got
6142s okay I've got uh this is just some fan
6145s art oh they're like low they're little
6147s stubblies
6148s okay okay maybe they're not like hubs
6151s they are nuts okay I stand corrected
6154s I stand corrected
6156s you know who would love to be
6158s you know who would love to be corrected
6161s graveyard eight you're saying come at me
6164s bro come at me it even looks like Bane
6168s it's so good yeah
6170s [Music]
6172s well none of that I was merely a master
6174s rank three
6177s nothing wrong with B Master A3 to be
6179s clear for mastering three should I start
6180s somewhere gotta start somewhere I was
6182s going to masturbating we were all the
6183s ones masquerade let me tell you we were
6186s all about that we were all there yeah
6188s graveyard eight this is uh pretty dope
6190s and it's honestly great too because a
6192s lot of us probably did that boss fight
6193s with Rhino as well and Craig went from
6195s wrong this is the old
6197s this is the old Jackal boss fight room
6199s oh
6200s I think it's the old one that is Chad
6202s actually no I think you're right it does
6204s look like the old one the straight salty
6206s mmr4 you keep straight Saltine in my
6209s salty
6210s someone said Dio no this is Bane dark
6213s knight rises that's right
6216s Chris Nolan
6218s brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant
6220s brilliant all right rounding off the fan
6222s art we have from zycray jd18
6227s that looks like a Revy this kind of
6230s looks like their own take on something I
6232s see a little bit of children I see
6236s I see a little bit of chroma a little
6239s bit of Lavos it is like a like a
6242s mismatch it's like a zaku yeah a few
6245s different frames like a little mishmash
6247s of a little collab I'm a fan of the uh
6251s lime green neon green coloring I like
6253s the All-Seeing Eye Cyclops love that for
6256s him this chap knows your crimes yeah
6258s this this Chad Banks right here that's
6261s Chad Bay Chad Banks big Chad Vibes any
6264s relation to jar jar
6266s no no totally different families
6270s different families different families
6271s are the same thing that's our Fan Art
6273s thank you all for uh yeah you're welcome
6276s you're welcome yeah no problem um
6279s but yeah thank you to everyone who
6281s created that art because uh if anyone's
6283s ever seen my 10 October submissions you
6284s know that I struggle uh so thank you for
6287s doing that someone said that's Atlas I
6288s would believe it with them shelves
6291s donation break
6293s s
6299s [Music]
6301s to the team we all live together I agree
6304s thank you so much for that donation we
6306s got five dollars from deathly darkling
6308s to diffusional hey love it fifty dollars
6310s to Kira rahime from Anonymous we got ten
6313s dollars from Miguel TX era sorry for uh
6316s butchering that one 65 from Anonymous
6319s thank you so much we got five dollars
6320s from light Mickey a creator
6325s Purge wolf with thirty dollars to the
6327s cause thank you ten dollars and 32 cents
6330s from number rounder person saying dang
6333s it I fix
6335s thank you for rounding those numbers not
6337s much appreciated
6340s I am uh I'm also a fellow when I see
6343s like odd numbers
6344s or someone if someone adjusts the radio
6346s and they leave it on like 17 oh you
6348s can't do that no dude the numbers I do
6351s that all the time I'll leave your
6352s condition I'll leave it at 23. I don't
6354s care yeah you need it and we got ten
6356s dollars from guts and Natsu thank you so
6358s much everyone for those lovely donations
6364s indeed would you like to go to my screen
6370s welcome to the official 10 October
6372s capture a 2022 Mega thread brought to
6376s you by De Ronnie September 27th and live
6378s stream and content
6379s here's all the information you need
6381s basically you get a prompt every single
6384s day today's prompt would be twin did you
6387s enjoy yesterday's prompt yeah I and to
6390s be fair I did not tell her to do that
6393s yeah
6395s we're gonna go through just page one
6397s we're gonna click randomly Auto fire
6399s let's go with what do we feel like anime
6401s oh it's our girl you're ready we were
6404s just talking about you oh really you're
6406s ready I don't think you're ready for
6408s your belly
6410s I'm saying that a lot during the sisters
