about 5 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link


Love's arrow-ma is in the air! Equip your bow and arrow and become Warframe's Cupid. Find two in-game characters destined for one another and take a screenshot of you striking them with your arrow. They could be anywhere - love knows no bounds! Ostron, Grineer, Nef Anyo, a couple of Infested Chargers. Wherever you see it, aim, fire, and show us the screenshot of your Cupid's bow in action!

How to enter: Just like Cupid, take a screenshot or Captura image of you striking an in-game pair that is destined for one another with your arrow. Share your image in this thread for judging!

Need an example?


  • Only 1 submission per person
  • Submission must be appropriate for the community forums
  • Submission must be your original work
  • Do not reserve posts in the contest thread
  • Submissions that do not follow these rules will be disqualified.


  • 1st place – Ivara Prime Access!
  • 2nd place – 1000 Platinum!
  • 3rd place – 750 Platinum!
  • 4th place – 500 Platinum!
  • 5th place – 250 Platinum!

Winners will be determined based on the quality of the image and the creativity of the execution.

The contest is on now and ends Thursday, February 13 at 1:00 PM ET.


about 5 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link

This won't do! I'm passing your reports along to the team now - a fix is in the works!

1 hour ago, (NSW)Zwiebel said:

@[DE]Helen Captura on Switch is broken since the new Update. That means Switch Player can't participate!



54 minutes ago, (NSW)starsbug said:

Oh hey, das me.
Yeah, I've been tinnkering with it since then. Half the inputs aren't working for advanced options in captura, and nothing seems to fix the camera wanting to soom off into the atmosphere. I've been trying to work around it and take something with the limit options I have, but rn it would just be easier to record myself in a mission and take a screenshot of the recording after the fact, rather than use captura. Pls let me know if you can figure something out too, lol.