almost 6 years ago - /u/rebulast - Direct link

Our first batch of live data is here! Read on, Riven masters!

You may recall:

Today I want to update you all on this part: 'When the data is set up we will post links and explain the update cadence / data, then toolmakers can either start or continue to provide Riven trade analysis for players.'

Right to the goods:


PC: Updated weekly based on the prior week's trades:

PS4: Updated weekly based on the prior week's trades:

XB1: Updated weekly based on the prior week's trades:

SWITCH: Updated weekly based on the prior week's trades:


There are 8 fields to start things off in Phase 1:

  • itemType: What type of Riven is it?
  • compatibility: Which Weapon is the Riven for?
  • rerolled: Has it been rolled or unrolled (true/false)?
  • avg: Average value of trades with this Riven Type.
  • stddev: The average variation in the prices that the Riven trades for.
  • min: Lowest amount of Platinum per trade of this Riven Type.
  • max: Highest amount of Platinum per trade of this Riven Type.
  • pop: Popularity of this Riven Type being traded within all traded Rivens.


This is actual trade data, not trade-chat data, released with the purposes to help toolbuilders and players learn more about market value of their Riven Mods. It is planned to auto-repopulate at 00:00 UTC Monday (the first week might require manual push as we get set up here). Of course, value is always open to interpretation. We are experimenting with this whole idea in Phase 1 - we don't really know what to expect, as is often the case. While it doesn't matter what we expect, what matters is why we are doing this: to remove any foul play in the Market. After a couple of weeks of feedback and results, we plan on bringing a bit more data, so please be constructive in replies.

All of this data is made up of Riven + Platinum trades. We do not include '1 Platinum' trades in our averages, etc, because we consider these to be between friends and not reflective of Market reality (although, friends, why not choose Ammo Drum)?

Riven Trading is indeed an optional part of the Warframe experience, we hope that those who participate in it find this helpful! Thank you to all who helped push this idea along, you know who you are <3!

External link →
almost 6 years ago - /u/rebulast - Direct link

Originally posted by Lord_Dust_Bunny

It's definitely helpful and interesting. The data is very user unfriendly though, and the way it is set up make a decent chunk of the data meaningless.

For instance, the min/max values are both basically useless as we have things like a unrolled Afuris riven's min/max being 10 plat and 8,000 plat respectively. This also makes a unrolled Afuris 'average' at 294 plat per unrolled riven, with a standard deviation of 1,088 plat.

This makes the information basically useless for anyone trying to figure out how much a unrolled Afuris is worth. All they know is it sells for between nothing and hundreds of dollars of plat, and that the range most Rivens fall under is between nothing and ~1,400 plat. This problem isn't Afuris specific; it applies to most every other Riven on here.

This is showing absolute ranges, which is of curiosity value in Phase 1 for sure. Phase 2 will include some amount of stat details / level of Mod fusion which will be appended to these min/max values in some way. Ground work!

almost 6 years ago - /u/rebulast - Direct link

Originally posted by genkidama

Maybe now I can get over my crippling anxiety about in-game trading, if the effect of this is that I can feel reasonably sure that I'm not getting hosed by a predatory trader!

It's a start!

almost 6 years ago - /u/rebulast - Direct link

Originally posted by Agent_Bakery

Was the calculation for popularity changed in some way? Before it was given as a float but now it is coming in as an integer value.


Yes - you can see a dated edit in our main forum post:

pop: Popularity of this Riven Type being traded within all traded Rivens. Popularity of this Riven Type being traded in relation to the most popular Riven Type in the list. Effective May 12 Data.