6412s of power did you really oh my God I
6414s don't think you're ready for your belly
6415s I wouldn't have even thought Riesling
6418s that's great oh stranger excellent wine
6420s oh tenno first time visiting cetus oh
6425s the Unum Excalibur has a Super Mario
6427s butt Excalibur does have a Super Mario
6429s butt moving on
6432s goni gaming cheeks what do you feel like
6435s what do you want uh let's do okay
6437s there's a Double Anime
6439s do we think that's oh no it's probably
6441s day six let's do night
6444s s or just do anime like
6447s we got the the forest Knight himself
6450s overall Paladin he's got his you he's
6453s got his um Sylvan Aegis yeah Sylvan
6455s Aegis the OG also one of my absolute
6458s favorite helmets Yeah we got oh Coral
6461s leave across there are you ready you
6462s guys ready oh I'm ready this one's about
6465s to oh cyberpunk Rebecca Horsemen of the
6468s Apocalypse Edge Runners which one do we
6471s want Zach you pick Zach anime I want the
6473s edge Runners one you want Edge Runners
6475s cyberpunk Edge Runners cosplay Rebecca
6488s are you
6490s coming incredible all right Rick oh
6493s we're in for it again folks bring the
6495s heat
6497s let's go horse I'm feeling a horse horse
6498s horse horse
6502s you can't ride those that's not possible
6505s you can't ride that's incredible that is
6509s can you imagine I would
6524s oh that just made this so much better
6527s Megan's gonna see this one
6529s I know what I can feel Megan's going to
6531s click it look at his beard I hear Mariah
6535s Carey and I smell candy carrying ice
6536s cream I'm here I'm defrosting
6539s PlayStation Sam 2102 what do you want
6542s yeah
6544s oh there are many unknowns with our
6547s boundless realm but it is always a
6549s worthy choice to avoid those who wear
6551s the hoods of pure silver and possess a
6554s chitness chitness carapace across their
6557s body oh he's got the wow he's got the
6559s nasty eyes
6562s okay they're staring out across the
6564s water I love how they they used the
6566s in-game
6567s um Beacon to be able to sorry not the
6569s beacon but dawn of day four yeah it's
6572s very donor day four uh Pro Minecraft 12.
6575s stranger stranger oh
6578s all right that's actually really scary I
6581s love it I love it Trinity spooky for
6584s sure we got Heavy Metal Mike day one
6588s stranger
6590s locked and loaded black and white oh I
6593s like the Grine text too yeah and the
6594s little black and white scary what's he
6596s up to what's he doing
6598s let's go twin
6602s one
6613s oh
6616s excellent Umbra oh great Operator by the
6619s way oh yeah um
6621s let's go Hood
6622s [Music]
6624s look so he has a tongue there's got to
6626s be low visibility in that hood for sure
6628s but do they need it no it's a cash let's
6632s go stranger
6633s oh beautiful kills can we get a world
6637s that's only black and white
6641s Mark B1 Medusa cap
6644s sule
6645s Attack on Titan spoilers don't tell me
6648s because I'm gonna watch I'm gonna watch
6649s that wait says reference no no but then
6652s the other one says I won't do the
6653s spoilers I'll do reference okay that is
6656s the spoiler we'll kill all the enemies
6657s over there we finally be free oh
6660s you know you know yeah that's the
6663s spoilers one no it's not isn't it no
6665s it's not no no no no not at all well
6667s okay you guys should look at the spoiler
6668s one no I don't want to spoil it for Chad
6671s okay okay I would never do that oh that
6673s hurts okay eight that feels like a
6675s spoiler if you're if it's given that
6677s visceral of a reaction no that's fine
6679s are we getting a Nintendo ain't nothing
6681s but a hound
6682s it's too Festival best of all oh
6689s look at the right
6690s oh almost oh my goodness on those cold
6693s nights be they of naboris or those of
6696s our souls there is a desire for warmth a
6698s guiding glow for Souls Lost in the dark
6700s a reminder of our blazing golden father
6702s who will soon return to break the toilet
6704s for those with the strength to perish on
6706s this night where Spirits are both dead
6707s and living are left to wander we provide
6709s that warmth food to fill empty stomachs
6711s fictions to assure frightened Minds that
6713s there's nothing to fear fire don't be
6715s afraid to serve as Beacon and respect
6717s for the heart thank you that is lovely I
