3 months
ago -
Intrepid FishToot!
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Black Friday is back, Tenno, bringing dazzling deals across the Origin System!
From now until December 4, you can save up to 60% on select packs and items. So pick up something extra special for yourself as a treat — including the Dante Chronicles Pack, which will be retired after this sale!
Sale includes: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2882060/Warframe_Dante_Chronicles_Pack/?curator_clanid=4437469
That’s not all! Select TennoGen items will be 40% off as well, giving you the chance to personalize your arsenal!
Browse the in-game Market on your platform of choice and take advantage of steep discounts. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your adventures and gear up for epic battles!
Remember, Tenno: Sale dates vary by Time Zone
- Steam: November 22 at 6 p.m. UTC to December 4 at 6 p.m. UTC
Check out rare Black Friday deals on Merch before they end on December 2! Make your shelf shine with the stealthy Ivara Collector’s Statue, sharpshooting Mesa Collector’s Statue and much more HERE[store.warframe.com]!