over 4 years
ago -
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The Deadlock Protocol: Hotfix 28.0.1
- Clem has gained a friend in his special hangout spot!
- Cephalite Resonance Tears and Nora Night transmissions will no longer occur during Quest missions.
- Fixed a crash that could be caused by a Riven Chat Link from someone who hasn't downloaded the update yet.
- Fixed crash when certain update assets could not be downloaded correctly.
- Fixed launcher detection of DirectX 11 support on Windows 7 systems missing OS Updates.
- Fixed Granum Void enemies not spawning if under control by your Kuva Lich.
- Fixed Corinth Air Burst Alt Fire Status Chance stat UI displaying a value less than expected.
- Fixed Kuva Siphons clipping into geometry in the Corpus Ship tileset.
- Fixed Companion Moa’s appearing to flash red when shot at.
- Fixed lingering red spark FX after picking up a Health Orb from Protea’s Dispensary until all players have picked it up.
- Fixed a script error when trying to Auto Install Mods on a Sentinel weapon.
- Fixed script error when opening Simaris’ Offerings without having started The Deadlock Protocol Quest.
- Fixed a script error that could occur when switching to a Private Message tab in Chat.
- Potential fix for a script error that could occur when a Corpus screen is activated in the Corpus Ship tileset.
Fixed a script error when casting numerous Warframe Abilities.