6720s love it you said Grendel's belly too
6722s it's true he is fine he's breathing fast
6725s again np-161
6730s oh God that's amazing
6733s no no
6735s no no what this is that is amazing is
6738s that that's the movie of Schwarzenegger
6740s yes
6741s oh my God I love this so much
6745s you got a huge fan in Dean no that's so
6748s good
6749s unexpected reference yeah oh what do we
6752s got here we got kusing man can't think
6756s much Beauty Vara do that one where oh
6758s can't think much but of our Hood yeah
6760s one of the best hoods in the game
6763s warning nasty cat
6765s anyway I've been warned
6768s oh this is like every anime opening ever
6771s it just blinds you with light
6774s I've been doing them into it alpha or
6777s the I think that's probably like a
6778s Gundam thing anyway Alpha six
6780s um what do you want
6783s night
6786s oh boy yes what a great night
6790s again
6792s I'm loving the black and white yeah lots
6795s of black and white here yeah amazing big
6796s fan uh Eclipse flash what do you want
6799s Zach hello
6801s um I want stranger
6805s oh whoa what a strange
6811s looking at the moon strange look at 05
6816s I'll play Marcus and uh
6819s Festival
6825s it's funny because in the different
6827s context that tiger can look really
6829s scarred yes but in this context he looks
6831s super pumped he's so cute we're all
6833s watching Toy Story together these are
6834s all my friends
6835s Knuckles Wham yeah
6838s I'm gonna go Hood
6843s oh we got a whisk a very spooky wisp
6847s with the nectarless ephemera
6850s and makes oh makes what do you got what
6853s are you up to uh uh Jeff from Jeffrey
6856s Banks oh
6859s limo being sneaky do you have a crush
6863s what's this story man don't be scared
6866s not a stranger stranger for much longer
6867s yeah snide Pizza six Zach what do you
6870s want I want hood hood give me the hood
6876s [Music]
6878s oh that's it for page one yes so this
6882s obviously continues and it continues uh
6885s we got so far four pages everyone
6886s updates their uh one post and it is just
6889s a good old time there's obviously 10
6891s October
6892s um art as well if you want to check that
6893s out participate in it and I think we
6895s need to do do we need to do another
6897s Platinum uh technically no but we can
6899s let's just do another one and then let's
6901s do top 10 comments during the stream
6903s brought to you Marcus has to read out
6905s actually his name though because wait oh
6907s Marcus
6909s oh God
6911s napster4903 won 1000 Platinum please
6913s whisper the Warframe account with your
6915s in-game name and Alice we will send you
6917s your 1000 Platinum
6918s Zach's gonna put that in your account
6920s right away
6922s wow that uh that extra lung capacity
6926s from Saks it's still going a little bit
6928s a little bit yeah
6930s like I'm like in the um
6933s um oh what's that movie with Frankie
6934s Munez and Amanda and he's on the
6937s Hollywood lot with the guy from Scrubs I
6940s know what you're talking about so they
6941s turn blue yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
6943s yeah I can't I don't remember oh
6946s you know what I do remember Big Fat Liar
6948s that's the one big fat liar voice over I
6950s was the first to answer do you know what
6952s I do remember what's that I remember
6953s that we have a clip of the week and this
6955s is a very helpful little got no I
6958s shouldn't say little it's a helpful
6959s guide to update 32.0.9 which brought us
6962s the wonderful Revenant Prime and nice of
6964s naboris and original Wicked fun is gonna
6967s have to give me a hot second I'm sorry
6969s Dean did you not grab your video the
6972s nice thing about this video too is that
6973s it's not even that it's it's small it's
6975s efficient you get all your information
6977s in a compact it is to the point and we
6980s chose a very specific clip because he
6983s pointed out that the Tatsu Prime got a
6987s little bit of a buff
6988s it's Prime version of course
6991s so I'm excited to let you guys know that
6993s because originally good fun your fingers
6995s oh my God all right we're good all right
6998s enjoy this little snippet from original
7000s Wicked funds video on the update
7003s all of the stats
7004s the attack speed has gone from one to
7007s one point one seven the crit chance has
7010s gone from 16 to 22.
