almost 6 years
ago -
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So much talent! We had to take it to a company-wide vote to select the winners for this contest, and everyone at DE agreed there were too many incredible submissions to put just one in-game. That is why both the first place and second place masks will be added to Nakak's shop! I can't thank you enough for sharing your beautiful designs with us. We admire your creativity.
Here are the Venetian Carnival contest winners:
Spoiler1. Roimonstre (will be added in-game!)
2. HUMERONYMUS (will be added in-game!)
Here are the Venetian Carnival contest honorable mentions from which we selected the winners:
Spoiler- Aerelm
- ATz1
- Bonchi-ponsuke
- BrickJaW_
- Dark Vash 64 Hi
- DayaWolf
- GCPD_OfficerHecate
- Harmaa7
- Kiikuo
- kirchhoffTBERSeK
- LizzardTales
- LordBakal
- Lyndrae
- MetaPyrrus
- PamithaTheyn
- Putzischen
- Ruka-Desu
- RumzRumz
- Synthorange
- TheShinyMagnet
- Veneficilla
- Xyrakko