4 months ago - [DE]Danielle - Direct link


  • Fixed using Transference right as you fall into a Teleport Volume resulting in function loss (being unable to use Abilities, etc).
  • Fixed being unable to interact with Necraloid or use Transference in the Sanctum Anatomica immediately after completing The Lotus Eaters Quest. 
  • Fixed Sevagoth Prime’s Shadow having an entry in the Codex and in Player Profiles. 
  • Fixed instances of too-dark lighting in the Helminth Room of the Orbiter.
  • Fixed a map hole in the Albrecht’s Laboratories tileset. 
  • Fixed being able to access the Gear Wheel during The Lotus Eaters Quest. There’s a time and place for everything! But not now. 
  • Fixed elemental FX being applied to the entirety of the Impaktor Fist Skin, instead of just the hitting edge.
  • Fixed loss of function if Atlas cast Rumblers with the Rumbled Augment equipped just before dying. 
  • Fixed a rare crash at the end of The Lotus Eaters Quest. 
  • Fixed being able to use Fast Travel during the last segment of The Lotus Eaters Quest, resulting in unintended effects. 
  • Fixed Protector Stalker not dropping Dojo Pigments. 

For list of known issues for The Lotus Eaters that require future code changes and or did not make it into this Hotfix, visit our dedicated thread:

4 months ago - [DE]Taylor - Direct link
10 minutes ago, xRhoninx said:

Would love to see a fix for the ammo pickup bug when weapon is in incarnon mode. I've had several instances of being unable to interact with some terminals until swapping weapons or using operator. It's not just an audio bug, it's affecting other interactions.

Is this the bug you're referring to? 


4 months ago - [DE]Taylor - Direct link
12 minutes ago, TheraSenpai said:

The "Sort by" options are a bit bugged. When I try to order my frames by usage, they order by name instead of my most used ones 



I'm not able to reproduce this on my end, is there a specific way you are accessing this screen, etc?

4 months ago - [DE]Taylor - Direct link
9 minutes ago, FangedWolf619 said:

Any devs here noticed the riven dispo of VERGLAS PRIME doesn't match the wikis, is it bugged? Its 1 dot out of 5. Help please?

Verglas Prime's disposition is intended, consistent with all other Sentinel weapons!