7014s status is now 30 instead of 28 even the
7017s crit multiplier has gone from 2 to 2.4
7019s and the damage has gone from 214 to 230
7023s they have buffed the Tatsu Prime in
7026s every single way to build a tattoo frame
7029s you're going to want the axi T10 Relic
7031s that's going to obviously have the
7032s handle as the rear the lith H6 that's
7034s going to have the blueprint as the
7036s common and the Neo T6 that's going to
7039s have the blade as The Uncommon yes this
7042s thing should
7045s yay you know I loved about that video
7047s too it reminds you that in the Codex you
7050s can see the drop Source relics super
7052s handy check out the Codex there's a lot
7053s in there thanks codex and thank you
7054s original Wicked fun thank you for that
7056s video If you obviously want to see the
7057s whole thing it'll be linked in the
7059s YouTube description for watching this
7061s video but also you can just Google
7062s original Wicked fun in YouTube and find
7064s their videos and check all about Revenue
7066s Prime what he brought and Knights of
7068s nervous now now
7072s [Music]
7075s what are we doing okay
7079s [Music]
7082s oh [ __ ] go go go play that in truth
7086s for top ten coming
7089s we have dojos we're gonna do those next
7091s time because 8 P.M you guys man sorry
7094s guys
7107s already starting with ragno over in the
7110s Discord hello Ragnar I was oh I was
7113s really born in the Irish
7115s equipped an adaptation
7121s did you just win a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
7124s tournament what Tom Hardy wanted
7126s Brazilian Jiu Jitsu tournament oh my
7128s gosh he's the coolest the respect I have
7131s right I wish he was my dad
7133s mom Hardy can you be my dad
7136s just kidding Dad I love you
7139s from Rapids over in the Discord I love
7142s the creativity and all these donations
7143s I'm gonna try and get my hair dyed pink
7146s for the girls
7149s held to it yeah this is an official no
7153s draft you've been caught in four days
7155s yeah better do it moving on trap Travis
7159s Marcus has nightmares about
7161s anthropomorphic brooms that help him
7162s clean hashtag Fantasia it's weird is it
7165s true
7170s is that scary it's like you ever seen
7173s ghetto with Jordan peel I guess hippos
7175s really bad parts of it yeah it's scary
7177s Mickey's trying to like he's trying to
7178s get upstairs but the water's going too
7179s fast and the brooms can't help him fast
7181s enough he's drowning but there's an
7182s important lesson to be learned is that
7183s you can't cheat your way through your
7185s chores that's the whole point what a
7188s great thing it's like it's like hearing
7191s the version one of children's fairy
7193s tales where it's like yeah low ride
7195s riding hood like the one you're hearing
7197s not the one kids used to hear you know
7199s not the one kids used to hear that's
7200s like Fantasia you enjoy your Frozen we
7203s watch Fantasia if you really think about
7206s it Fantasia and Spider-Man no way home
7208s have a lot in common oh no
7213s [Music]
7220s I hide
7222s I hide the lady from Discord look at
7226s them they come to this race when they
7227s know they have not trained
7229s um
7232s and I'm gonna get I'm definitely gonna
7234s get someone cursing at me
7237s to be very concerned for yourself
7240s a few tries
7244s I'm sure you've trained for sure they're
7246s like I I rolled my ankle three weeks ago
7248s how dare you now at number six from
7252s Dragon fart Rider wallum Defoe
7255s right now
7258s I had to include it there's just someone
7260s on a glider behind the dragon like yeah
7263s sure
7266s the egg is cracked what shall we do oh
