about 1 year ago - [DE]Taylor - Direct link

Hi! This is intended. The main blueprint is from bounties, the components are from endless missions. :)

Here's the blurb from patch notes for reference:


Its Blueprint is rewarded in the Cavia Bounties and its Components are found in the drop tables for the new Endless Mission Nodes on Deimos (Persto, Munio, and Cambire).


about 1 year ago - [DE]Taylor - Direct link
6 minutes ago, Andvarja said:

I think they mean that the only rare reward being offered for any Cavia bounty right now happens to be the Mandonel BP.  This was the case a few hours ago on a different bounty rotation, too.  Is it intended to be the only rare tier reward available for these bounties?

Yep! Intended.