almost 6 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link

I'm so sorry to hear you're experiencing crashes. We're working on improvements to roll out in future hotfixes.

I've gathered all of your crash reports and passed them along to our team who is working on improving stability in the Orb Vallis. In the meantime, if a crash at the end of a mission prevents you from receiving rewards, please contact our Support team. Let them know the following details about items you lost from a dropped mission, and they'll do everything they can:

  1. The lost reward that was most important to you, which you'd like to receive
  2. The alias or aliases of member(s) in your squad
  3. Roughly the time and day you were playing

Support has been told about the crashes on Orb Vallis, so they'll know some extra help might be needed.

Edited by [DE]Helen
almost 6 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link

Let's simplify the process! If you can provide the following details when you get in touch with Support about items you lost from a dropped mission, they'll do everything they can:

  1. The lost reward that was most important to you, which you'd like to receive
  2. The alias or aliases of members in your squad
  3. Roughly the time and day you were playing

Support has been told about the crashes on Orb Vallis, so they'll know some extra help might be needed. I've edited my message above to keep everyone on the same page!

almost 6 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link

@(NSW)Draggeta Please PM me here on the forums so I can look into that for you!

almost 6 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link

Thank you for your patience, Tenno! Today, we launched Buried Debts: Hotfix 2, which included a fix for a crash related to the Coolant Raknoids. We'll continue to improve stability in Orb Vallis in future hotfixes!

almost 6 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link

Today's Hotfix included two changes that will improve stability on the Orb Vallis! More to come:

  1. Optimized significant performance deterioration when talking to Vent Kids on the Orb Vallis; this was most noticeable during the initial dialogue when starting a K-Drive Race.
  2. Fixed certain Transmissions encountering a script failure
almost 6 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link

More fixes have been integrated in Update 24.6.2!

  • Fixed several crashes and script errors.

  • Fixed Orb Vallis Drones respawning with full Health/Shields after a Host Migration.

  • Fixed a loss of functionality that occurred if you were playing a looping Emote while transitioning from Fortuna to Vallis or Cetus to the Plains.

over 5 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link

Hi again! Today's update included two more fixes that will improve Fortuna and Orb Vallis performance:


Fixed a script error when purchasing Debt-Bonds from Ticker.    

Fixed a rare crash when transition from a Vallis/Plains to Fortuna/Cetus.