8 months ago - bloates - Direct link
TennoCon 2024 took us on a wild ride back to 1999 and introduced us to the 20th century's hottest musical group[www.warframe.com], On-lyne. If you watched TennoLive, you've probably been hearing the sweet harmonies from their latest single PARTY OF YOUR LIFETIME over and over in your head ever since.

Fortunately, you can now indulge in 90's boy-band nostalgia to your heart's content with the complete version of the song, available for your listening pleasure on YouTube:

PARTY OF YOUR LIFETIME is also currently available on your streaming platform of choice:

Listen Now Not into streaming? Get PARTY OF YOUR LIFETIME on Bandcamp[warframe.bandcamp.com].

Matthew Chalmers
Keith Power

Matthew Chalmers
Keith Power
George Spanos
Erich Preston

Keith Power
Matthew Chalmers
Jacob Critch
Arnold Tongol
Juvon Taylor
Jaemin Kim

If you missed out on the TennoLive Demo, or just want to enjoy the 90's vibes all over again, you can watch it here.