about 6 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link

Buried Debts: Update 24.4.0


We bring you our first Operation of 2019. It's big, deep, and it starts now. Buckle in, Tenno. While we have no clan leaderboard with this Operation, you can earn many rewards by participating and unlocking the mysteries of Fortuna. 

This Operation begins with a Community Goal - the hunt is on, Tenno. Can you unlock the secrets of the dead? If you've been paying attention to Devstreams, you may already know where to start looking... 

You can receive Operation Specific Rewards by participating in parts of this event.

The first reward is more abstract - you can expand the Orb Vallis by solving a puzzle.... Together. 

Thermia fractures are cracking open the surface of Venus, a consequence of Nef Anyo’s unrelenting greed. He’s willing to do whatever it takes for a quick profit, including putting the whole Orb Vallis at risk. By figuring out how to stop the Thermia fractures, you're able to earn these rewards:

  • Operation Emblem
  • Amalgam Mods x4
  • Operation Sigil
  • Opticor Vandal 

You get 1 point for each Thermia Fracture you close - if you close 4 Fractures with 1 Coolant canister, you get 3 bonus points (7 total)! 

And eventually, an incredible new boss fight will unlock where you can earn Hildryn! We are expecting this to take approximately a week with the estimated pacing of this Operation. Free players - we appreciate your patience, rest assured Hildryn is a completely free Warframe for you to earn as the Operation unfolds! 

Good luck, Tenno. You can all help each other if you know where to look. 

Brief note about difficulty intention: some players may find some of the combat encounters of this operation difficult. It is intended that this is a higher difficulty. 

Brief note about event recurrence: we have this set up to occur as a world event frequently. This will not be a case of Hildryn being inaccessible as Thermia Fractures will occur in the Orb Vallis regularly, enabling the boss fight. We will be monitoring for balance as always! 


"How do I start Operation: Buried Debts?"

There are two parts to this event that you'll need to contribute to:

1) Scan anything that looks mysterious - a map just might be floating around Orb Vallis
2) A bird's eye view will help you find Thermia fractures! Kill Coolant Raknoids to take their canisters and put them on a Thermia fracture. When the canister is ready, you'll need to defend it from Corpus enemies

Close 4 Thermia fractures with 1 Coolant canister for bonuses... and who know what might happen later...

"Where can I find Coolant Raknoids?"

You will found Coolant Raknoids following the Exploiter Orb up near the Temple of Profit.

about 6 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link
3 minutes ago, Ramflax said:

I got a pretty nasty bug in the event, I closed my third fracture and when it hit 100/100 it teleported the canister over 2000 meters away. When i tried to go to it, so that i can finish the objective, The game told me I abandoned the objective while trying to fly to the canister. 

We're aware of this bug and will have a fix in the next Hotfix! In the meantime, there is a workaround: if players are in a group, one player can stay where the canister is supposed to be, and the another can go wake it up. That will keep the mission from being abandoned.

about 6 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link

Mysterious screenshots below...




about 6 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link
1 minute ago, Quamobrem said:

Controllers are basically broken right now, since Melee Channel is basically forced into overriding either aim or fire.

We're aware of this bug and are working on a fix!

about 6 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link
2 minutes ago, Latchei said:

Encountering a bug in the event, canister is disappearing after i pick up the canister and go into archwing or atleast when I leave archwing.

Thank you for letting us know! Investigating now.

about 6 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link
5 minutes ago, mac10smg-ToaOfGreen said:

Okay...so, regarding the ‘mysterious screenshot’...

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I scanned all of the data hashes. When I get to the terminal to hack, none of the glyphs are active.

I went back to my orbiter, and saw that none of the scans registered. They were still all listed as not discovered. I double-checked, and yes, the data was already scanned.



Not a bug! It's going to take scans from many Tenno to unlock the terminal. Megan explained in the update notes: "And eventually, an incredible new boss fight will unlock where you can earn Hildryn! We are expecting this to take approximately a week with the estimated pacing of this Operation."

about 6 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link

Just added some details to the FAQ section of this thread to help clarify!


"How does progress work for this event?"

This will take some team effort! All Tenno contribute to the Operation progress scans and rewards, so keep scanning! Once all fragments have been scanned by enough Tenno, the Operation will progress into a new phase.

Here are some details from our Update Notes that might also help clarify this event's timeline:


And eventually, an incredible new boss fight will unlock where you can earn Hildryn! We are expecting this to take approximately a week with the estimated pacing of this Operation.

We don't want anyone missing out on exclusive event items, so this event will reoccur regularly! More details to come.