7270s not my egg my egg is very quick your egg
7272s is cracked I think it's I think it's oh
7274s no different shampoo I'm holding it
7276s together with my arms right now
7280s from Fallon Rose over the Discord
7281s Gandalf the Gray again off the way and
7283s now from D Gand off the WTF is that
7286s Gandalf Miku The Forbidden mix
7289s transcended form uh from a moose irel
7293s over in twitch Tech almost Hamlet West
7296s Virginia
7296s [Laughter]
7305s in twitch chat imagine creating an egg
7308s diaper willingly it wasn't it was okay
7313s bird nest baby you're not too far off
7315s from an egg diaper yourself if you're a
7316s bird nest baby oh true right yeah and
7320s they're like walking around yeah yeah
7321s that's a fact fact yeah but they're like
7323s but they're born that way you did it
7324s yourself but this was this was also for
7326s charity this was for Quest To Conquer
7328s Cancer I think the first year and it
7330s took you don't just wear it on like a
7332s Sunday this was a fun project yeah
7342s [Laughter]
7363s [Laughter]
7372s [Applause]
7375s congratulations that is amazing yeah I
7379s was gonna stand up but my egg's gonna
7380s fall off oh I sat on it congratulations
7384s we have a great top 10 that way
7388s thanks to chat for those great comments
7390s should we also do a Revenant Prime
7392s access
7396s oh no that is not healthy all right
7399s Marcus who's the winner oh
7404s my God oh my God he runs he's like
7408s reversed Darth Vader right he's made
7409s take my lungs for the marathon which
7411s would be really too bad Ty Farrell you
7413s have won the first Revenant Prime access
7415s they were giving out actually we might
7416s have had one on uh war from
7418s International today possibly yesterday
7420s Ty Farrell uh please whisper the
7423s Warframe account on Twitch with your
7424s in-game alias in the platform that you
7426s play on we will get you your Revenant
7427s Prime access
7429s congratulations wait oh I was gonna say
7431s do some helium and do a Gandalf grunt oh
7434s my God yes please I might have to get a
7436s whole another balloon for that nah you
7438s should protect my lungs this is probably
7439s not good I'm gonna get a call from
7440s someone after someone
7444s um I like I mentioned we
7447s um
7447s [Music]
7451s that sounded cursed that was terrifying
7453s yeah that sounded like you would say
7455s thousands of years
7457s oh my god
7459s um unfortunately we're not gonna do Dojo
7460s tonight because we are over time and we
7462s do have a very special individual
7464s dysfusional that we're going to be
7465s rating they are doing their Quest this
7469s daughter because she's gonna be yeah
7474s uh and she's gonna be continuing their
7477s quest to con cancer on her stream and
7478s she's joined by these
7485s thank you so much for joining us all
7488s your incredible donations for this
7490s stream Marcus is going to have one heck
7491s of a run I am thank you all so much from
7493s the bottom of my heart thank you so
7495s excited for you're gonna do great you're
7496s gonna crush it thank you for reminding
7498s me that I need to burn this costume I
7500s appreciate you all Dean thank you for
7502s being here of course Zach thanks for
7504s being here thank you Marcus thank you
7505s for being here hey thank you for being
7506s here man anytime I live here have a
7508s wonderful night everyone hang out with
7510s this fusional continue the love over
7512s there she's amazing and does incredible
7514s cosplay maybe Zach's gonna cosplay
7516s you'll never know because you don't get
7517s to see him right now you really don't
7519s have a wonderful night stay safe and we
7521s will see you next time bye
7524s [Music]