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Not to be disrespectful to the ones that animated those cool grapple sequences with the Kuva liches, but in their dialog, the liches are are always talking about being deathless, replacing their organs, reviving and so on... when in the end, they only die two times: one when we kill them as larvlings, and another when we get the right parazon combination...

Shouldn't it be that instead of grappling us and leaving, we "kill" them, and they later come back stronger?

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over 5 years ago - /u/rebulast - Direct link

Originally posted by cross-joint-lover

I was thinking exactly the same thing and made a thread about it a while back, to see if others felt the same:

Failed combination on the Lich should result in the Lich's (temporary) death, not ours! The Lich should die and come back stronger until we end the cycle with the correct Requiem phrase. (3 weeks ago)

And yep, not a single person argued for the current system and literally everyone thought that it should be the way you and I describe, the way it was hinted at during the TennoCon reveal. (Which in itself is quite telling, as Reddit hardly ever unanimously agrees on a topic.)

Besides that one vague remark from Rebecca, this has not been addressed despite many other threads and comments all saying exactly the same. I think we all assumed that it was a rushed release and the next iteration would fix it.

But seeing nothing but minor fixes three weeks later, I started thinking that maybe there was nothing to fix, that maybe DE were happy with the current system. So I made another thread trying to understand their reasoning behind this bizarre design choice:

Why do Liches repeatedly kill us and not the other way around? Help me understand DE's choices and reasoning. (3 days ago)

Same replies as here - no one knows, but people assume that someone at DE just really liked the pro wrestling death animations and decided to cram them in against all lore and logic. Few think it might get reverted once Railjack comes out, but a lot more have doubts about that too. I paged u/rebulast in there to see if there's any official statement on that, but so far the topic at large has been ignored - that could mean that they simply don't care, but it could also could mean that they're busy working on something, and they don't have anything definite to share yet.

The lore choices / flow choices are pretty much set - pacing is up for review - but the Lich true immortality + Parazon Requiem flow is not changing as far as I know.